《Falling For My Best Friends Brother》Chapter Twelve- Bryson's POV


I watched as she walked away from me. Hurt was taking over every part of my body, but what did I expect? I hurt her, and I knew it. Kids were laughing and pointing at me as I stood there. She got farther and farther from me, but I couldn't move.

"What the fuck was that?" Matt asked, pulling me to reality. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing exactly where he was going with that. "You kissed her, dude!" I turned and started walking down the hallway. I'm not in the mood for this. "Bryson, wait up!" Matt yelled as he caught up to me.

"What?" I snapped, feeling the anger building up inside of me. Matt stopped, staring at me. "What do you want?" I asked, more calm then it should have been.

"You care about her, don't you?" I stopped at my locker, turning the combination. "Admit it. You actually like her." I slammed my fist into the locker, making Matt jump a bit.

"So what if I do? What's the problem? She's not Tamara? I know that, and I'm more than happy with that!" And that's when it hit me. Bryson Carter, the football quarterback, liked Riley Allister. Not only had it hit me, but I had just admitted it to my friend. Someone I knew wouldn't approve.

"She's a nerd." I slammed my locker door. Shoving my books in my bag, I was trying to think of something to say back. Instead, I started walking away.

"You know, Matt. You're just mad that this will be the one girl you can't convince to cheat on me." With that, I walked out of the school.


I sat in the cafe around the corner from the school. Too many things were going through my mind to even think about paying attention in class. Not like I did anyway. I sat there, staring off into space when my phone went off.

where are you? I've been looking all over the place for you.

I decided to just ignore it. She would find me sooner or later, and I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of it. My phone started vibrating furiously off the table, indicating I had a phone call.

"I swear, if this is Emmy," I said to myself. I looked at the phone and saw Tamara's name. Great, the last person I want to talk to. But I decided to answer it anyway.


"What do you want, Tamara?" I asked.

"Babe? Where are you?" I sighed.

"Did Emmy ask you to call me?" I heard shuffling noises in the background, but pushed it aside. I didn't care what she was doing.

"No, I just didn't see you at lunch, so I got worried." I laughed, which came out as a snort. Since when did she care?

"Listen, Tamara, I have to go." I hung up the phone without waiting for her reply. I sat there, in deep thought. An idea hit me, and I knew exactly who could help. I pulled up Emmys text and typed a message back.

I need your help. Meet me at home after school.

I got up, leaving a tip on the table. I needed this plan to work.


"You're gonna what?" Emmy asked, too excited for her own good.

"You heard me." I wasn't going to repeat myself just because my sister was too shocked to comprehend what I had said.

"Why, Bryson? Why are you doing this?" I sighed, thinking of a good way to answer her question, but I didn't have to. Emmy could read me like a book. "You actually care about her?"

"Don't sound so surprised." I knew I still wasn't sure how I felt about Riley, but I knew I couldn't not have her in my life. Every time we hung out was amazing. It was always new with her, and she always knew what to say.

"I am though. You guys hated each other for the longest time, and all of a sudden you care about her?" She was right, but once we actually started to get to know each other, it was different. I didn't see her as my sisters annoying best friend anymore; she was so much more than that.

"I know. I don't know what to say, Em. I'm confused. I just need to know that I'm not letting something good go. I mean, what if it could be something?" Listen to me; I sound like a hopeless romantic. "It could be something, or it could be nothing, but I'm not going to know unless I try." I saw Emmys eyes lighten up with my words.

"Bryson Carter, I never realized you had such a heart." She smiled and I let out a small chuckle. "Fine, I'll help you, but if you hurt her, I will castrate you." We shook hands to that, and that's when I knew she fully supported me in whatever decision I decided to make.


"We're going to a party tonight," Emmy said on the other end of the phone. I sighed, hoping I could get out of it.

"I'm not really in the mood, Ems. I'm the laughing stock at school. It won't be any different at the party."

"You need to not let what people think or say get to you. You're a better person than that. It's never bothered you before." Why did Emmy always have to be right?

"You're right."

"I always am!" I could hear the excitement in her voice. It always happened when she got her way. "Wear a nice dress." A nice dress?

"Why? It's a party." I could hear her sigh in the phone.

"Just do it, okay? Don't ever doubt me." She made a kiss noise and hung up. What had I gotten myself into? I set my phone down on the night stand and headed towards the bathroom. I was stopped by Angela who was making her way out of the bathroom.

"Riley, can I talk to you for a moment?" I nodded my head. Things had been alright for me and Angela lately. She wasn't being a royal bitch anymore.

"What's up?" I asked as I set my stuff down.

"I just wanted to apologize for everything. I never meant for any of this to happen. It was just hard for me, taking on someone else's child. It felt wrong at first. I know that this won't make up for what I've done, but I want you to know that I'm here for you whenever you need me." I smiled, and opened my arms to her. She wrapped me in a hug, and I knew she was sincere.

"Thanks, Angela. It means a lot, it really does. I'm going to a party with Emmy tonight, so I have to get ready." She nodded and headed down the stairs.


After having a nice long, hot shower, I felt ready to take on whatever was going to be thrown at me. I had found a blue dress that had tribal patterns on the top with a blue skirt. I wrapped a brown belt around my waist to complete the look. I threw my hair into a bun and applied light makeup.

"Oh my god! Let me get a picture of you!" Angela said as I walked down the stairs. I smiled and did multiple poses for her. She gave me a quick hug before letting me leave. I hopped in my car and drove to Emmys. When I got there, only her car was in the driveway. Bryson must be at the party already. I mentally hit myself for even thinking about him. Emmy was waiting at the door when I walked up.

"You look stunning, darling," she said in her most convincing British accent. I laughed and walked into her house.

"Only one home?" I asked, plopping on the couch.

"Mom and dad went out for dinner." She purposely left Bryson out, probably knowing I didn't want to talk about him. "Ready to get this show on the road?" She asked. I nodded and we headed towards her car. We sat in silence for part of the ride.

"Angela apologized," I said, breaking the silence. I saw Emmys jaw drop in shock.

"You're kidding?" I shook my head. "That's crazy! Did you forgive her?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not really sure. She seemed sincere about it, so we'll see what happens." We jammed out to the radio for the rest of the ride. I hadn't noticed where we were going until Emmy parked the car.

"Let's go, buttercup," Emmy said with a smile. When I stepped out and noticed what was around me, I gasped. This bitch had tricked me.

"Emmy, what the hell?"


Cliffhanger! Where do you think Emmy brought her? How do you feel about Bryson now? Do you think he actually cares about her?

The picture attached is the dress Riley chose to wear to the 'party'.

I'm back, and I'm hoping to be updating more! After this chapter, I'm excited where the book will go! I don't usually put two peoples POV's in a chapter, but I felt like I needed to for this one! Don't forget to tell me what you're feeling about this book!

Teaser: where Emmy brought Riley!

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