《Mr. Kim | [A Jinayeon Story]》Chapter 1


Nayeon woke up in glee as it's finally her first day. She rushes out of bed and into the bathroom. It's her first day of college. She's been waiting for this moment her whole life. As of now, she's an independent woman who's working towards goals she set for herself. She's majoring in fashion business management.

In the future, she'll start up working for a famous brand then establish her own brand. It has been her dream and now she's one step closer.

Nayeon finishes getting ready and notices her roommate woke up. Nayeon greets her, "Morning, roomie." Her roommate flutters her eyes open and nods back at her then reaches for her phone.

Nayeon says, "I have morning classes so I'll be going now." Her roommate nods and says, "Okay... Sorry but what was your name again?" Nayeon replies with a bright smile, "Im Nayeon."

Her roommate smiles with her eyes still shut and says, "Ahh, sorry. I'm Myoui Mina." Nayeon smiles back then heads out of her room.

She heads to one of her business classes and rushes into the building. She's not late in any way, it's just that she wants to have a good seat. As she runs down towards the lecture hall, she suddenly bumps into a person.

He doesn't fall but Nayeon almost does. If it weren't for the other catching her, she'd be on the ground right now. Nayeon quickly apologizes and looks up to meet his eyes. He's handsome.

The other smiles back at her which melts her heart and says, "It's fine. Are you heading to business too?" Nayeon nods and the guy says, "Perfect, we can head there together."

The two walk side by side as Nayeon glances to the right every now and then. The guy notices and says, "Ahh, we haven't introduced each other yet. I'm Park Jinyoung." (GOT7 btw not JYP) Nayeon smiles at him and replies, "Im Nayeon."


Jinyoung raises an eyebrow, "Im? Do you by any chance know Jaebeom?" Nayeon looks at him confused and he chuckles and says, "I guess you don't." The two enter the lecture hall and head to their seats.

Jinyoung suddenly asks, "Mind if I sit next to you?" Nayeon shakes her head and he takes a seat next to her. They prepare their laptops and put their bags aside as they wait patiently for their professor. Nayeon breaks the silence and asks, "Have you met the professor? I only know his name is Professor Kim."

Jinyoung shakes his head and says, "I haven't met him but I heard his son is a prodigy in the business industry." Nayeon asks, "He has a son?" He nods and says, "He's a few years older than me, or that's what Jisoo told me." She raises an eyebrow and asks, "Jisoo?"

Suddenly, another girl sits beside Jinyoung. Her hair is a bit messy and she's currently fixing her makeup. Jinyoung leans back to show her and says, "This is Jisoo. Jisoo, this is Nayeon." Jisoo turns while she's fixing her lipstick and extends her hand, "Nice to meet you. I'm Jisoo Turtle Rabbit Kim." Nayeon smiles back at her and says, "I'm Im Nayeon."

Jisoo puts her makeup back in her bag and says, "It looks like Jinyoung got comfortable with you quickly. How do you do it?" Nayeon thinks for a bit and says, "I don't know. I just ran into him. Literally." Jisoo laughs and says, "Wow, I ran into him our first meeting too!"

Suddenly, the entire room fills and the lecturer arrives. Everyone looks at him confused as they expected the professor to come in but it's someone else, someone younger. He faces the class and says, "Uhh, my dad has some business in America so I'll be filling in for the first semester of this year. Don't worry, I'm way better than my dad." The class chuckles and he introduces himself, "My name is Kim Seokjin. I'm not a professor but you can call me Mr. Jin, Mr. Kim, or Mr. Worldwide Handsome."


The class chuckles and he smiles at them. He looks around and says, "I know it's a bit weird that a person only a few years older than you is teaching but it's better because we can relate with each other more. I hope you can trust me, my experience and background can reassure you that I am qualified to teach you. But, I'm still a Lecturer so we can't be friends in class but I don't mind speaking out of class."

A girl raises her hand and asks, "Do you have a girlfriend?" Jin smiles at her and says, "And no, I don't date my students." The girl pouts and Jin smiles brightly and says, "I know I'm irresistible but please, control yourselves. Let's start the lesson."

After a few hours, the class finally ends. Nayeon fixes her things as Jinyoung turns to her and says, "Want to eat lunch?" Nayeon looks at him kind of surprised by his request and he continues, "With Jisoo and I, of course." Nayeon blinks and says, "Oh, yeah. Let's go."

The three walk out into the hall. Nayeon walks down the hall stuck in her thoughts. Thoughts about Jinyoung, "Does he like me? I know everyone falls in love with my beauty but-"

Suddenly, she runs into a wall and it pulls her back into reality. She places her hand on the wall and quickly realizes it's not a wall.

Jinyoung gently pulls her to the side and says, "You need to watch where you're going." Nayeon blushes in embarrassment and turns even more red when she faces up.

She's staring directly into Jin's eyes as he looks at her confused. Jin smiles and says, "Sorry..." Nayeon has her head faced up as he's significantly taller than her. She just stares at his face as he wasn't wrong when he said his name was Mr. Worldwide Handsome. Jinyoung says, "Sorry sir." He then whispers, "Nayeon, you should move out of his way."

Nayeon notices she's still standing in front of Jin with her face almost touching his chest. She moves to the side and says shyly, "Sorry." Jin smiles at her and says, "It's fine. Just be careful, other people aren't as considerate as me. I am a gentleman."

Nayeon chuckles lightly at his confidence and he returns it with a laugh. She unconsciously says, "Do you want to eat lunch with us?" Jinyoung turns his head to her quickly and Jisoo stares at her confused. Jin is slightly taken aback and glances at his watch. He doesn't have anything to do this afternoon so he'll just politely accept.

Jinyoung says, "Nayeon, he's probably busy." Jin then says, "I can go for lunch. It's on me." Jinyoung sighs and Nayeon just nods. Jisoo stares at Jinyoung slightly disappointed.

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