《Christmas Amóre》Doubts


Candlelight burning bright

Underneath a cool, starry night

You and me, endlessly, it's the greatest gift

That love could give to me

~ Snowflakes of Love ~

It was nearing noon when the doorbell rung throughout the house. I wiped my hands on the napkin as I hummed and made my way to the door.

I smile when I pass our newly decorated tree and the crib we'd placed on the mantel last night. I chuckle when I recall Nathan's face as he almost dropped a little statue. Yesterday was a new territory for the both of us and I think we passed with flying colours.

I open the front door, my smile dimming slightly when I notice it's Mrs. Bennet. Harriett Bennet was a beautiful woman in her early thirties and an old friend of the Williams family despite her habit of stirring trouble. The Williams had narrated colourful stories about her that had me a little guarded and cautious around her.

“Oh Stacey! It's so nice to see you again.”

She gives me a quick hug before walking past me inside the house.

“Please do come in ma'am.” I mutter under my breath.

“So sorry to stop by suddenly but I was passing by and I just had to meet you.” She throws herself on the couch then crosses her legs in a dignified manner before gesturing me to take a seat.

Of course this lady will tell me sit in my own house.

Her sharp eyes assess my outfit and I shamefully remove the stained apron.

“How are you Mrs. Bennet?” I ask pleasantly.

“Oh,” she waves her hand dismissively. “Call me Harriet.”

I nod.

“My husband calls me Harry and it's so annoying. Others think it's quite cute.” She rolls her eyes.


“Can I get you anything to drink? I have cookies too.” I offer with a bright smile.

“Oh hon. No cookies for me. I can't risk eating sugar.”

I force an understanding smile even though I would never refuse free cookies.

“So where's that handsome husband of yours?” She looks around the decorated house. I clench my hands in a fist.

“Work.” I reply crisply.

She jerks her head towards me.

“Honey you better keep him on a tight leash. Men do a lot of other work under the pretense of work.”

My blood boils.

“Nathan isn't that kind of a man. I trust him.”

She rolls her eyes.

“Every woman trusts her man until he proves her wrong.”

I don't reply.

“So how's your marriage so far? Exciting?”

A smile graces my lips effortlessly in reply.

“And your marriage bed?” She wiggles her brows.

My mouth falls open unceremoniously.

“I—I b-believe that's personal Mrs—Harriet.”

“From that blush honey I can safely assume you haven't christened anything here.”

My face turns red, in anger or embarrassment, I don't know.

“Hon it's been what three? Four months since you got married?” She leans in and whispers. “Darling if he's not trying to have sex with you that only means one thing.”

“W—what?” I find myself asking and I almost slap myself for it.

She smiles sympathetically at me. “He's getting it from somewhere else.”

My chest heaves from my rapid breathing.

She smiles and walks towards our wedding picture that I had placed on the wall.

“Darling, never trust a man. I'll tell you what, you give him a surprise visit during work and barge inside his office.” She turns and widens her eyes.

“Catch them when they least expect it.”


I close my eyes tightly when flashes of Nathan with another woman inside his office swarm my head. Tears burn the corner of my eyes as I forcefully whisper through the lump lodged in my throat.

“I'd like you to leave Mrs. Bennet.”

“Okay!” She smiles brightly. “My work here is done anyways.”

I breathe shakily through my tears.

No! I trust Nathan. He's kind and honest and he hasn't given me any reason to mistrust him.


This was an arranged marriage. He doesn't love me. And what if the reason we're not intimate yet is because…


Harriet loves to stir trouble.

But I'm afraid the seed had already been planted.


Unfortunately that evening Nathan returns awfully late from work, watering the seed of doubt planted by that wicked witch.

‘Holiday Rush’ was his excuse as to being late.

When I enter the bedroom, I catch him talking on the phone but when he notices me he quickly hangs up on that person.

“Who was it?” I ask quietly.

He shrugs dismissively.

“Just work.”

“Forget that, how was your day?”

“It was good. Mrs. Bennet gave me a surprise visit today.” I answer as I absent-mindedly rummage for my night clothes.

“Stace you'd do well staying away from that woman. She's nothing but trouble.” He warns.

“Yeah.” I whisper.

I feel him behind me before I feel the weight of his hands on my shoulders as he gently massages me.

“Are you okay Stacey? I told you not to over work yourself. You're always running around doing something.”

He turns me and kisses my forehead.

“Come on. We should sleep. You look awfully drained today.”

Why doesn't he kiss me? Why always the forehead or the cheek?


He crouches a little to look me in the eyes. I turn quickly.

“Yeah just let me change.”

“Stacey...” I feel my heartstrings tug when I hear the concern and worry in his voice.

“I'll be right out.”

I take a long shower and for the first time I'm thankful he's fallen asleep waiting for me.


The next day I'm so restless that I feel shameful of the doubt churning in my stomach. I have to quell this worry. I can't do this to myself and to Nathan.

Mum always said to never let a third person inside your marriage. I have to talk to Nathan.

I take a deep breath and book a cab to take me Nathan. I even grab some flowers. While Nathan wasn't a CEO or anything, he did have a respectable position that allowed him to have his own office.

The lobby of the building is beautifully adorned with Christmas decor but even that doesn't lift up my spirits.

The receptionist greets me with a welcoming smile and I recognise her from when she came to the wedding.

I take the elevator and it only adds to the nauseating feeling swirling low in my gut.

I walk across the hallway leading to his office, each step making my heart beat a little faster. By the time I reach the strong brown door with his nameplate, my heart is ready to burst out of my chest.

I take a deep breath and raise my hand to knock but shake my head as I recall Harriet's words. I feel so damn ashamed of myself as I grip the doorknob in my hand that tears well up in my eyes.

I push the door open to find a woman snuggled in his arms and his lips pressed to the top of her head.

My heart just about stops in my chest.


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