《Wished Away : Loki x neutral!reader》7. Food Court Confessional


"Wake up Y/n, we're going shopping!" Nat announces, opening your bedroom door.

You throw your blanket over your head. "I don't wanna."

"Well, unless you want to be stuck wearing Stark Industries merch for the rest of your life I suggest you get up and get dressed," she says, yanking the covers off your head.

"I'm only going if we get coffee," you say sitting up.

"Deal," Nat replies, before leaving your room.

Half an hour later, you walk into the living room ready to leave. "Let's go Nat, I hear the coffee calling my name."

"Y/n, we have coffee machines here. You don't need to go out and buy coffee?" Tony says, confused.

"It's not the same Tin Man, not the same," you sigh.

"It's just coffee," Sam says walking past you into the kitchen. "It can't be that different."

"'It's just coffee," you mock. "I'm sorry I have better taste than you guys and like whip cream and caramel on my iced coffee."

Tony sits up. "Ohhh, so you don't like coffee you like Coffee the Desert ™."

"Don't we all?" Wanda asks.

"No, some of us happen to be correct," Tony glares at you, "And actually like coffee and use it to fuel our caffeine addictions."

"Okay, this debate is over. Y/n let's go," Nat says, getting off the couch and walking towards you.

"Alrighty, see ya later losers!" you yell, following Nat into the elevator. "So Nat, whats the plan?"

She turns to face you. "Coffee first, obviously. Then we go to the mall, shop for half an hour to an hour, go to the food court, go back to shopping, and then pass by walmart to get Clint some pop rocks."


"Sounds good, I'm looking forward to going to the food court. I want to know what kind of restaurants you have here," you smile.

The elevator opens and Nat walks out, you following behind her, and she heads to the garage. You both get into a black subaru, and she starts the engine.

"You'll love the coffee shop nearby. They sell the best cookies," Nat says, driving out onto the road.

"Yes! Cookies and coffee! I love you Nat!" you say, causing Nat to smile.

Next thing you know Nat parks the car on the side of the street. You both walk out onto the sidewalk and she leads you into the coffee shop.

You look at the menu as you wait in line and decide on a simple iced caramel coffee.

"What can I get you for today?" the cashier asks, obviously trying to stay calm despite the fact that the Black Widow is standing in front of them.

"Hi, I'd like a large black coffee with three extra shots of espresso, and 2 chocolate chip cookies," Nat answers, before looking at you.

"Oh, yeah, and I would like a medium iced caramel coffee."

"Perfect, we'll call out the order when it's ready," they smile, going to get the cookies and handing them to Nat in a paper bag.

You and Nat walk out of the line and stand by to wait for your drinks.

You look over at Nat. "I couldn't tell if the cashier was scared or excited that you were there."

"I know, it's a burden I must live with," she says sarcastically. "They must be new, most of the cashiers are used to me by now."

"One large black coffee with 3 shots of espresso, and one medium iced caramel coffee!"


You both walk over to the counter to grab your drinks.

"Have a nice day!"

"You too!" you say, before following Nat out of the shop. You take a sip of your coffee and stop walking. "This is the best coffee I've ever had. I could have been drinking this liquid gold my whole life—I feel cheated."

Nat nods in understanding before getting into the car. "Get in loser, we're going shopping," she calls to you from the window.

"Oh yeah," you say, moving from where you stood stopped in the sidewalk, and as soon as you get in the car, you stick out your hand. "Cookie me."

Nat pulls a cookie out of the bag and sets it in your hand before starting the car.

A whole cookie, a quarter of a coffee, and half an hour later you arrive at the mall. You practically jump out of the car, and Nat gets out and immediately chugs the rest of her coffee.

"Okay, let's go," she says.

The first store you go to is some clothing store you've never heard of. It has the same energy as a JC Penny's.

On your way to the food court you spot a Hot Topic. "Nat we have to go in there, I need to see what it looks like here."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine."

You walk in and it looks basically the same. Instead of Marvel T-Shirts there were Avengers T-Shirts.

"Wow, it's basically the same. I thought it would be much different," you say in surprise.

"Yeah, we're a pretty big deal here," Nat says, using her hand to toss her hair behind her shoulder.

"Anyways, let's go. I'm hungry."

"You read my mind," Nat replies, following you out of the store.

Once you get to the food court you both order and after getting your food you sit down at a table.

"Note to self: you can't sustain yourself on only coffee and a cookie," you say, taking a bite of your food.

"You can if you're not a coward," Nat replies. "Soo, Y/n, which one of us do you have a crush on?" She asks, leaning forward.

You choke on your food. "What?!"

"You heard me."

"I've only known you all for like a week, how can I have a crush on anyone already?!"

"You've technically known us for years, now tell me, is it Loki?" Nat smiles.

"Why do you say that? How do you know it isn't you?!" you sputter.

Nat leans back in her seat. "Because you bring him dinner every night."

"That's because-"

"Because you like him."

"...Fine," you confess. "I like Loki."

"I knew it!" She exclaims. "Loki and Y/n sitting in a tree, K-"

"Shut up," you say, your face red. "I hate that song."

She smiles, before going to eat her food.

"Who's your crush?" you ask.

She coughs. "Don't have one."

"Oh, so I have to have a crush but you don't? I see how it is," you scoff.

"Well, I don't really get crushes," Nat shrugs. "I'm Aro/Ace."

"Oh, okay," you smile.

She smiles and you both go back to eating your food.

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