《Falling For My Best Friends Brother》Chapter Four


Emmy and I busted out into laughter as Tamara walked away. I still had no idea what had happened at the party.

"What the hell did I do last night?" Emmy shrugged her shoulders with a smile on her face. I knew she knew more than she was saying. "You better spill it," I said.

"Spill what? I know nothing." I laughed. She would end up telling me. "So how's the wicked witch?" I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to tell Emmy about how she slapped me, but I knew she would get it out of me.

"It was a complete shit show this morning." Emmy touched my cheek, and I winced at the pain.

"What did she do?" I looked down.

"I didn't want to get up and she slapped me." Emmy looked at me, concern flooding her face.

"I'm not kidding; I'm going to get you out of there. Stay at my house tonight." I nodded in agreement.


The house was dark when I got home. It was unusual, but it probably meant she wasn't home, and I was okay with that. I headed up to my room and started packing things.

"Where do you think you're going?" I jumped at the sound of her voice, but I ignored her, continuing to pack. She threw my bag across the floor.

"What do you want?" I asked. I could feel the anger building up inside of me.

"I asked you a question." I picked my bag up off the floor, throwing the rest of my clothes into it.

"I don't need to tell you anything." I zipped up my bag and threw it over my shoulder, grabbing my school bag as well.

"I am your guardian, and you will respect me." I laughed and she looked at me, confusion taking over her face.


"That's all you are. If it wasn't for you being married to my dad, and my dad stating that you would be my guardian if he died, then you wouldn't be. You're nothing but a worthless drug addict that uses the money my dad left, for me, for drugs. In my book, you are no where close to being a guardian." I walked down the stairs.

"I'm not done with you!" She yelled to me, running down the stairs.

"Well, I'm done with you." I went to open the door, and I heard something smash against the wall. I walked out the door, slamming it behind me.


Emmy was waiting outside when I pulled in. Tears were running down my face. She ran over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"What happened?" I sobbed into her shoulders as she kept hugging me.

"That bitch is going to end up killing me some day." Emmy rubbed my back and gave me a supportive smile. I knew she was going to be here to help me through everything.

"My mom has the guest room set up for you." I smiled as she led me inside. Momma C wrapped my up in a gig the minute she saw me.

"You stay here as long as you need, got it?" I nodded as Emmy dragged me to the guest room. "Dinner will be done in a half hour, girls!" She yelled up to us.

The guest bedroom was huge but plain. The walls were painted a darker blue and had white curtains. There was a twin size bed with a lighter shade of blue for the comforter. The walls were bare other than the dresser with a flat screen on it and a mirror.

"Well, what do you think?" I shrugged my shoulders, not really sure what to say. I was so grateful the Carter's were letting me stay here.


"I like it. It's just different from home, you know?" Emmy nodded in agreement. I had stayed in this room multiple times, but it was basically mine now.

"Once you decide what you want to do, this room is all yours, and you're free to decorate it as you please," Emmy said with a smile. She gave me a quick hug. "We better get ready for dinner."


"...I swear, one of my clients was on something. It was too weird!" Momma C had been telling us about her day at work as we ate dinner. She was a lawyer, and she dealt with some serious weirdos.

"Sounds like an interesting day, honey," Mr. C said with a laugh. As nice as it was to be in an actually family again, it broke my heart knowing it wasn't my family.

"Has anyone seen Bryson? I haven't been able to get ahold of him," momma C asked. Emmy and I shook our heads. Momma C knew that Bryson and I didn't get along, so I would be the last person to know where he was.

"I'm here, mom. Sorry," Bryson said as he walked through the door. He set his stuff down and took his place at the table. His eyes scanned the room, and a smirk came on his face when he locked eyes with me. I could feel the heat from the blush making its way to my face. I looked down at my plate to get away from the tension.

"Bryson, Riley will be staying with us for a while," momma C told him. He nodded, not saying a word. Was that bad thing? We hadn't talked about what happened at the party, and honestly, that was fine by me.


"So the girls from the cheerleading team want me to go to some party with them. You're more than welcome to come," Emmy said as she stood in my door way.

"No, thanks though. I think I'm gonna work on unpacking." Emmy nodded in agreement and left. I opened up my suitcase, sorting my clothes to put away.

"Finally got sick of your stepmother?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. I turned around to see Bryson standing in my room.

"You know?" He nodded his head.

"It's not hard to know when you're friends with my sister. She worries about you." I turned around to finish unpacking.

"I know she worries," I said, trying not to cry. Bryson was right by my side, wrapping me in a hug. I hugged him back, letting the tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry," I said as I pulled away, realizing I drenched his shirt with tears.

"Don't be. Sometimes you just need to let it out," he said with a chuckle. "I'm right down the hall if you ever get sick of my sister." I nodded my head and he left. What just happened? Bryson was actually nice to me for once.


What do you think of Riley's stepmom? Did you think that's who it would be? And how about Bryson? He can be sweet, right?

The picture attached is another one I made from the wattpad covers app! Feel free to make banners or covers for me! I suck at them ]: sorry it took a little longer to get this update up! Been working non-stop.

Teaser: step mom relates drama! More Bryson [; and Tamara acts on her threats?

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