《Falling For My Best Friends Brother》Chapter Seven


I sat at the table, watching as Bryson struggled through the problem. He was still trying to get the hang of basic algebra.

"So I move the x's to the same side, and the regular numbers to the same side?" I nodded as he did the work for the basic problem. I had given him the most simple problem I could. "Okay, now that I'm down to one number on each side, what do I do?" I chuckled.

"You divide the number that's attached to the x by the other number number and whatever that comes out to be is what x equals, get it?" He shook his head and did as I said.

"Did I get it right?" I looked over his work, using the calculator to check. I smiled when my math worked out to the same numbers he had.

"That's right!" Bryson jumped up and did a happy dance. I wrote out a couple more problems on a paper and handed it to him.

"Now do these to prove you actually understand it. I'm not going to help you with these. I'll check your answers when you're done." He gave me a sad look when I said I wouldn't help him, and I couldn't help but laugh. This kid never did things on his own; that was for damn sure.

A little while later Bryson shoved the paper over to me, smiling. I looked over his oaoer, doing the quick math for each problem.

"One hundred," I said with a laugh. Once again, Bryson did a happy dance around the dinning room. I shook my head. This kid was ridiculous.

"Thank you, Riley. Obviously I wouldn't pass calculus without knowing this." I smiled at him. "But, can we save the harder problems for another day? My brain hurts." We both busted out laughing.

"Now, that doesn't surprise me, but yes, we can wait for another day." He smiled, giving me an awkward hug as I was sitting. I raised my eyebrow at him when he pulled away.


"What? I can't give me tutor a hug because she helped me understand something?" I shook my head with a smile on my face. "Let's go get food; I'm starving." I nodded in agreement and stood up.


I took a bite out of my pizza as Bryson laughed at something he saw on Facebook.

"You're gonna kill all your brain cells, and you're going to forget everything I just taught you," I said, shaking my head.

"Guess you'll just have to tutor me more often," he said with a laugh. I finished off my pizza, wiping a napkin across my face to make sure I didn't have any sauce on it.

"You put down food like a guy," Bryson said with a raised eyebrow. I chuckled, taking a sip of my drink.

"I haven't eaten anything all day," I argued back.

"It's kind of hot," Bryson said, catching me off guard. I shook my head, taking another sip.

"Now I remember why I don't hang out with you." I laughed as Bryson placed a hand over his heart.

"Ouch, that hit hard." I laughed harder, causing me to snort. I covered my mouth, extremely embarrassed, and Bryson busted out into laughter. It was obvious he couldn't control it. I could feel my face turning beat red. I threw the closet thing I could find, a straw, at Bryson. "That wasn't very nice," he said, rubbing where the straw hit him.

"It was just a straw, you big baby," I said. He glared at me as he grabbed an ice cube out of his drink.

"Are you seriously just going to eat that?" I asked, slightly confused. He shook his head and threw it at me. It landed down my shirt, and I shot him a death glare, not wanting to dig it out in public.


"That's got to be cold. Are you just going to leave it there until it melts?" I nodded, smirking at him. "Well then, let me help you out." Bryson leaned across the table, reaching his hand down my shirt and grabbed the ice cube before I even had a chance to say anything. I looked at hin, shock written all over my face. I then watched as he placed the ice cube in his mouth.

"You're sick," I said, shooting him a disgusted look. He smiled and took a sip of his drink. The waitress brought out bill over, setting it on the table.

"Look who we have here. The two love birds." How had I not noticed Tamara working here? I looked down at the table, trying to ignore her.

"Cut your shit, Tamara. We just want to pay our bill." She laughed.

"Bryson Carter is actually going to pay for a date?" She said, laughing again.

"It's not a date," I said, finally getting the courage to fight back. Bryson shot me a look as I threw money on the table. I stood up and grabbed my stuff, waiting for Bryson. "Keep the change," I told Tamara as we headed out. I saw a guy, who was wearing a nicer shirt than the other employees, and I assumed he was the manager. "Your worker has awful customer service." I pointed back towards Tamara and kept walking. I heard the manager call her over, and I hoped she was getting fired.

"That was bold, Allister. Nobody talks back to Tamara." I shrugged my shoulders, sliding into the passenger seat of his car.

"Someone needed to do it," I said, looking out the window. Bryson laughed.

"To your house?" He asked as we left the parkinglot. I nodded and he headed in the direction of my house.


"You did what?" Emmy asked, obviously surprised. I laughed.

"I told her off, and I managed to buy your brother food." She chuckled on the other end of the phone.

"He's always open to people buying him food, idiot. I just can't believe you told Tamara off! She's gonna make you pay for it." I laid back on my bed, putting Emmy on speaker phone.

"Whatever, she'll be gone next year." I heard Emmy chuckle.

"Yeah, might as well make a name for yourself now," she said, and I laughed. "Hey, there's a party this Friday. Come with me?" Emmy asked. I thought about it for a minute before answering.

"Fine, but you have to tell me what happened with me and Bryson at the last party." She was silent for a little bit.

"I suppose I could do that, but I really have to go. Dinner calls."

"I hate you," I said.

"I love you," she said with a laugh, and the line clicked dead.


What did you think of Riley and Bryson's "date"? And how about how Riley stood up to Tamara? Do you think it'll back fire in her face?

I was actually able to write this update in one sitting! I'm so proud of myself; it hardly happens. Sorry there's no banner for this chapter. I'm feeling a little lazy. I'm also still looking for people who could play the characters! I haven't done physical descriptions for this reason! If you guys have ideas as to who could play them, let me know! I really would like to put a face to these characters!

Teaser: partaaaaaaaay!

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