《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 2


"Who are you?"

Emma was startled from a deep sleep in which she was dreaming of her mother's fresh apple pie from the chaise she was sleeping upon by the sound of the unexpected deep voice.

Swinging her legs to the floor she turned toward the bed and saw Lord Salisbury staring back at her through glazed cerulean blue eyes.

"Lord Salisbury!" she exclaimed jumping up, "You're awake! How wonderful."

He gave her a querulous look. "I don't believe that answers my question."

She gave him a questioning look.

"Who are you?" he repeated. His frustration lapsed into the hard edge of his voice.

"Oh, yes! My apologies. I am Emmaline Rhodes."

He attempted to sit up but struggled in his efforts. Emma rushed to his side and assisted him to rest against the headboard.

"Can I get you anything?" Emma asked.

"Are you a servant here at Lavender Hall?" he queried.

"A nurse. I was hired to care for you." Emma explained.

"I suppose that explains why you are in my room." he replied dryly.

The sheet had fallen to rest upon his lap leaving his chest bare. Though Emma never knew him before his accident based on his muscle tone, the sun-burnished color to his skin and stories she had heard he had led a very active life. It was difficult not to notice what a handsome man he was. The thick raven black hair that fell into his eyes, the strong cheekbones and work roughened hands. It was not at all what she expected of an earl. She had often had to caution herself that he was her patient and employer and nothing more. Of course, in her imagination it was easy to assume what sort of man he was; however, awake it was quite a different story.


She was about to suggest he drink something when he suddenly bellowed for Huxley.

The butler arrived seconds later out of breath and clutching his side.

"My Lord, you're awake!"

"Yes, it's a miracle I'm sure," he sent Emma a scathing look. "Would you please explain to me what happened."

"You don't remember?" Huxley asked, surprised.

"Obviously." he drawled, "Or I wouldn't be asking."

"You were thrown from Aquila into a tree." Huxley explained.

Lord Salisbury frowned, "Aquila, throw me off?" he laughed. "What really happened?"

Huxley wrung his hands nervously. "That is what happened sir. Reggie was with you. If he hadn't gone for help you would have died right, there."

"Where is he now?"


Lord Salisbury sighed aggrieved, "Yes, Reggie."

"He and your aunt returned to London."

"So, they didn't expect me to survive?" Lord Salisbury quickly deduced.

Huxley looked away, "It was looking bleak there for a moment sir."

"Then what is she doing here?" Lord Salisbury jerked his head in Emma's direction.

"I requested her. You need proper care."

"How long ago was the accident?"

"Nearly a fortnight."

Lord Salisbury looked aghast. "That long?"

Huxley nodded sadly.

"Shall I call for tea?" Emma asked, breaking into the conversation. "And you should really eat something."

"Later," he said dismissively. "What's my prognosis?"

"Now that your fever has broken, I expect you to make a full recovery. You broke your leg and it needed to be set. It will take a few months for it to heal and for you to have full function back. You also have a ghastly cut on your side where a tree branch struck you. It will still need to be watched carefully. I also expect due to your coma that you suffered a concussion. You may experience some nausea, dizziness and headaches over the next few weeks."


"But I'll live?"

Emma smiled. "Yes."

"I'd like to talk privately with Huxley."

"Of course. I'll see about that tea." Emma curtsied and left the room.

Lord Salisbury was certainly not what she had been expecting. He was churlish, impatient, and rude. What had she gotten herself into?

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