《Fun Facts!》Affectionate Touch Soften Hard Feelings


There are times that we are socially excluded from a group of friends or in the family; or rejected by someone special perhaps, disgusted by our looks; or snubbed by our best friend because we forgot to invite him or her to a party. It is painful indeed so we sometimes find activities that might mitigate and distract us from feeling that painful rejection, perhaps by eating junk foods, watching a comedy, or something else. But a new study suggested that a slow, gentle stroking touch can soothe the hard feelings received from social exclusion.

Since humans are social beings and wanting to be understood, they search for comfort from other people to at least express and lessen the negativity within. However, according to the said study, it showed that it does not need comforting words or pictures to be socially supported, a gentle touch can be enough. But it does not guarantee that a single caress will magically eliminate the negative effects of being ostracized entirely. It just reduces the pain.

But if still, no one wants to comfort you even just a gentle stroke, do not get sad. There is this God-given talent called masturbation.

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