《she could write it down on her journal but she wants you to read it》residue


i don't think i will actually be capable of forgetting about how you made me feel at that one specific moment of my life, about the decision i made which lead us to walk side by side while the city was sleeping. i was 19, and to be reunited in a very odd way with the very first person i've ever shared my feelings to, after spending all those years struggling to forget about you, was just so... quite bizarre. it felt like i was a character written by someone who is compiling for a canon. and i experienced, the canon. but then it left me a residue. so some nights i found myself reminiscing the feeling, because i was so... drifted to the story. in my defense it was because i was with someone who i thought i would never see again, in the city where nothing about you match the image. so... yeah, that's that. and i hope we live well today.

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