《great love disasters: Lucian and Treegan》Here it goes


*Ian's POV*

Today is the day I'm breaking up with Lucy. I love Lucy with all my heart, but I don't want to get heartbroken. I walk up Lucy's steps and knock on her door. After my third knock she's opens the door. I can tell that she has been crying. Oh this is going to be hard.

"Ian, hi" She says softly.

"Lucy, can we talk, outside though" I say as a tear rolls done my cheek.

"Um yeah"

"Lucy, I love you more than anything but we have to break up. I need some time to think by myself. I'm sorry" I walk away and I can hear her soft sobs as she's closing her door. I hop into my car and drive back to my apartment.


*Troian POV*

I'm sitting on the couch next to Keegan as we are watching a movie.

"Keegan" I look right at him.

"Yes,Troian" He focuses on the movie and doesn't look at me.

"Do you have feelings for Lucy?" I state and he finally looks at me.

"Of course not. Why would you think that?"

"Because you have been spending a lot of time with her and I never see you anymore lately"

"You're seeing me right now" He grabs my hand trying to make me calm gone.

"This doesn't count" I release his hand and walk towards the door. He stands up and starts running towards me.

"I don't love you anymore Keegan" I start crying.

"What" He looks at me confused.

"I'm sorry" I open the door and walk away.

"I love you Troian" Keegan screams and I cry harder. I love Keegan, I just don't want him to lie to me.


*Keegan POV*

It's been a week since Troian told me she didn't love me anymore and Ian breaking up with Lucy. Lucy and I are miserable. Today's the table read for 5.18. Lucy and I sit next to each other as Marlene starts speaking about the episode.


"Keegan, Lucy, is there something wrong? You guys look like you've been crying for days" Marlene states.

"It's because we have been crying for days" Lucy says while playing with the sleeve on her jackets that's around here waist.

"Is there a reason" Marlene asks. Now everyone is looking at Lucy and I and I can tell that Ian and Troian are nervous about Lucy's answer. Lucy stands up before speaking.

"There is a reason. It's because Ian and Troian broke our hearts" She says sounding annoyed. Lucy grabs my hand, causing me to stand up.

"We'll be leaving now" Lucy and I start walking out with are hands still connected. I look back and see Ian and Troian shocked.

"Okay, since Ian and Troian broke our hearts, we are breaking theirs. We are going to pretend to be a couple so they know how it feels" Lucy states smiling. I actually liked this plan.

"Okay, but we're going to need some help" I say. I know exactly who is going to help us, Shay.

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