《Lovely {Suicide squad}》Chapter 23


"This will be your test" He stretched his arms out and gestured over the vast room full with bubbling vats of acids. His birthplace, if you could call it that. "To see if you truly are as loyal as you seem"

Lin stares out over the room with a glint in her eyes, there was no doubt in her mind that she would do this for him, if he asked her to jump she would, if he asked her to not jump she wouldn't. She wasn't very obedient in nature but she knew when he needed the reassurance that she wasn't against him, that she was still the one and only that he could trust. This is a small favor for the love they had, it wouldn't here, the acids wouldn't take her life.

"Do you want me to jump?" She asked simply, a small grin threatening to form. "If so I ask that you jump with me. "

"You know I would do anything for you. But the test is not jumping, I wouldn't want my perfect kitten to get damaged"

"What is it then? When you brought me here I thought it was to make me like you, reborn." Lin reply, confused. She had prepared herself for the ultimate test, to test her strength and willingness to give all of what she is to him.

"No no no no no" He shakes his head, laughing to himself. " I don't want you to change, your... test... is to..." Joker trailed off with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Your test is to throw the last piece of your old life into the chemicals, yes! Throw it in the flames, watch it burn, burn burn burn"

"Burn what pieces? I left my old life behind a long time ago. Surrender to the darkness and all that" Confusion could be seen on her face, she had no idea what was going on and she had no doubt that he was as clueless as she. "You want me to throw my old life in the chemicals?"

"Hmmm" He ponder, one hand scratching his chin and the other swinging in the air. Suddenly he lunges forward and grabs her by the shoulders. "Yes, do that cliché thing where girls throw something symbolic in a fire and their old life goes poof"

"I don't have anything with me" Lin state as if it was obvious. "I mean I expected to do some extremely cliché jumping and now you hit me with this? Pfft, you figure this out"


"Careful" Joker warns with a raised finger, though there was no real threat behind his words and she knew it. " Wait here, I gotta call Frost"

"Tell him hello from me"

Joker growls as answer and saunters away from her and down the rusty stairs. "Don't die while I'm gone"

"Can't make any promises, Jay" Lin calls back with a chuckle attached to the end.

"Must be some good memories to get you all smiley like that" A voice brings her out of the memory and she glares angrily at the culprit.

"Shut it" Lin growl at Deadshot who was wearing a shit eating grin. "Or your special parts will know how good I am at making things disappear"

"Linnnn" Harley whine with a pout. "Be nice to Deadshot, he's my friend" She finishes with a affectionate smile pointed towards said villain.

"You're telling me you're friends with this dummy? Oh Harley" Lin sigh. "That time in captivity must have done more damage than I realised"

"Jay wouldn't like this" Lin remind the other girl, she didn't like seeing Harley get hurt and there was no way this would end up with her not getting hurt. " You know how he gets"

"Don't be silly Lin, he won't get mad if I make friends. He doesn't care anyways" Harley shrugged her shoulders. "Besides, he don't love me anyways and I'm tired of being treated as a toy"

"No one is treating you like a toy, Harls" Lin deny, shaking her head with the beginning of a glare on her face.

"Liar liar pants on fire. He only kept me because you asked him too" Harley retort with an almost out of character harshness. "The only reason I'm alive is because of you, he doesn't want me with you but you convince him to keep me. As if I'm some pet that soothes your boredom while he's out running an empire! I'm sick of it" Harley explodes and Lin looks at her stunned, as do all the others in the helicopter.

"It is true that the only reason you're alive is because I begged him to keep you, as a pet, but it's changed! Can't you see that Harley or are you too deep up Deadshot's ass to realise he's manipulating you? I. LOVE. YOU. He wants to change you" Lin bite back, standing up in a single agitated movement. "Careful!" Lin warn her lover with a smirk and one finger raised.


"Don't make me show you how alike we truly are" Lin growl out her threat, glaring daggers at the pair who were both staring at her stunned. " Don't do this Harley or I will make you regret it. I brought you into this world and I can just as fast bring you out of it"

"You say you love me Sugah but you don't show it like you used to" Harley complain, throwing an arm over Deadshot's shoulders. " What do you have against me being with Deadie here, you'll get to continue having your honestly goals relationship with Mistah J and I'll live out my crazed life as a free birdie" Harley offer, trying to deescalate the situation that she had started.

Lin let out a loud heartless cackle. "After all I've done for you my love isn't enough for you. Sure Jay can be an ass to you but you know that I always punish him for his sins. Deadshot is nothing but a cheap version of my love that hides his true self in the shadows waiting to strike."

"But Linnie, I don't love Joker and he don't love me. Let me go" Harley beg with tears shining in her eyes. "We will still be together, always and forever, just as we promised. He's promised to show me the world. He likes me"

"You can't like someone like that after only meeting them Harley, you silly girl" Lin shakes her head, if this is what Harley wanted then who was she to keep her from living her dream. Lin loved Harley enough to let her go, if she were to be honest with herself Harley would always be second to Jay and it wouldn't be fair to keep her after knowing that she can never give the other woman all of herself. Still Lin wasn't ready to let Harley go to some other half assed villain without testing him first. " Likes you? Harley that's demented. This is why you should never leave us, this whole thing that you've invented" Lin gestures towards the pair with a pained look in her eyes.

"This just proves you're too naive to be here. Don't be a dummy, come home with me after all of this is over." Lin stands tall with her chin raised high. If Harley were to leave her and Jay she would come out of it stronger than Harley did. If this is to end in fire then they should all burn together.

"No" Harley utter with clear determination in her voice.

"No? Oh I see how it is. Harley knows best, Harley's so mature now, such a clever grown-up miss. Fine if you're so sure now, then who am I to keep you from what could be your one true love" Lin speak the words with a final tone in her voice. This discussion was both boring and angering her. She felt like Harley was being extremely ungrateful for everything Lin had done for her. Lin felt like Harley was throwing it all away for nothing, for something that could be just a fleeting romance brought by a desperation for another human after being alone for so long. She knew that Jay would never let Harley hurt her feelings and leave. She knew Joker would be all too thankful to be rid of Harley but he wouldn't let her get away with what she's done. No one hurts his queen and lives.

"Lin, I'm not leaving you!" Harley try desperately.

"I will not have this conversation here Harley, leave me alone" Lin tells the woman with an air of hostility around her. "Don't make me do anything I'll regret" She could feel an episode coming and the only way to prevent that is to keep calm. This discussion was not fit for the place nor the audience they have. "We'll talk later, I promise."

AN: Oof, I had no intentions of it going this way but it just happened. I was originally just going to do the flashback and then some casual dialogue between the characters but I had on dramatic and angry music so this is what we ended up with, lmao. What do you think will happen next? WIll Harley leave Lin and Joker? WIll Lin have one of her episodes or will Harley and Deadshot leave her alone long enough to calm down? I know Lin is very inconsistent in her speech and opinion in this chapter but it's partly because she's been captive for so long in a place that is bound to be damaging to a person plus she feels threatened by Deadshot.

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