《Rating Warrior Cats OCs!》Icescar


Name: Icescar. Past names: Icekit, Icepaw, Icefur. ! . Clan: Riverclan.Gender: Tom.Sexuality: Straight. Appearance: A tall lithe tom with long pure white fur and green eyes. Personality: Icescar is very loyal and brave, he is not scared to stand up for others, he is normally very calm but when in battle he goes into a rage.Mate: Riverlily(deceased) Kits: none. Other family and kin: Snowflower(mother/deceased) Sleekstripe(father/deceased) No siblings?Cause of death, future death: Dies protecting his clan from foxes that were drinking at the river. Rank(at death): Leader.Past ranks: kit, apprentice, warrior, deputy. .Good traits: Brave loyal, calm. Bad traits: Too brave sometimes, battle rage, and doesn't trust easily.Hunting:9/10Fighting:9/10Swimming:10/10Climbing:5/10Leadership skills:7/10Reputation:8/10Likes: His clan, swimmingDislikes: fighting, Shadowclan.Scars/injuries: His right ear is torn, he has claw marks over his left eye in which he is blind, and he has a very pronounced limp from when he broke his leg while climbing a tree. Background: Icescar, formerly known as Icefur has always been a quiet cat and after he was attacked by Shadowclan he got what he called battle rage, when ever he goes into battle his vision gets clouded with anger and he starts killing any enemy that comes near him.


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