《Engaged to the Bad Boy's Brother✔》FIVE


You picked out Pride and Prejudice from the library and went to sign it out. You scanned your card and you saw someone leaning against the counter.

You turned and saw Mingyu.

"Is there any way I can get you to let me have that instead?"

"There's more copies."

"I know but I don't want to look for them."

You grin at his childish antics and hand him the book. "Fine. I'll look for another one."

You go back to the section where you found the book and Mingyu follows. "I'm going to have lunch with some of my friends. Wanna come?"

"Friends?" You cock an eyebrow up thinking about his friends.

"I have more friends than just my normal group you know." Mingyu rolls his eyes. "I want to be friends but we can't do that if we don't hang out sometime."

He has a point. You sighed and nodded your head. Mingyu smiles and you pull out Pride and Prejudice. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Why are you trying to be friends with me? I mean doesn't it go against what 'bad boy stereotype'"

"That's just it. It's a stereotype. Not all of us like breaking the law or making fun of nerds."

"Me a nerd? You're joking." You dramatically gasp and he laughs.

"This is what I like about you, you're interesting."

"Well that's nice since not so many people like me." You mutter and walk back to the sign out machine.

"You just need to change your ways. Stop being so... Stalkerish." Mingyu leans against the counter while you sign out your book. "You're so obsessed with Jungkook but he almost got engaged you know? What if he did? Would you still continue?"

Considering that he would've gotten engaged to me no, but if it was someone else... Maybe, as long as he is happy.


"If he was happy."

"What if he would be happy if you weren't stalking him?"

"I have asked that question myself a bunch of times."

"I mean this is unhealthy for you and everyone can see that Jungkook's annoyed by it." You help Mingyu sign out his book as well as he continues talking. "Stop and move on. I don't think that Jungkook is even interested in dating anyone."

"You think?" You frown and hand him his book. "I should just give everything up?"

"From a friends perspective this is not good for you. Either of you." He shook his head. "You keep making a joke out of yourself in front of them. Doesn't that hurt you? Aren't you tired of it after 3 years?"

"Yea but love makes you do crazy things..." You sigh.

"Love." Mingyu says with quotations making you roll your eyes.

"Alright alright, whatever you say." He checks his watch. "If we wanna make it to lunch then we should go."

You nodded and followed Mingyu out the library. He drives to a korean barbeque place and walks towards a huge table, there were already 12 other people sitting there.

"Mingyu! You finally decided to show up." One of them smiles.

"Who is she?"


"This is Y/N. My friend." He introduces you to the group. You looked around and gulped. They were all good looking too. "They are uh... Well he's Woozi, Joshua, Hoshi, Jeonghan...."

He continues to introduce you to every single one of them and you enjoyed hanging out with them. You grabbed the last piece of meat from the grill but another pair of chopsticks grabbed it at the same time. You looked up and saw Woozi glaring at you.

"No, this is mine I saw it first."

"Well I grabbed it first."



"Ok guys, Y/N just give it to him." Mingyu says to you and you frown. "He needs more meat to be able to grow."

This got everyone at the table cracking up and you let go of the meat. "Aw ok then, I'm sorry Woozi! I totally forgot you need to grow."

"I'm not that short!" He pouts and shoves the meat into his mouth.

"Y/N?" You turned around and saw Jinyoung standing there with a few colleagues. They went to their table while he approached you. "What are you doing here?"

"You know Jungkook's brother?" Mingyu whispers to you and you nod.

"Hey Jinyoung... What a surprise." You smile awkwardly glancing between Mingyu and Jinyoung. "I'm here to eat with some friends." Jinyoung eyes Mingyu suspiciously and it takes you a while to figure out why he was acting that way. "Just a friend."

"Since I'm here do you need a ride home after classes? I get off work early today." Jinyoung smiles and you felt 13 pairs of eyes on you.

"Sure." You give him a strained smile and he leaves.

"Ok what was that." Seungkwan asks. "That was just Jeon Jinyoung."

"Y/N... are you-" Mingyu furrows his eyebrows and you slowly nodded your head.

"Is she what? Don't leave us out of this." DK says.

"Nothing. I forgot that Y/N was rich." Mingyu lies and his friends are even more shocked at that fact. They bombard you with questions like your family, forgetting all that happened with Jinyoung. Mingyu however gives you that look asking you to tell him later.

Once lunch is over, you all split the bill and you get into the car with Mingyu. He starts driving back to the campus and you break the silence.

"It's exactly what you think... I'm the future Jeon-daughter-in-law." You huffed and Mingyu let out a sigh.

"You're getting engaged to Jungkook's brother and you're still going after him?"

"I was hoping that I would be engaged to Jungkook instead but Jinyoung came back at the wrong timing." You frown and play with your hair.

"Were you forced to do it or did you try to force it."

"A little bit of both." You admit. "They proposed it for the growth of the company but I had a choice."

"I can see why Jungkook was acting pissed the last few days now."

"Yea, he was really mad."

"If you're engaged to Jinyoung then you shouldn't chase after Jungkook anymore. He'll be your brother in law soon and that'll cause a big scandal that the daughter in law used to be the younger brother's stalker."

"I know I should stop but it's hard."

"Why do you even like Jungkook anyway? That's what I've been wanting to know."

"He's different from everyone. Unlike all the other rich kids I've met he's rebellious but he can be kind if he wants to."

"Jungkook? Kind? I can't see it."

"Surprisingly he helped a cat get down from a tree once."

"You're just lying now."

"I was shocked when I first saw it too but the more I learned about him the more believable it seemed."

"Then you started stalking him without realizing it."

"Yes." You chuckle. "I don't regret it though, even after being bullied and called names for 3 years."

"If it were any other girl they would've been crying and over him by now."

"I'm not like any other girl but maybe it's time I do give up, I am engaged now to his brother too." You looked out the window.

"Just saying from experience. It's hard to give up on someone you love but it'll get easier, I'm sure if you give Jinyoung a chance he'll make you happier."

"That's what I've been doing but can he really?"

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