《Lovely {Suicide squad}》Chapter 3



The only sound that could be heard in the empty lobby was the click clack sound of high heels meeting marble floor and the muffled music from a few stories above. Dressed in a semi formal red dress and diamond earrings in her ears, Lin was making her way to the cocktail party a certain billionaire called Bruce Wayne was throwing. She was there on Joker's request, of course. She'd do anything for her clown and if it meant socializing then consider her 'Ms I love people' .

Joker had forced her to wear a small camera hidden on her dress so he can watch over her and make sure everything's going to plan. Now he ain't no schemer but he did plan this out in perfect detail to make sure nothing would happen to her.

"I have an invite" Lin smoothly lie to the security guard, flashing hima pretty smile and discretely push her chest out.

"Of course" The guard reply almost mesmerized by her while stepping to the side.

"Thank you" She smirk, walking past the guard and as soon as he turn around she take a nearby plant and throw it at his head, knocking him out instantly. Lin grabbed the guard by his feet and dragged him to a nearby closet (Avoiding cameras of course) and threw him in.

"The security guard is taking a nap in the closet" Lin whisper so that only Joker could hear her. Walking into the elevator she check her hair and make-up before clicking the button to the penthouse. She sigh before putting on a beaming smile that borderline creepy, she needed to practise her fake smile to make it through the night without exposing herself. Joker would be very disappointed if she did, he didn't want anyone having too much information about her.

Hearing the small ping before the doors open she can hear the many voices inside doing small talk and being faker than a barbie doll. Lin hate people, she hate being around them, she just hates people. Except her J of course, she loves him and besides he's different from them. When the fancy elevator doors open Lin immediately walk into the big "party" room. Classical music was playing in the background and fancy rich people dressed in fancy clothes were sipping on expensive champagne in fancy flute glasses. Everything is just so, so fancy and expensive.


Fake smiling, Lin takes a small glass of champagne from one of the waiters who were walking around the area with trays in their hands. "Thank you" She was very convincing and she had to be if she was going to fool all these highborn fancy pants into believing she was one of them.

Mentally checking her list of things she was to do while walking over to a couple of people standing in the center of the room.

-Knock out security guard

-Mingle without revealing herself and her name

-Distract Bruce Wayne

-Act scared when Joker arrives

-Escape without anyone noticing

She could at least check the first one off, the guard was taking a nice long nap and now Lin was going to mingle.

"Hi" Lin greet in a high false voice smiling at the people there. "My name is Susan, how are you all doing today?" She put a gloved hand out to shake everyone's hands while they introduced themselves. There was a Karen, a Lionel, a Philip and a Cecilia. She didn't remember their last names. Pity, would have been useful if she wanted to rob them someday.

"We're doing just fine, how do you know Bruce?" Cecilia ask squinting her eyes slightly together as if she was trying to remember her from somewhere.

"His father was my, my father's cousin" Lin lie and the old lady's eyes widen dramatically as she exclaims a "That's right, I knew I've seen you before"

"If you'll excuse me gentlemen and ladies, I've got a billionaire to find" She even gives a little chuckle at the end to be convincing. They nod at her and gives her small smiles before turning back to their own conversations. Lin let her smile slip for a second while walking away, swearing that that was the falsest people she's ever met.

Before going on this mission, Lin had been given a photo of Bruce Wayne and truth to be told, she can't remember what he looks like. Her memory is awful with these kinds of things while useless things stick like glue. Taking a guess among the younger men, Lin walk over to a brown haired man conversing with a butler, sipping her champagne.


"Excuse me, are you by any chance Bruce Wayne?" She ask the younger of the pair, throwing them a small smile while acting shy. She even forced a small blush on her cheeks.

"That would be me, yes. Ah, and this here is my butler Alfred" The man, or Bruce Wayne tell her pointing to the other man.

"Hello, Alfred" She greet the older man, giving him a small nod. "I was wondering if we could talk in private" She request and at the man's obvious hesitation she bring out the big guns. Puppy eyes and crocodile tears. "Please, it's urgent" She tell him, slightly pointing to her stomach.

"Of course, just through here" The man hurriedly tell her wincing slightly at the look Alfred was currently giving him. He lead her through the rest of the room and through a small wooden door. Now she could check off the third part of her mission.

Closing it behind him he turn to the distraught girl behind him. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I'm pregnant" She tell him, she figured that would keep him distracted while Joker broke in.

"You-you're pregnant?!" He question in disbelief. "But how"

"You know how and someone didn't wrap it before he tapped it" She tell him with a teasing tone at the end.

"You can't be pregnant. I haven't even slept with you" He accuse her.

"You don't remember me?" Lin question with faux hurt in her voice. "You took my virginity" She continued.

"I am so sorry, there must be some kind of mistake" He deny, shaking his head. He couldn't believe this.

Lin open her mouth to answer when she hear glass breaking and people screaming. "What was that, what's happening" Lin ask him, laying the fear in her voice on thick.

"I don't know, wait here" He tell her distracted before running out of the room. Now that that was over she decided that she was going to escape, the less attention on her the better and if she walked out that door she knew that she'd get attention.

Lin take off her heels and grab them before opening a window. Luckily there's conveniently a fire escape stairs outside that window so she just jump right on it and walk down to the alley.

Whistling a merry tune, swinging her heels around her fingers she begin searching for a black van or a purple lamborghini lurkin. Hearing footsteps behind her she turn around and is instantly hit by a nasty smell that almost make her eyes water. The smell belong to the two men standing in front of her with desire in their eyes. Thinking she could have some fun she turn around and slowly fakes running away so they would chase her and they did not disappoint. They immediately run after her and the first one grab her elbow to turn her around and Lin stick one of her heels into his eyes. The man fall to his feet, crying out in pain and she bend down and rip the heel out making him scream. Looking up she sees the other man rushing away from the place and she frown.

She take her phone up and swiftly take a photo of the man running and then the man laying on the ground before hitting send. He'd take care of them for her. She began whistling again and right around the corner about a block away she find the infamous purple lamborghini. Lin open one of the doors and shuffle inside and so it began. The not so long but very boring wait for Joker to finish.

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