《Rating Your Warrior Cat Ocs!》@Ztar101


Name: Bonefur(star)

Reason for name: Tough like bone :>

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Arocae (BRO I CANT SPELL-) | Demisexual | Straight

Pronouns: He/Him

Age(in moons): 28

Clan: BoneClan

Rank: Leader

Appearance: Light gray, large tom.

Personality: Tough, strong, sorta pissed of easily but tries his best to control that.He has great leadering skills.

Mother: WinterCloud

Father: SilverCrow

Littermate(s):Unfound/Unknown(he doesn't know who it is even though its Thunderwind and TwigBranch)

Mentor: N/A (they probably dead)

Apprentice(s): N/A (dont have none)

Mate(s): N/A (dont have none)

Kit(s): N/A

Weakness(s): Thinking quickly

Strength(s):His size, leadership skills

Backstory: Bonestar is a strong leader.

Very wise and smart as well.Everybody seems to look up to him and is almost like he rules Forestclan and Sandclan too. He does know about his father and his mother.Both are dead but he carries on his fathers leadership skills to lead his clan well. He knows that Cliffstar wants his dead because he knows that everyone would listen to him, and yes Bonestar is a main character.

Theme song:(I DONT KNOW YET~ TwT)

Cause of death: he lost his last life to Cliffstar

Okay.Thank you so much, for entering your amazing OC!

Here is your final score........

89 points! (If I did the math correctly...Please feel free to add up the points and tell me what you got, I'd hate to be wrong!)

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