《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 30


Ethan had said he would stop by before Emma turned in for the night but now it was quite late and there had been no sign of him. Perhaps he had fallen asleep. She knew he'd been through an ordeal as well and his leg must pain him.

She was about to blow out the candle and go to sleep when Eleanor burst into her room.

"Emma my goodness you're not going to believe who's here!"

Eleanor closed the door behind her and rushed to Emma's bed sitting beside her. She was bowling over with excitement. Her brown curls bouncing on her shoulders, her face flushed with energy.

"I really can't fathom a guess, Eleanor." Emma replied bored.

"I didn't think you would, so I'll just tell you. It's Peter!"

"Peter who?" Emma asked dumbly.

"What do you mean Peter who? Peter Camden, your ex-fiancée!" Eleanor declared.

"What?" Now Emma sat up straight in bed. "What in the world is he doing here? How did he even know where I was?"

"I don't know much. Only that he arrived with Lord Salisbury's aunt and cousin." Eleanor related.

"They're here as well?" Emma asked, surprised. Huxley indicated they would be staying in London through the winter. So, what were they doing here now?

Eleanor nodded. "Do you think your mother told Peter where you are?"

"I don't know why she would. She knew how heartbroken I was when he called things off." Emma responded.

"He says he wants to win you back." Eleanor informed her.

Emma laughed. "Then he's on a fool's errand."

Eleanor giggled, "I could have told him that. I know you're in love with his lordship."

"Yes," Emma sighed, "But nothing will come of that."


"Why not?" Eleanor asked sadly.

"We come from different classes." Emma said sadly.

"So?" Eleanor asked unperturbed. "He adores you! And I knew him before you came. He was a beast. Always grumbling and barking orders. You've changed him! I've never seen him so happy."

"That's kind of you to say Eleanor," And truly it was, "But I'm not countess material."

"I think you are. You're just afraid you'll disappoint him." Eleanor said, hitting the nail on the head with her frank assessment of Emma's feelings.

"I will! Not to mention what the ton would say if the Earl of Salisbury married a nurse!" Emma cried.

"A very excellent nurse. And who cares what they say. You two make each other happy. Shouldn't you at least allow yourselves that pleasure." Eleanor asked.

"It's not as simple as that." Emma replied.

Eleanor shrugged. "If you say so. What are you going to do about Peter?"

"He'll need to leave. He's wasting his time here. There's no chance of a reconciliation between us." That Emma was certain of, no matter what Peter said he wouldn't change her mind.

"I don't think he'll go quietly." Eleanor observed.

"Well as you say Lord Salisbury adores me and I can't imagine he'd allow a man who had spurned me to stay in his home."

Eleanor smiled, "That's true. I can't wait to see that!"

Emma just hoped no one was hurt. Ethan could be quite overprotective, and he was still healing. He didn't need any further complications. But somehow, she knew when it came to her, his wellbeing never even factored in.

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