《Falling For My Best Friends Brother》Chapter- Twenty-five- Bryson's POV


"You're literally packing everything in your god damn room," Emmy whined as she laid on my bed, playing on her phone.

"Well, I'm going to be gone for like half a year all together, so I kind of need this stuff." I rolled my eyes. She had no idea what it was like.

"It just looks like you're never coming home," she pouted, finally putting her phone away.

"You know that I'll be back for breaks. It's not like I'm going that far away. It's only an hour and a half." I loved my sister and all, but I was ready to leave.

"How's Riley taking it?" I chuckled, throwing her my phone.

"Look at her messages." She laughed as she read them out loud.

don't gooooo


I'm gonna miss you

you're going to be so far away

"She didn't even let you get a word in," she laughed, throwing my phone back.

"Poor girl. She's going crazy," I said, packing up the last of my stuff.

"She'll still have me," Emmy exclaimed. I zipped up my suitcase, throwing it to the side.

"Yeah, and I'll probably come back more often. I'm going to miss her too." Emmy smiled at my words, pulling me in for a hug.


"Here you go, son. Have fun, and be safe," my dad said after helping me unload my boxes.

"Would you expect any less from me, dad?" He chuckled, giving me a tight hug before leaving. I looked around the room, sighing at all the boxes I had to unpack. I laid on my bed, pulling out my phone.

hey you. Made it safe and sound.

Riley had threatened to drive up here and kick my ass if I didn't tell her I made it okay. I know she's worried about not being able to see me much.


good boy. Be safe okay. I already miss you :(

I missed her more than anything. Besides my family, she was the only one that had been there for me. Yeah, I had gotten condolences from people at school when my mom died, but they weren't my friends; they just felt sorry for me.

I miss you too, but it won't be long before you see me again. Have a good day at school, beautiful.

Poor girl still had another year left at that shit show we called a high school. I got up from my bed, deciding to work on unpacking.

"Holy fuck. I have way too much stuff," a voice said, walking into the room. "Hey, you must be Bryson? I'm Charlie, nice to meet you." He held his hand out, and I quickly shook it. I hope he's not crazy.

"Same to you." I opened one of the boxes, groaning at the fact that I hadn't folded my clothes before hand.

"I heard there's a welcoming party tonight. You down to go?" This kid might not be too bad.

"Sure, why not." He smiled and worked on unpacking his boxes.


"This is what they call a party?" I groaned, looking around the room. It looked like the school had set it up.

"Yeah, it looks kind of lame." There were tables set up with drinks and food. Banners were placed above doors saying .

"It looks like something you would do for a birthday party, and even at our age it would be lame." He laughed, nodding in agreement.

"There better be alcohol hiding behind around here. I'll be back." Charlie went on his search for alcohol. I stood back against the wall, bored.

"Looks like you need some company," a voice said from beside me. I turned to see a gorgeous blonde standing next to me. Think about Riley. Don't fuck it up.


"Eh, I'm alright." She frowned a bit, looking down at her feet.

"I'm Taylor," she said. It's gonna be hard to get rid of her.

"Bryson," I bluntly said, trying not to seem interested.

"I know where the alcohol is," she whispered in my ear.

"Look, I like to drink, but I'm not looking to get seduced." She chuckled. Why is she laughing? That wasn't suppose to be funny. "I have a girlfriend," I said, hoping she'd get the hint.

"I hope you have a lot of self control," she said, licking her lips. Okay, she's definitely trying to seduce me.

"It was nice talking to you, but I have to go." I quickly walked away, searching around for Charlie, and of course, he was in the kitchen, holding a bottle of beer. "Charlie, I need to go." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"But I just found the beer," he exclaimed.

"Sorry dude, but I'm not all about the drunken whores that just want to get me into their bed." He walked closer to me, eyeing me up and down.

"You have a girl back home?" He asked. I nodded. "She's lucky to have you. Most guys would have let the first girl he saw ride him." I chuckled.

"So we can go?" He nodded and we headed back to the dorm. This is going to be a long year.


Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, and the short chapter! I've been really busy, but I'm hoping to be able to update more!

What did you think of Bryson's first day at college?

Teaser: Riley starts school

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