《Mr. Kim | [A Jinayeon Story]》Chapter 6


Nayeon made up her mind. She's going to put her pride aside and confess to Jin. If she doesn't, she'll regret never confessing to him. She inhaled and exhales knowing that Jin usually does his work quietly at the cafe she works at. Fortunately, it's her day off so she dressed casually waiting for him at the entrance.

As she distracts herself with her phone, a guy suddenly bumps into her causing her to drop her phone. The guy apologizes and quickly picks it up. As he picks it up, Nayeon hears a quiet curse, "Shit."

She takes the phone from him and looks at the crack in the screen. The guy bows and says, "I'm so sorry! I can get it fixed, I know a place!" Nayeon stares at her phone silently feeling a bit frustrated. The guy then says, "Wait, haven't we met before?" Nayeon raises her head feeling irritated but as she sees his face, the feeling goes away. She gulps thinking, "Why is everyone in this school so handsome?"

The guy notices her staring and says, "Oh, I never introduced myself. The name is Jeon Jungkook." Nayeon says silently, "Im Nayeon." Jungkook says, "I swear I've seen you before." She says, "So about my phone?" Jungkook rubs his nape and says, "Oh yeah! I can get it fixed in a week." Nayeon says, "A week?"

Jungkook chuckles a bit then says, "I deposited this weeks salary so I can't pay for it yet but I promise I'll get it fixed." Nayeon sighs then glances at his handsome face again. She can't stay mad at someone she just met, especially if that someone is this adorable.


Jungkook turns around and says, "Hyung?"


Nayeon glances at him and says, "Jin oppa?"

A sudden lightbulb forms above Jungkook's head as he says, "OH! You're that pretty girl hyung showed me!!" Nayeon blushes at the thought of Jin telling his friends about her and how this beautiful specimen just called her pretty. Jin notices her getting flustered and suddenly gets jealous. Jin says, "Don't you have class?"


Jungkook shakes his head as Jin pushes aside and says, "Yeah, I think you do. Bye." Jungkook finally gets the hint as he says, "Bye Nayeonie!"

Nayeon continues to look at Jungkook as she asks, "Is that your friend?" Jin nods and says, "He's a brat." She says, "Does he have a girlfriend?" Jin replies a bit irritated, "No." Nayeon quickly remembers why she was there and snaps out of it.

She blushes as it'll be awkward to confess her feelings now, especially after she was blatantly checking out his friend. Nayeon asks, "Are you busy?" Jin glances at his watch and says, "Not today." She says, "Have lunch with me."

Jin smiles a bit getting attracted by her confidence. He nods and the two sit down near the window. After they get their coffee and food, they sit across each one, one more awkward than the other. Jin raises his head from his plate to notice Nayeon nervously fiddling with her fingers.

He puts his fork down and says, "About the kiss..." She raises her head up as he says, "I like you, Nayeon." Nayeon stares at him for a bit and suddenly giggles which causes him to blush feeling embarrassed. Jin stutters, "I-is there something on my face?" Nayeon shakes her head and says, "Doesn't this feel a bit high schoolish. You tell me you like me over lunch and I say I like you back. Then we start dating and its as easy as that."

Jin stares at her a bit confused then starts to giggle with her. He says, "Yeah, you're half right." Nayeon raises an eyebrow, "Half?" He nods and says, "Yeah I like you and you said you like me but... we can't date yet." He expects her to take it hard or at least be a little sad but Nayeon just nods and takes a bite of her cake.

She says, "I completely agree. I just started college and I didn't come here to date, I came here to work and study. Plus, you're still my teacher so it's kind of... weird." Jin smiles and says, "You're pretty mature for your age." Nayeon rolls her eyes and says, "People do say I look younger than most people my age."


Jin nods and says, "People say that about me too." She giggles and says, "We're meant for each other." Jin then says, "Well, flirting isn't really dating..." Nayeon nods and says, "It's not like we're boyfriend and girlfriend, right now. Just promise me you'll be waiting for me when we're ready."

Jin nods and says, "Of course, I'm the most patient guy in the world. I could wait a hundred years just to be with you. Do you know they call me Mr. Biggest Patience in the world." Nayeon smirks and says, "I can wait a thousand." Jin rolls his eyes and says, "A million." She replies, "A billion." He says, "A trillion."

Before they could get any further, a cough breaks them out of their conversation. They both turn their heads to see Mina staring at the two. She says, "Get a room." Jimin suddenly appears behind her and backhugs her. Jimin places his chin on her shoulder as he says, "Blatantly flirting like that is making our customers feel uncomfortable."

Nayeon and Jin stare at the two as they're basically hugging in the middle of the cafe. Nayeon says, "Don't you two have to be working?" Mina shakes her head and says, "There's no one here." Nayeon replies, "Then how are we bothering your customers?"

Jimin suddenly speaks up, "Hey aren't you Yoongi's friend?" Jin raises his eyebrow and says, "You know Yoongi?" Nayeon asks, "Who's Yoongi?" Jimin says, "Yeah, we share a few classes together. I'm Jimin, nice to meet you."

Jin smiles, "I'm Jin, also nice to meet you." Mina then says, "So roomie, how did you meet this handsome man?" Jimin turns his head to glare at his girlfriend as she continues to look at Nayeon's date. She says, "W-we bumped into each other on campus. Literally."

Mina just nods as she says, "I'm Mina, Nayeon's roommate, nice to me-" She's suddenly pulled away as Jimin carries her off as he says, "Oh look at that, our break is over! Got to go back to work!"

Nayeon turns to Jin and says, "See what I have to deal with every night?" Jin nods and says, "Thank God, Jungkook and Yoongi don't have girlfriends." Nayeon says, "So what are you going to do after filling in for your dad?" Jin shrugs and says, "The only plans I have for the future is dating you." Nayeon replies, "Well, that's all you need."

Jin raises his eyebrows and asks, "What?" She replies, "I mean... I would be set for life if I had a woman like me waiting." Jin says, "You're really full of yourself aren't you?" Nayeon scoffs and says, "I don't know what you're talking about." He replies, "Just because you're going to date THE Kim Seokjin, doesn't mean you can be all confident." Nayeon rolls her eyes and says, "I have to go, see you later?"

Jin nods and smiles brightly as he waves her goodbye. Suddenly, Jungkook joins his table and Jin blushes a bit. Jin asks, "How long were you watching?" Jungkook shakes his head and says, "That doesn't matter. What really matters is are you really going to start a serious relationship with her?"

Jin nods as he says, "I ended all my other flings just for her." Jungkook then leans back and sighs in defeat. Jin raises his eyebrow as Jungkook says, "I know we're friends but... if anything happens. I hope you don't hate me for trying to date her." Jin rolls his eyes and says, "As if... Kook, she's mine and that's final. Okay?" The younger just nods as the two start to converse on other subjects.

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