《Will you be mine?》Chapter 4



I woke up with a gasp. The train stopped abruptly and i slowly got off. I looked at my map and got in a taxi. I told him the directions and we set off. It was going to be a long journey so i settled down. However, i couldn't get to comfortable and soon a sharp pain exploded in my chest. A sharp crack rented the air and i let out a sigh. The pain was strong but i was used to it and i quickly dry swallowed 6 morphine tablets and 3 pain killers. While the medicine kicked in the taxi driver noticed my discomfort and asked if i was ok. I told him i was fine and he carried on driving giving my occasional looks with expressions of concern. The journey was a long one and i tried to get some sleep and exhausted as i was i fell into a restless sleep...

"Here we are..."

I woke up with a start. I looked around and saw he had parked infront of a giant house surrounded by snowy mountains. I had arrived. I shakily got out and gave the man $260. "Cheers" he said cheerfully and drove off. The second he left the vampires zoomed to my side.

I collapsed with pain and the last memory I got before blacking out was a whirl of blond hair and being carried inside.....

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