《Lovely {Suicide squad}》Chapter 8


Swinging down from the thin ropes fastened with a tight knot in the top bars of her cell Lin listen to the heavy footsteps of guards stomping their way to her and Harley's enclosure. The two women had made a plan earlier, on how to escape. Harley had decided to shove a sharp object down her throat and Lin had just shoved it down her prison style bra.

Hearing loud voices just outside of the door Harley too drop down on the floor and discreetly try to bring the weapon from her throat without alerting the cameras which were without a doubt focused on the two. They hadn't been informed about anything special happening today but then again, they rarely ever were. Part of the super villain stuck in a hell hole part.

Griggs angrily stomp into the room but Lin could see the difference in him, the slight uncertainty to his steps and the shakiness in his voice as he yelled at them. "Prisoners, get down on your knees, now!" It would seem that her love had gotten to the cocky guard afterall. Her Jay could get to anyone and anything.

Just before they storm her cell, Lin manage to stick the weapon into her hair (as did Harley) and she fall mockingly on her knees, clasping her hands together in a begging pose.

"Down on your knees, turn around! Hands up high!"

She do as they say without replying but as she got down on her knees again (on the right side this time), she could hear Harley telling her guards that she was being cool and she was cooperating. Lin can barely keep the scoff from coming out as she thought about the plan the two girls had.

"Take them" Griggs nod towards them and their respective guards started closing in and as soon as they came close enough the two girls like clockwork started fighting back. Lin pull down her closest guard to the ground and aggressively stomp down on his helmet before jumping onto another one.


Lin put her legs around his neck and with a strong twist forced the two down while snapping the poor guard's neck. She turn around brandishing her weapon and lunge for one of the last guards when suddenly strong jolts of electricity passes through her body and she fall down to the cold floor screaming in pain.


Lin wake up to the screams of her female lover.

"Hey I'm talking to you" She could her her scream at whoever was offending her.

The young girl try to stand up but soon realises that she was heavily tied down on her hands, feet, midsection and head. This isn't fair, I'm a good girl, Lin think to herself. They must have put her in this wheelchair after she blacked out and she cursed herself for falling unconscious, the girl couldn't believe that she left her guard down so easily.

After cursing and threatening whoever was pushing her and her voice broke she was wheeled up to this station where uniformed men and women was waiting for her with some sort of gun.

"Don't touch me with that, please don't" She beg the woman who was looking down on her with a hateful look on her face. She decided to try the innocent girl facade instead of how she really is, people is more likely to feel sympathetic and help you if you were innocent and fortunately for her she was amazing at the innocent girl act. Unfortunately the woman didn't fall for it and brought the gun down to her neck and pushed the trigger.

A yelp of pain burst from her throat at the feeling and she snap her teeth after the woman, she'd so get her when she got out of those restraints.

"Injection successful" A voice void of any sort of emotion droon after checking the supposedly injection. Whatever it was, it hurt like hell.


"Location verified" The voice tell someone and with that she was wheeled away from the station and down the grey dirty hallway. She couldn't see Harley and that brought a pout to her face.

The sun hitting her face briefly blinded her as they finally left the dark building that had been her home for these past months. Lin still couldn't see Harley but she could see the back of who she thought was Deadshot's neck. If he's out too then whatever they were doing must be serious and obligatory.

Briggs suddenly jog past her with a purple phone in his hand and she can't help but think about why he would have that. Lin knew that wasn't his phone, she's seen it so many times whenever he filmed one of his little videos of her and Harley. The guard didn't look at her so either it wasn't for her or he was stressed and scared enough that he didn't see her. She hoped for the latter.

AN: I started writing my Spike x OC fanfiction and it will be up soon, I've written 4 chapters so far and I'd be very happy if you checked it out. I feel like my writing was better there too so I'm gonna start trying to get into the same mindset as I did with that fanfiction. Please leave a comment and vote! Love y'all!

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