《Code Vein Oneshots》'Til Death Do Us Part || Jack Rutherford x Reader (1/2)


A few weeks have passed since (Y/n) awoke in the ruined city with Io at her side. After being captured by wandering revenants and forced to hunt for blood beads alongside a young man named Oliver, she met Louis and joined his search in locating the source of the bloodsprings. Their search led them to meet Mia and locate the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood.

Yakumo, Louis, (Y/n), and Mia were resting at one of the mistles located at the Cathedral. They were exhausted from cutting down the powerful Lost wandering around the convoluted structure.

(Y/n) glances down at her left hand, staring melancholically at the engagement ring adorned with a(n) (f/c) gem. She developed a habit of twisting it around her finger whenever she was anxious or bored. No matter how hard she searched her memory, she couldn't recall who gave her the ring or even when.

Yakumo, having been watching her fiddle with the ring, asked, "So, who's the lucky guy?"

Tearing her gaze away from the piece of jewelry, (Y/n) answered him honestly. "I don't know. When I woke up as a revenant, none of my memories were intact."

"It is odd," Louis commented. "I've only heard of revenants losing parts of their memory, not all."

"To be honest, I'm not bothered by my missing memory," (Y/n) said. "I am curious as to who gave me this ring, but I'd be okay not knowing. I'm afraid that if I do learn the truth, I'd want to search for him. Besides, I don't even know if he's alive."

"There's no shame in looking for someone you care about," Yakumo stated. "Even if you don't know if they're dead or alive."

"I know, but I'm afraid to learn that he is dead." (Y/n) placed a hand over her heart. "I'm not sure how I'll be able to deal with the heartbreak."

"If you ever do want to learn the truth, we're here for you, (Y/n)," Mia smiles at her.

The (h/c)-haired girl smiled, glancing around at her friends. "Thank you, everyone."

Once the group was well-rested, they departed from the mistle and proceeded deeper into the Cathedral. Although still frustrated from the intricate layout, they calmly proceeded forward and slaughtered any Lost who stood in their way.

Eventually, they found themselves face to face with a Greater Lost known as an Argent Wolf Berserker. With perfectly executed dodges and well-planned attacks, the monstrous Lost proved to be an obstacle for only a short while.

As the mist cleared and the revenants moved forward, Mia gasped when she spotted a familiar object located by a weapon impaled in the pathway. "There's a vestige all the way out here?"

The four gathered around the vestige, curious as to who it belonged to. Before anyone could ask the one question that was on everyone's mind, they heard (Y/n)'s voice echo from the vestige. Without hesitating, she grabbed and purified it.

Inside the memory held within the vestige, (Y/n) woke up inside a medical tent. She met a kind woman named Karen who checked on her. As she did, she started giggling. "Jack was worried about you. He came to visit whenever he could. Do you know who he is?"

(Y/n) glances down at her hand, her eyes locking on the ring. "He's...my fiancé, right?"

"Yes," she replied. "It seems your memory isn't all in tatters."

The younger girl remained seated on the bed, stretching her arms, back, and neck. She could feel and hear her joints popping. While combing her hands through her (h/c) locks, someone entered the tent.


"You're awake," the person sighed in relief.

Looking up, she met the person's gaze. A few images of her life before she became a revenant flickered through her mind and most of them were of her and the person who stood before her. "Jack," she murmured his name.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"My head's a little fuzzy. Besides that, I'm all right."

"Glad to hear."

Suddenly, the ground shook violently. Jack managed to keep his balance until the tremor subsided. Once the ground was still, (Y/n) leapt to her feet and followed him out of the tent. He filled her in on their mission and why they were in this section of the city. They were to lure the Queen out and kill her. The young girl wondered if it was even possible to kill the Queen, but she would do all in her power to stop her.

After a brief speech to the other revenants, Jack and (Y/n) departed from camp. They maneuvered through the debris and located a mistle not too far from the camp. With the medicine created from the Queen's blood, they replenished the mistle before setting out deeper into what remained of the research facility and the area around it. Fighting through the Lost and one invasion, they trekked across a narrow pathway and entered an area where there were many storehouses.

Locating a second mistle, (Y/n) and Jack used the medicine again and decided to rest for a short while. During their entire journey so far, they hadn't said a single word to one another. Their focus had been on surviving, forgetting who they were to one another.

Jack, wishing to shatter the suffocating silence, spoke up. "How're you holding up, (Y/n)?"

The girl stabbed the tip of her (w/c) into the ground, piercing the metal flooring. She leaned against the weapon with a sigh. "I'm fine. How about you?"

"Fine," he blandly responded. His attention was drawn to the sound of one of the Lost wailing in the distance. "We should keep moving."

"Wait," (Y/n) said, grabbing his full attention. "There's something I want to ask you."

"What is it?" Jack inquired.

Lifting her head, she stared at him. "We were engaged, weren't we?"

He was taken aback at the sudden question. Never did he expect her to ask such a thing. "We were and still are," he declared. "Once we defeat the Queen, we can finally be together."

(Y/n) felt a warm sensation blossom in her chest. She smiled at him, placing a hand over her heart. "I'd like that very much."

A minuscule smile tugged at Jack's lips. "Then we better make this quick."

Grabbing their weapons, they departed from the storehouse and search for a way forward. Fighting more Lost in the area, they were able to locate keys that unlocked the metal shutter near the mistle. Proceeding forward, they fought through the small horde of Lost and maneuvered through the narrow pathways.

The third mistle they revived was near a large, open area. Both revenants could sense a powerful presence as they jumped from the cliff and entered the open area. Jack suddenly stopped (Y/n) by extending his sword. His gaze traveled over to a nearby cliff and spotted one of the Lost watching them. She followed his line of sight just as the assailant leapt down from its perch with a sword and shield in its grasp.

"Listen, (Y/n)." Jack adjusted his mask before raising his sword. "Show them no mercy."


"Trust me, I won't." (Y/n) readied her (w/c) as the Lost screeched at the top of its lungs.

The Queen's knight charged forward with its sword aimed directly at the girl's heart. She nimbly dodged and delivered a couple slashes before being forced on the defensive. While the Lost attacked her, Jack swung his sword and stabbed the creature in the back. Seeing how the enemy was focused on her, she tried to keep its attention so Jack could deliver as many strikes as possible.

However, (Y/n) and Jack were knocked backwards when the Queen's knight swung its sword in a circular motion. The two revenants recovered just as the Lost disappeared. Within seconds, it reappeared above them and brought its blade down. Jack shoved (Y/n) aside, blocking the blade with his own.

Using one of her gifts, (Y/n) strengthens her (w/c) and lunges toward the assailant. She managed to get behind it and deliver a heavy blow, knocking it to a single knee. Jack took the advantage and attacked, not holding back as he pierced the Lost's body multiple times.

Like before, the Queen's knight vanished and reappeared. It stabbed its sword into the ground and sent out a powerful attack. Blood erupted from the ground, but the two revenants dodged at the last second to avoid being wounded.

"Grab its attention, Jack," (Y/n) said, tugging at the collar of her blood veil. "I've got an idea."

"Just don't do anything reckless," Jack said before doing as she commanded.

Once Jack had the adversary's attention, (Y/n) stabbed the tip of her (w/c) into the ground. She cast another gift to strengthen her defense and Jack's before using another one to send her own blood as a projectile. Her blood hardened into a large spike and it pierced the Lost in the abdomen, pinning it to the ground. Abandoning her weapon, she charged at the enemy and activated her blood veil. Plunging it through the enemy's chest, its blood splattered across her and the ground.

(Y/n) yanked her blood veil out of the Lost's body, watching as it tumbled to the ground. With a satisfied grin, she watched its body evaporate into a cloud of ash. She wiped the blood around her mask off her face with a sigh. "Talk about a tough battle."

"You handled yourself well, (Y/n)," Jack complimented as he walked over with her (w/c) in hand. "Especially for someone who just awoken as a revenant."

She took her weapon with a smile which was hidden by the purifier mask. "I was a little sloppy at the beginning, but I was able to recall your training after facing against the horde of Lost earlier. Guess I have you to thank. A student is only as good as their teacher."

Jack huffed out a chuckle. "You were a stubborn one to teach."

"And you were a hard-ass teacher." She placed her free hand on her lower back. "You really did a number on me when we first fought. I swear, I can still feel the back pain..."

Before Jack could respond, his attention was drawn to the cliff overlooking the battlefield as he felt an ominous presence. (Y/n) also detected the presence and they both immediately jumped back when thorns soared through the air in an attempt to pierce their bodies. They glared up at the figure, recognizing it as the Queen.

"Our ill-mannered guest is here," Jack commented. "Guess that means we have to begin the festivities."

"Let's make this quick," (Y/n) said.

(A/n: I don't remember the fight with the Queen cutscene very well so it won't be accurate.)

Jack was the first to attack. He dashed toward the Queen and swung his blade, but she easily blocked the sword and tossed him aside. (Y/n) charged forward with her (w/c), but the same thing happened to her. The Queen blocked her attack and tossed her as if she weighed nothing. The revenants regrouped and focused their gaze on the Queen.

Remaining at a distance, the Queen created thorns and aimed them at Jack and (Y/n). They were both taken aback at how many thorns she manifested.

"How many are there?!" Jack scowled at the thorns.

(Y/n) remained silent, wondering how they would dodge the attack without being impaled. Her train of thought derailed when the thorns sailed through the air toward them. Before they could react, a barrier appeared and blocked the thorns. They shattered once making contact and the two revenants looked around. In the distance, they spotted Silva.

"I'll take the spear!" Silva bellowed. "All right, gang. This is the moment of truth!"

The Queen glanced at the snowy-haired revenant, giving Jack an opening. Like before, he was unable to touch the young woman. He was throw aside, but the Queen failed to detect (Y/n)'s presence in time. The (h/c)-haired girl swung her (w/c) and knocked the Queen back into the cliffside.

Jack acted quickly and pinned the Queen to the cliffside, pressing his arm against her throat. "At last, you can know peace," he muttered.

Before he could kill her, the Queen's eyes shot open. Another flurry of thorns manifested, causing Jack and (Y/n) to be knocked back. The (e/c)-eyed revenant gasped in shock as one of the thorns knocked her mask off.

"(Y/n)!" Jack hollered.

The girl's body slammed against the ground. Her breathing was labored as her eyes illuminated a bright crimson. She pushed herself onto her knees, hunching over and grabbing her throat with a painful cry.

Jack, who saw the Queen sneaking up behind his fiancée, threw his sword. His eyes widen in shock when the Queen caught the blade.

(Y/n) detected the Queen's presence and could only think of one thing to do. Even though she knew it was a stupid idea, there was no other way to stop her. She was willing to risk her life to save thousands. Activating her blood veil, she fought against the bloodlust and impaled the Queen.

The young woman caressed the side of (Y/n)'s face, whispering in her ear as the revenant drained her blood.

(Y/n) ripped her metal claw from the Queen, stumbling back and watching with labored breaths as the young woman's body crumpled to the ground. She fell to her knees right beside the Queen's body as it slowly turned to stone. One of her eyes turned cerulean the moment the Queen's blood entered her body. Staring up at the sky, she struggled to breathe.

Struggling through the pain, (Y/n) managed to push herself to her feet. Silva and Jack walked over to her, eyeing her sorrowfully. She tried to keep her composure and speak to her fiancé, but no sound came out of her mouth.

Jack, gritting his teeth, felt a stinging sensation in his eyes. "Well done." He clenched his fist tightly, trying to steel himself for what's to come next.

"Your resolve was truly admirable," Silva said.

(Y/n) reached a shaky hand out toward Jack. She wanted to desperately speak to him, but she was struggling to fight against the bloodlust.

Jack raises his hand, aiming it directly at her heart. He hesitated and wished there was a way to save her. "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I hope you'll forgive me someday."

Using his gift, he pierced her heart.

She cried out in pain while stumbling back toward the edge of the battlefield. In her last moments, she managed to smile and weakly mutter, "Thank you, Jack. I love you."

Unconsciously, Jack reaches out to grab (Y/n)'s hand as a few tears escaped his eyes. However, his hand misses her and he helplessly watches her fall into the abyss before turning into a cloud of ash.

(Y/n) gasped in shock as she returned to reality. She looked around and noticed the others were staring at her with concern. She shook her head and sighed. "Why does he look familiar?" She whispered to herself.

"Is everything okay, (Y/n)?" Yakumo asked.

She met his gaze and nodded. "Yeah. Sorry, everyone. Let's keep going."

Mia, Louis, and Yakumo exchanged glances. They knew something was wrong, but clearly (Y/n) didn't want to talk about it. Reluctantly, they sealed their lips and followed her to the next mistle.

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