《Lovely {Suicide squad}》Chapter 27


Despite Lin scratching at the wig every few seconds the itching just wouldn't let up. This was her first mission together with Joker and even though he was fond of her Lin knew she couldn't afford to mess up, if she did she would either have to kill him or he would kill her. Such was their world, you mess up badly and you die, kill or be killed. The job was simple enough, break out one of his allies from where he was being held in the Gotham police department and then bring said ally back to Joker. Sounded simple enough.

Lin had dressed up for the occasion, opting to lure the cops away by her appeal and some well-placed compliments. She had chosen to wear sunglasses, curled her hair into gently curls that fell down her back, and some form-fitting clothing that showed just enough to appeal but not overly so. If she had been in most places outside of Gotham she would have gone for the more 'innocent' look but the police force in Gotham were dominantly corrupted and dirty ones who didn't care about the innocent.

Most of the officers were out on the streets chasing criminals that Mr J had set up for them, ones that weren't going to get caught anytime soon, if ever. The dirty cops remained inside of the station, some of them on Joker's payroll but some that remained as 'honorable' as one could be when living in Gotham City.

Lin's heels scraped against the floor inside of the police department, her steps shaky and uncoordinated. The steps leading up to the double door had been high, dirty and had many cracks in the cement. She swore that she had seen some dried blood stains on it as well, evidence that the department itself was no exception to the violence outside of it. The doors were wide open and full with bullet holes, probably from a drive-by shooting or any other kind of shooting.

"Showtime" She growled under her breath before fluffing up some of her blonde hair. Light colors were associated with pureness, innocence and good. With her blonde hair, pale skin and her red and black clothing she would make the perfect mix of innocence and sexual allure.

Lin opened the doors and withheld a grin as the cops inside scrambled up in sitting positions and acting like they had been doing so all along. 'Fools' she mused in her head. She could feel the pressure from her hidden gun with every step and it brought a thrill to the whole experience. She let the heavy doors slam shut behind her, not caring at all about the loud, ringing noise it made or the sharp sound of the glass in the doors cracking.

"Good evening, ma'am" One of the cops greet her and tips the front of his hat to her when she walks past him. Lin ignores him, he's one of the paid ones and honestly not worth a single millisecond of her time. She didn't trust people that could be bought like that and lie about it, Joker was honest about his honor and didn't let himself be bought. Sure he might occasionally accept money to do a job but he always ended up killing said person that thought they bought him.


The sound of her heels were louder inside the station, clicking and clacking against the cracked floor that had seen much better days. She kicked a stray coffee mug on the floor, making it roll over to the feet of one of the wide-eyed, corrupted and utterly despicable officer. Lin muffled a scoff and instead plastered a seductive smirk on her face, making sure that she looked at the officers through slightly hooded eyes whenever she turned her eyes on them.

"Is there something we can help you with?" One of the braver cops spoke up, his voice low and deep, probably to sound seductive, but Lin thought he sounded like a pair of dying whales. The officer was thin as a stick and his face was hallowed and grey, like that of an substance abuser. His bony fingers slicked his thin hair back.

"I heard there's a man named Séan here, goes by Jack most of the time. Is that correct?" Lin lowered her tone to a silky smooth, deep tone that she had heard many older women use when they're trying to seduce someone. Lin brushed off a lock of her hair off her shoulder and winked at the cop that followed the movement with eager eyes.

Said cop nodded and then gulped. "We caught him robbing a store in the slums"

Lin grinned, showing her sharp canines. "Lovely, take me to him. Please" She whispered the last word into his ears, making sure to gently squeeze his shoulder before standing upright again.

The officer nodded frantically, the bobbing of his head resembling that of a bobblehead. She leered at him, but she doubted he noticed the change in her after he promised to give her what she wanted. Lin smoothed out her dress and then followed the cop out a door right next to his desk.

She threw a glance of disgust at the state of the desk; full of half-eaten food, wrappers, containers, mugs and all kinds of things she didn't even want to know about. This was not one of Joker's paid cops, they would know better than to leave their desk looking like an ugly mess when one of them were coming. Lin had quickly gained status and rank in his circles and was considered a big deal.

The cop opened the door for her and she could feel his burning stare going up and down her body. Good, she thought, he should take a good look, it's the last one he will ever see. Lin sauntered into the room, feeling disgust washing over her in waves as she made sure to made the swing in her hips more noticeable. She would need him totally mesmerized for the next step.

The room she stepped in was dark and the air thick. Lin could barely see a thing, only hear the whimpers, groans and pitiful moans from the people inside their cages. Trapped until the corrupt decided they had finished torturing them. No wonder people turned bad when this was what was waiting for them at every term, and that's not even mentioning the people that they throw into Arkham Asylum under the disguise that it was for their own good and to cure them. Most could see through it. Arkham was where they threw the more dangerous people, and the people that they couldn't fit in the regular jail. No one who went into Arkham went out the same, the sane turn insane and the insane turn insaner.


"Where is he?" Lin asked the cop that had followed her. Her voice was harder than before but still charming and sultry.

"Just to you left, ma'am" The cop responded and curl an arm around her defined waist, placing his hand firmly against her abdomen. "Do you want me to turn on the lights so you can see the ugly bastard?"

"Oi!" She heard a voice snap into the darkness, an irish lilt to his voice. "I'll have you know I'm beautiful!"

Lin shook her head, amused by the response and then turning to face the cop that was restraining her. "Get the lights"

As soon as the cop turned around and walked towards where the switch was she pulled out her phone from her bra. Lin pressed in the code in record time, her hands barely shaking with anticipation of what was to come. The dark-haired woman navigated to Joker's contact and eagerly entered their chat, quickly sending a 'Target in sight' with a happy smiley at the end.

'Good girl. Get rid of the cop and then blow up the wall. We'll be waiting for you outside.' Was the message she received back from her boss, without a smiley, of course. The Joker wasn't a smiley type of person, yet.

Lin just managed to stuff it back into her bra, actually having to move her breast to get the phone back in position, before the blinding lights came back on. She blinked several times as she tried to get used to the now illuminated room. She winked at who she thought was Jack, his face matched the picture she'd been shown but she couldn't be 100% sure until she got closer to him.

"Thank you" She grinned at the cop before gesturing for him to come closer. He obeyed without hesitation and smirked at her. The sight disgusted her but she swallowed the grimace and plastered a seductive smile on her face. Just a few more seconds, she convinced herself, and then he'll be gone.

Just as the cop was going to grab her by the waist she unsheathed the large hunting knife she had strapped on her upper thigh and in one lethal movement she slit his throat, muffling his shocked gasp.

With a sigh she bent down and grabbed a key from the cop's belt, making sure not to touch him anymore than she absolutely had to. After gathering the key she spat at him, hitting him right in his face. Lin saw the pleading look in his eyes as he slowly bled out on the floor but not a single part of her wanted to help the disgusting man.

"Come on Jack. Joker is waiting outside for us" Lin urged the prisoner out of the cell after expertly unlocking it.

"Who are you?"

She shook her head and pointed to the wall where she was going to break them out through. "Not important. Now get out of the cell before I drag you out by your ears!" They had no time to waste and yet Jack was letting it spill through their fingers. "He's in a good mood now but I doubt he will continue to be so if you don't hurry the fuck up"

Jack nodded and rushed out of his cell before Lin had a chance to lock it again. He was dirty, his whole face a different color because of all the grime, dirt and dust he had collected during his time there. Jack's clothing were ripped and barely covering anything on his fragile, thin body.

From the other bra cup she pulled out the device she was going to use to blow up the wall and liberate the two. No doubt that the police would come running but she knew the corrupt ones would stall them enough that they could get away before being caught.

"You might want to back up." Lin advised the starving man with a pointed look and a slight frown tugging at her face.

"Did you hear me? You might want to back up" Lin heard a voice bark at her and she shook her head, making the flashback slowly melt away from her vision.

"Yeah, of course I did." She snapped back, glaring at one of Rick's soldiers that were trying to get into one of the alleys they were going to blow up to distract the black blobs of doom.

"Then back up before you blow up along with the wall" The soldier said with a patronizing look on his face.

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