《Christmas Amóre》Real Christmas [e p i l o g u e]


The only gift I'll ever need is the joy of family

Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me

~ That's Christmas To Me ~

A few years later...

“I'm coming baby!” I quickly whip up the pancakes Stacy has been craving since last night. Even though her pregnancy is over and my little girl is sleeping in her cradle, my loving wife insists that she still has certain cravings.

She's been a lot more cranky than usual due to sleepless nights and the ability of our little girl to stay awake screaming most of the day and night.


“Give this poor man a break.” I mutter bitterly under my breath but it's just a facade cause I love taking care of the mother of my children. It's the least I could do for the woman who brought little miracles in this world.

“Mama, dadda says to give this poor man a break!” My four year old son yells.

“You little mama's boy!” I whisper yell as I flip the pancakes. He claps his hands and grins.

“Mom he's calling me a mama's boy!”

I sigh.

“You're a little brat.”

“It's not nice to call me a brat dad!” He says loudly knowing his mama can hear him.

“Nate!” She yells. “Stop calling your son a brat.”

“You're a tattletale, that's what you are!” I tease my son who smiles a toothy grin at me.

“Mama he called me a tattletale!”

“This is a madhouse.” I state simply and I feel her presence before I hear her.

“Is that so?”

Her angry voice washes over me but no matter how hard she tries, her voice always comes out soft than stern.

I douse the pancakes with syrup and place diced strawberries to the side and turn to face my beautiful wife proudly.


While Stacy was always pretty, motherhood was becoming on her. Her figure was a lot curvier than before and I loved her soft body and curves even though she protested they're not very nice.

My eyes claim every inch of her gorgeous body and a blush stains her cheeks.

“You're simply stunning.” I whisper, as I slip a wayward strand behind her ear.

“Nathan!” She looks behind me towards Nick but I already know he darted to the living room.

I kiss her lips softly, letting my lips linger, just to simply enjoy the feel of her lips close to mine. Her entire body softens as she leans into me. I hold her close to me and run my fingers through her hair and rub her back.

She's been so tired lately but she mostly never complains cause she loves taking care of our children. My wife is the strongest, most amazing woman and I strived to make her feel loved and cherished every single day.

I love being married to her. While the last few years weren't the easiest, especially when we had little Nick we still braved through those rough nights and days. Not a day went by when I wasn't reminded of why I'm so deeply in love with her.

As days pass on, I find countless reasons to love her even more.

“I love you.” I whisper.

“And I love you.” She whispers back as we hold each other in the kitchen we've spent many days dancing and cooking together, sharing passionate kisses and also a few angry fights in which Stacy has broken her fair share of fine china plates.

I've stopped buying them.

I close my eyes and thank God for the millionth time for my little family.


The Christmas movie is playing in the background but my eyes are focused on the lights of the Christmas tree playing on Stacy's face as as she bounced and made funny faces to make little Gloria giggle.


Gloria lets out a loud laugh before falling forward to clamp her toothless mouth on her mother's jaw.

I feel the weight of Nick fall on my arm and I know he's already deep in sleep. I pull my boy closer and kiss his golden brown curls.

Stacy's eyes rose to meet mine and I could feel the love shining in them for me.

“We have such beautiful children, don't we?” She whispers as Gloria murmurs incoherently as she placed her cheek on her mama's shoulder.

“The most beautiful wife and children.”

She cheeks glow.

“Time to tuck them in bed.” she whispered quietly as she rose with Gloria safe in her arms.

After they're both tucked into bed with loving kisses, I undress Stacy slowly in our room. She moans in appreciation when I massage her sore muscles.

“You're the most perfect wife and the mother to our children. We're blessed to have you.”

She turns on her back to face me as I brace myself above her body.

Her green eyes shimmer in the dark when she placed her soft hand on my cheek.

“Just as we're blessed to have you. I love you Nathan.”

“I love you more than you'll ever know.”

Our lips meet and I love her well into the night. I hold her breathless bare body close to mine and I'm still not used to how good her warm skin feels against mine.

I press a kiss to her damp forehead and she murmurs incoherently in my chest before her breathing evens out letting me know she fell asleep.

I close my eyes and thank God for my wife and children.

They're my greatest gifts and I know I'll treasure them until my last breath.


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