《great love disasters: Lucian and Treegan》You are perfect


*Ian's POV*

I switched the channels using my remote trying to find a good show to watch when I hear someone knock loudly on the door.

I stand up and open the door to be met with a really excited and happy Keegan.

"She said yes!"

"She agreed to go on a date with me" Keegan starts jumping up and down with the biggest smile as I close the door.

"Okay calm down buddy" I smile and laugh at his childish behavior.

"I need your help Ian! I need to make this date really important. It can't be cheesy but it also can't be boring. This is really important to me, please help"

"Of course I will help, what are best friends for?"

We start walking to the couch to plan for his big date with Troian.

"So I was thinking about inviting her over for a candlelit dinner and cook for her then we'll take a ride up to Malibu and walk on the beach. Do you think that's too cliche?" Keegan looks at me waiting for my answer.

"It's a little cliche but I know Troian will love it, she'll love just about anything you do" I say truthfully as a grin appears on his face.

"Thanks Ian, now I have to go and buy a new suit and set everything up. Thank you again" Keegan gets up and walks towards the door. He waves and opens the door to leave.

"Goodnight Keegs, call me and tell me how everything goes"

He nods waves one last time and closes the door. That boy, Troian is one lucky person.


*Keegan's POV*

I button up my jacket and look into the mirror. I'm wearing a white button up with a black jacket and black dress pants. I complete the look with a simple black tie. As I walk to my car to pick her up the nerves start to kick in.


What if she doesn't like our date? What if she regrets saying yes and cancels on me when I get to the door? Oh no.

I hop in the car and start driving to her house. My palms start to get sweaty as I'm nearing her house. I walk up to her door and knock. The nerves have not left.

Troian opens the door with a huge smile. She's wearing a tight red dress with black heels and a few bracelets and a silver necklace with a heart on it.

"You look.... amazing" shocked that I could even speak. She looks like a complete goddess, well she always looks like one.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself"

She gives me a sweet smile and closes the door. She steps closer and pecks me on the lips.

"Shall we?"

She starts walking towards my car still leaving me breathless. I finally come back to reality and sprint to get to her door first. I open it for her as she steps in. I close it as I make my way to mine and start driving.

We make it to my house and I open the door for her once again.

"Thank you" She blushes and starts walking ahead.

I follow her and unlock my door and allow her in. She walks to the dining room and sees the candles and what I've set up for her.

"Wow, this is amazing. It's beautiful" She turns around to face me.

"You did this for me?"

"Of course I did, I wanted it to be special"

Instead of responding she wraps her arms around me and mumbles a 'thank you'.

She lets go and I pull the chair out for her and put the napkin on her lap. I inform her that I need to get the rest of the food, I walk into the kitchen and get the lasagna. I walk back into the dining room and set everything down.


"This looks amazing Keegan"

My cheeks start to get red as I sit down and give her a warm smile.

"Thank you"

We start eating as we talk about the most randomest things. That's one reason why I love Troian, she has so much to say and can keep any conversation going. She never loses interest and it amazes me how she hasn't gotten bored of me yet.

We finish dinner and I put everything away and in the dishwasher as she excuses herself to the bathroom. This is all going along smoothly and I just hope it stays that way.

We make our way back to my car. As we're driving to the beach I keep stealing glances at Troian, she's just so beautiful and I can't help myself.

"You know, if you keep staring at me we might crash" She smirks, proud of her comment. I start to feel embarrassed and look back on the road.

"I'm sorry my eyes are attracted to beauty"

Now it was her turn to blush and for me to smirk. Two can play at this game. I turn the radio on and we start signing along to songs and laugh. She makes everything more fun.

We end up at this private beach my friend owns. We take our shoes off as we walk along the beach. Besides the waves crashing it is completely silent. I feel a hand grab mine and I look at Troian to see her already smiling at me. The sun starts to set and I take out my camera which I take every and start walking away from her.

"Where are you going?"

"Just smile your pretty smile, okay? This is worth taking a picture"

She blushes and walks towards the water more and looks at me. I hold up my camera and she smiles as I take the picture. I look at the picture and see how beautiful and flawless she is. I instantly remember why I'm in love with her. The way she puts her hands together when she's nervous and the way she parts her hair to one side.

I don't notice her walk up to me until she puts he hand on my back. I look up as she smiles and looks at the picture.

"You're amazing Keegan, Thank you for tonight. It was perfect"

She leans in and I feel her lips on mine. I instantly clothes my eyes and drop my camera. I wrap my arms around her waist as she puts her around my neck. She pulls away as I peck her lips once more.

"You are perfect"

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