《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 45


A few days later Emma discovered a note in her room from Ethan requesting her presence in the greenhouse at eight o'clock. It was laid on top of a gorgeous lavender gown.

When she arrived in the greenhouse, after Eleanor helped her prepare by fixing her hair and makeup and making sure the locket Ethan gave her hung around her neck just so, she found Ethan standing in a circle of lit candles. He looked handsome as always, even with the cane. Emma could tell he'd recently bathed for she could smell the cedar wood soap he used as she approached.

She raised her skirts to step inside the circle.

"What are you up to Ethan?" she asked by way of welcome.

"Does that mean you haven't figured it out?" he asked knowingly.

Emma narrowed her eyes at him.

"I don't believe that answers my question."

Ethan laughed and reached for one of her hands.

"Emma, three months ago you came into my life. At first, I didn't even know you were here and when I did, I wanted you to leave. Soon I realized it was actually the opposite. I didn't want to let you go. No one knows my heart or mind like you do. And especially my body."

Emma smiled.

"But if we are to be married then I want to do this right. In case our children ever ask, they'll know their father wasn't a sap."

Ethan pulled a small box from his pocket.

"Ordinarily I'd kneel but I don't think my leg would allow it." he explained as if Emma had asked him to justify his actions.

"You don't have to kneel." Emma told him already eagerly anticipating what was to come.

"But if the children ask?" he queried.


"I'll tell them you did." Emma promised.

Ethan opened the box revealing a ring with a ruby red stone flanked by smaller white diamonds.

"Emmaline Grace Rhodes, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked in a deep husky voice.

"Yes." she whispered, reverently.

Ethan slipped the ring onto her finger.

"It's beautiful Ethan." she said admiring how the ruby glowed in the candlelight.

"Now for your final gift."

"I don't need anything else." Emma protested.

But Ethan ignored her and gestured to someone at the door. Huxley strolled in carrying a picnic basket.

"What's this?" Emma asked.

"Open it and you'll see." Ethan encouraged echoing earlier words.

Emma lifted one of the lids and out popped a small furry brown head.

"Oh my!" Emma exclaimed, pleased while reaching inside to pull out the wriggling puppy. It was an Irish setter just like Daisy.

"You did say she needed a friend." Ethan reminded her.

"Yes, I did." Emma agreed cuddling the puppy close who was licking her chin.

"It's a girl. She'll need a name." Ethan informed her.

"How about Tulip?" Emma suggested.

"I don't know if those grow here either." Ethan admitted.

Emma smiled. "Then we'll have to plant some."

"I suppose that can be arranged."

"Thank you, Ethan... for everything." Emma said.

He only smiled and reached out to stroke Tulips tiny head.

"Just promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"No more, gray."

Emma stepped forward and kissed his cheek. "For you, my lord, anything."

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