《Wished Away : Loki x neutral!reader》25. M'lady


After getting ready for a date with Loki you walk to his room and knock on the door. "Are you ready yet?" you yell through the door.

"Yes!" he yells back, his voice sounding a little different, "I need to ask you something first!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"Just come in," he says.

"Okay," You say before opening the door. "If I walk in and you're naked I swea- Oh."

You see Loki and she looks—One. obviously feminine, and Two. very nervous.

Loki looks down, "I'm sorry, it's okay if you don't want to go on the date with me like this. I understand."

"Doll, I'm happy to go on a date with you in any of your forms! Male, female, neither—it's all okay. That's who you are, and I love every part of you," you say.

"Are you sure?" she asks, smoothing her dress.

"Positive. Now let's get going, don't want to miss the daylight," you assure, stretching out your hand for her to hold.

Loki nods and grabs your hand. You gently pull her out of her room and down the hallway, stopping before you get to the living room.

"We can just teleport outside if you aren't comfortable seeing the team like this," you say, squeezing her hand. "It's up to you."

She hesitates, "We- We can see the team."

Loki starts dragging you into the room, determined to get this over with. "Y/n and I are going out. We'll see you all later," she announces.

Clint looks over at you two. "Who's the chick Y/n? Loki's going to be mad if he finds out your cheating," Clint chastises.

This causes Thor to look up. He smiles, "That is Loki. Have fun on your date, Sister!"


"Thank you, Brother," she smiles, before turning and walks to the elevator pulling you behind her. Once the doors close, she leans against the wall and breaths out. "That was stressful."

"But you did it! Go you!!" you encourage.

"Thank you," Loki smiles, looking over at you. "I mean it."

"Anytime Loki. Now, have I told you that you look amazing?"

"No," she laughs. "You haven't."

"Well I am! You look amazing, doll."

"Thank you," Loki blushes. "Ya know, I really like it when you call me that."

"Call you what? Doll?" you ask.

"Yes," she answers, her face turning more red.

"Well, I make sure to do it more, doll," you say right as the elevator doors open.

You two walk over to the car. "Where to first, doll?" you ask. "Coffee or bookstore?"

Loki's face turns a bright red. "Coffee and then walk to the bookstore?"

"Sounds like a plan."

You drive to the coffee shop, and find a place to park nearby. You two walk in and you get a simple iced coffee, and Loki gets tea.

Slowly sipping your drinks, you leave the store and start walking to the bookstore. It's the same one from your first date.

You browse the aisles for a while, sitting on the floor and showing each other books you think the other might like. Eventually, you each find a book that catches your eye.

You check out and then leave the store, and start walking back to the car, your drinks finished long ago.

While walking in silence, you see a Home Depot across the street. You turn to Loki, getting an idea, "Hey, Lokes? You want to see something magical?"

"Something more magical than me, darling?" she jokes, looking over at you.


"There is nothing more magical than you, but seriously, come on. You have to see this," you say, looking both ways before pulling on her hand and crossing the street.

"A hardware store?" Loki says skeptically looking up at the big orange logo.

"Hold on..." You look up at the signs hanging over the aisles looking a specific one. Once you find it you lead Loki to it. "Here. The famous Home Depot light aisle."

She looks around. "Woah...That's beautiful."

"I know, every time I come here I feel like a moth," you chuckle while looking at the pure amazement on Loki's face.

She looks over at you and you find her eyes lingering on your lips.

"Can I kiss you?" you ask.

"Yes," she answers.

You put your hands on her jaws and slowly bring her lips to yours, tilting your head slightly so your nose isn't in the way. She puts her arms around your neck, still holding the small bag with your new books inside, and kisses you back.

After a minute, you slowly pull away and lean your head on her forehead.

"I've always wanted to do that," you whisper to her.

"What? Kiss someone in a hardware store?" she deadpans.

"No, silly, kiss someone in the light aisle of a hardware store. Much different," you say, making her laugh.

"I love you," she says, leaning back but still keeping her arms around in your neck.

"Love you too," you respond, blushing.

You two move away from each other, and Loki grabs your hand as you start heading to the exit.

"Best date ever," she smiles.


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