《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 1


Guildford, Surrey

October 1872

Emmaline Rhodes peered through the rain splashed carriage window and looked upon Lavender Hall for the first time.

It was an imposing manor cloaked in darkness and surrounded by thick forest. The black iron gates creaked behind them as they bumped their way along to the entrance.

A man waited out front. Tall and elegantly dressed. He opened the carriage door and assisted Emma down.

"Miss Rhodes, thank you for coming. I am Richard Huxley the butler here at Lavender Hall. But for your convenience you may simply call me Huxley."

It was dark and the man in question stood in the shadows, away from the glow of lights inside the manor and the light posts surrounding the circular drive, but Emma could make out ebony hair, wide shoulders, and the scent of sandalwood.

The rain was still pouring insistently, and Emma's cloak was doing a poor job of keeping her dry

"Pleased to meet you Huxley. Might we go inside?" she eagerly suggested, a slight quiver in her voice.

"Of course!" he exclaimed motioning for a footman to gather Emma's things.

Huxley escorted Emma up the steps and into a large hall. It was lit by a number of candelabras hanging from the high ceiling.

"Dreadful weather we've been having," Huxley continued. "Would you like to get settled first?"

Now that they were out of the black of night Emma could see Huxley was an older gentleman with thinning hair and a long face. He was slender and tall and held himself with an air of importance. His gray eyes, however, were sharp with intelligence and what Emma suspected was fear.

"No, let me see my patient." she requested.

Emma could see Huxley was relieved to hear this and quickly ushered her toward a large staircase.


When Emma was notified by the Angels of the Mercy the nursing agency Emma worked for, that an earl had been in a terrible accident and required the services of a nurse she had immediately dismissed the seriousness of his injuries. The letter stated his accident occurred nearly a week ago, surely, they wouldn't have waited this long if he was truly that ill?

Keeping pace with Huxley she followed him up the staircase and down a long hallway, then another one until he stopped in front of a massive set of oak doors.

"Please do whatever you can," Huxley implored. And with that cryptic statement he led her inside.

As soon as Emma stepped over the threshold, she knew her mission would not be a simple one. The room smelled of death and disease. She was appalled at the state of the man lying on the four-poster bed draped with thick royal blue curtains.

"How long has he been like this." Emma cried approaching Lord Salisbury and touching his clammy forehead.

"A few days," Huxley replied.

"He's burning up with fever." Emma pointed out somewhat accusingly.

"Yes, I know that's why I requested a nurse."

Emma's eyes widened in surprise. "You requested me? But you're the butler!" This seemed extremely odd to Emma. A butler shouldn't be making life or death decisions for his employer.

Huxley seemed resentful of this reminder. "And as such it is my duty to serve my lord."

Emma began looking over the fevered man's body. "Does he have no family?" she asked. It was the only explanation she could think of that a butler would be this involved in his lordship's care.

"Parents are dead. No siblings. Just an aunt and cousin." Huxley relayed.


"And where are they?" Emma asked curiously.

"They were here when the accident occurred but left a few days later for London."

"They just abandoned him?" Emma cried aghast.

"They thought it was only a matter of time before..." Huxley trailed off.

"Before he died," Emma finished.

Huxley nodded.

"Oh my," Emma sighed when she turned, Lord Salisbury and saw the wound on his side. "This is badly infected."

"That would be where he was stabbed by the tree branch." Huxley divulged.

"Exactly what kind of accident did he have?" Emma asked.

"He was thrown from his horse into a tree."

Emma grabbed hold of the bedsheet and pulled, allowing it to slip to the floor. He was naked except for his drawers.

His left leg was broken. That was obvious. Various other bruises appeared on his body though those appeared to be healing.

"Someone set his leg." Emma observed noting the cast covering his right leg.

"Yes, we called for a doctor when the accident happened." Huxley explained.

"And that was all? He hasn't come to check up on his patient?" Emma asked, already disliking this doctor but sadly not unfamiliar with his kind.

"I tried but no response."

"Has he been awake?"


"Not at all since the accident?" Emma clarified.


Emma shook her head. That was bad. Perhaps there wasn't much she could do after all.

"Please try to save him," Huxley begged again, apparently sensing her discouragement. "You have to at least give it a go."

Emma nodded; her mind made up. "All right. I'll do what I can. But we don't have much time. I'm going to need a few things."

"Yes, I'll get whatever you need." Huxley assured her.

Determined, Emma set to work. She requested someone fetch her medical bag, warm water, clean towels, and a tea service.

First, she bathed the earl's sweaty, clammy skin clean. His breathing was shallow and his pulse fast. All bad signs.

Then she did her best dressing the wound on his side. It would need to be changed regularly. The skin was raised and red and pus oozed from the punctured opening. If his fever was going to break this wound needed to begin healing.

Emma worked tirelessly for hours only stopping occasionally to take a sip of tea. Her patient would occasionally moan or grunt but otherwise showed no other signs of life.

His muscles were weak, and it was obvious to Emma he'd lost weight since his accident. Unfortunately, until he awakened, or should she say if, there wasn't much she could do. He needed food and nourishment to stay strong.

For the next three days and nights she stayed and slept by his side. Doing whatever she could, providing whatever comfort she might.

On the fourth morning. Her efforts were rewarded.

Lord Salisbury had awakened.

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