《Code : Love (MoRan FF) ✔》Chapter 1 (Meet)


"She is gorgeous I must say... she has such fine lines of beauty..." says Karan who has been staring at a particular form from past 20 minutes.

His attention is broken with a sudden knock on his door ,

"Are you done with the forms Karan..??" Faizi enters the room excited.


Faizi notices the form in Karan's hand "Beautiful, I must say... I have always been proud of your choices Karan."

"Excuse Me..."

Faizi pointing at the form " Your choice"

" Give your one track mind a break , it is nothing of that sort"


" Sir before the new recruits are here, Batra Sir wants to see you" Ustad Ji knocks and enters breaking the conversation between Karan and Faizi.

"We are coming" , Karan and Faizi say in unison.


"Good Morning Sir" say two voices as one

"Good Morning Karan , Good Morning Faizi " Batra Sir nods his head.

" Hope all the preparations for the new recruits are done "

"Yes Sir"

"Yes Sir"

"Good I hope you realize the new recruits are not those who have studied in army schools or belong to army family backgrounds , they are civilians proper civilians, these people have not led strictly disciplined lives so you have to start with making them disciplined. I hope you understand. "

"Definitely Sir"

"Sure Sir"

"The recruits will be arriving in a short time, go and check the final preparations once"

Karan and Faizi salute Batra Sir and take his leave.

Colonel Vijay Batra, the management head of Parakram SAF , Deolali Branch. Karan's trainer during his training days, he looks up to him as an idol and a father figure.

"I am sure you are super excited for the entry of the recruits" Faizi places his arm over Karan's shoulder.

Karan removes his arm and walks forward shaking his head dissappointed as always having a friend like Faizi who leaves no chance to pull your leg.


Karan and Faizi have been friends for years now. They met for the first time during their training years and have developed a bond where Faizi leaves no stone unturned to trouble him, yet Karan loves him a lot.

Karan looks at the special arrangements he has made for the entry of the recruits.

"The cadets are here Karan, Batra Sir has been informed, he is coming to address them" Faizi walks towards Karan and looks around "Are you sure about this Karan"

"Yes Faizi, the cadets need to prove themselves from day 1, that they are deserving enough to become the cadets of this reputed academy, they also need to realise that this is not going to be cake walk for them."

" Let us leave, we need to reach the auditorium before Batra Sir. We also need to attend the orientation" Karan walks with Faizi to the auditorium.

The orientation starts precisely at 1700 hours as informed earlier and Batra Sir address the cadets, making them aware about academy's history, legacy and rules. A small introduction session is conducted with the cadets.

"Karan I feel sorry for you, your form girl changed her plans of coming to the academy it seems.." Faizi whispers into Karan's ears.

Karan shakes his head and opens his mouth to speak something but silences as Batra Sir's words fall in his ears.

"Now I will introduce to your trainers"

Faizi steps forward

"This is Special Agent Faizuddin Siddique"

Faizi steps back and Karan takes his step forward.

"This..." Batra Sir is stopped with a sudden thud on the auditorium door. Everyone's attention is drawn towards the door and a girl enters it stumbling on the step at the auditorium door.

Faizi comes near Karan and whispers "Form girl." Karan looks at Faizi with squinted eyes and Faizi goes back to his position.

"I am so sorry sir, I know that I am late but an urgent work came up which couldn't be ignored at any cost."


" We are also sorry, but this academy runs on rules and being on time is one of the basics, you have broken the rules even before stepping inside the academy, how will you assure us that this will not happen in the future or would you like to break more rules. You are not even aware of the rules on top of that, because you decided to give another work priority rather than the orientation. I should, actually we all should applaud you for that. "

" Karan ... " Mr. Batra intervenes who is not ready to stop talking and continues " What is your name young lady and would you mind telling us the work that you couldn't ignore. Why was it of more importance than this orientation programme..??"

"Sir I am Dr. Monami Mahajan and I was prioritizing my duties as a doctor over this very important orientation, even if it not for my duty saving a life is something to be prioritized by everyone. "

"How do you want us to trust that you were busy saving a life and not something else Dr. Mahajan" Karan speaks practically screaming from the other end of the auditorium.

Suddenly police enters the academy and the inspector stands in front of the academy head, Batra Sir.

The inspector speaks "Sir we would like to take Dr. Monami Mahajan with us to the police station to record her statement regarding the accident case she has been witness of and also saved the life of the victim by providing him with emergency help."

"Sure Sir, but can't you take her statement here." Mr. Batra replies.

"We could have sir but protocols, you understand them for sure"

"Sure inspector my cadet will go with you and welcome to the the academy Monami"

Monami thanks Batra Sir and leaves along with the inspector and other police officers.

"Karan now you got your proof that she was helping a victim. I think she will prove to be an asset to the academy." Batra Sir looks at Karan and leaves.

"Karan you doubting your form girl..very wrong"

"Stop calling her my form girl Faizi" Karan speaks in an angry tone to Faizi.

"Let us leave we need to welcome the cadets also we can't stay in this auditorium discussing one girl for the entire team" Karan announces loudly.


"Stand facing towards me on the marked line and walk towards me on the straight path in between the lines marked. Clear " Karan instructs the cadets.

"Yes Sir." The cadets answer him back in unison and start walking towards him. Their foot gets stuck in a noose of rope which Karan had laid... matching it colour with the ground. They all hang upside down with their one foot stuck and one foot free.

Trainer Vikrant handles them a hunter knife and they all are asked to free themselves, all the cadets fail miserably and are brought down.

"This was your first test which you all failed. You people need to prove yourself as a deserving cadet of this academy every single day. Fight for your survival here and emerge stronger, a better version of yourself each day."


After sometime Monami arrives back in the academy and Batra Sir has given Karan the duty to teach Monami about the academy rules and give her a basic gist of the orientation programme.

Karan then takes her for the test and she successfully avoids the noose.

"Please walk back and come forward again" Karan instructs Monami

"Mr. Shergill"

"Karan Sir would be better" Karan interrupts Monami

"Karan Sir, I am not... , I will follow your orders sir."

Monami walks back and this time her foot gets stuck in the noose and Karan gives her the knife.


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