《Code Vein Oneshots》Too Much to Drink || Louis Amamiya x Reader


Louis, having been drawn into his novel for the past couple of hours had failed to notice what all his friends were doing around him. He would soon regret not keeping a close eye on (Y/n) after the time she spent with Yakumo. Continuing to read, he ignored all around him as his mind was filled with vivid images of the novel.

An hour later, Louis finished a few chapters and decided it was a good stopping place for today. He placed the book on his desk before removing himself from the plush chair. As he stood up, his eyes came across the myriads of polaroids scattered across his desk. He reorganized them, admiring each photo as he did so. There were pictures of him, Yakumo, Mia, Davis, Murasame, Jack, Eva, Coco, and (Y/n).

Louis came across a picture of him and (Y/n). She managed to catch him off guard and wrap her arm around his neck, dragging him into frame. Examining it closer, he realized it was taken a few months ago after she discovered the camera on one of their expeditions through the Gaol. Both were surprised it worked and (Y/n) didn't hesitate to use it whenever she could. A faint smile blossomed on his face. Even though it wasn't his best pose, the bright smile on (Y/n)'s face made the picture his favorite. He slid the polaroid into his pocket and decided to search for her.

Hearing boisterous laughter from the bar, Louis glances over and saw (Y/n) and Yakumo. Both had glasses filled with brandy as they joked together. From where he stood, he could see the girl's cheeks were flushed and her gaze was unfocused. A frown made its way onto his face as he walked over. He inserted himself between Yakumo and (Y/n), glancing at the redhead. "How much has (Y/n) had?"

Yakumo glances at the girl's glass before answering. "She just finished her fourth glass."

"Yakumo..." Louis growled.

"What?" He inquired. "She's fine. There's nothing to worry about, Louis."

"You do realize she's drunk, right?" The crimson-eyed boy retorts.

Glancing past Louis, Yakumo looked at (Y/n) and finally noticed her red cheeks and cloudy gaze. "Would you look at that. She is drunk. Never thought I'd see the day where she'd become tipsy."

(Y/n) reached out to pour her fifth glass of brandy, but Louis grabbed her wrist. Using his other hand, he pushed the bottle of brandy away from her. "I think you've had enough, (Y/n)."

"Just one more glass!" She whined, trying to reach around him to get to the liquor.

Louis sighed through his nose. "No. You're cut off."

"No," (Y/n) purses her lips in a childish manner. "YOU'RE cut off."

"I'm not drinking."

"Maybe you should," she slurred.

Yakumo chuckled at their exchange. "Looks like (Y/n)'s a stubborn drunkard."

"I am not stubborn!" She rebuttals, glaring weakly at him. "You're stubborn..." Yanking free from Louis' grasp, she tried to scoot the stool. Struggling to move the stool, she wound up using too much force and tipped the chair over with her still in it. A shriek erupted from her as she fell back with the stool and slammed against the floor. Groaning in pain, she crawled across the floor and away from the bar. "Stupid stool..."


Louis, after hearing (Y/n) shriek, turned away from Yakumo and glanced down at the floor to see her crawling away. "Where do you think you're going?"

The (h/c)-haired girl kept crawling on all fours toward the rear hallway. "Somewhere besides here. You two are no fun!"

The crimson-eyed boy sighed in disbelief. "You should-"

"Don't tell me what to do!" She shouted. "I'm a big girl and can do whatever I want!"

Yakumo patted Louis on the back. "Good luck with (Y/n), buddy." He disappeared into the hallway, unwilling to deal with the drunk girl.

Louis watched the redhead before focusing his full attention on (Y/n). He couldn't help but sigh again. Knowing what to do with her, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the hot spring. Fortunately, she didn't try to break free and allowed him to carry her. Due to her hazy thoughts, she wondered where they were going and what he had in mind.

Louis pushes open the door to the hot spring with his foot. He glanced around and noticed no one else was in the hot spring. Walking to the edge of the steamy pool of water, he didn't hesitate to toss (Y/n) in. Her body plunged into the water, becoming soaked head to toe. Shooting out of the water, she glared at him. "Wh-What the hell, Louis?!"

Kneeling down, Louis gazed into her (e/c) eyes and noticed she had sobered up some. "Can you think clearly now, (Y/n)?"

She crossed her arms with a pout. Although still drunk, she could think more clearly. "You're mean, Louis," she grumbled, turning her back to him.

He stared at her back for a few seconds before deciding to apologize. "I'm sorry, (Y/n), but this was the only way I could think of to sober you up."

Turning back around, she trudged through the water and stood directly in front of him. Their faces were only a few inches apart. "Apology not accepted. You took away my drink and threw me into the hot spring. I'm really mad at you."

Louis glances at her lips before reconnecting their gazes. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

The female revenant's hands crept toward the collar of his shirt. She clutched onto it tightly, smirking at him. "I know the perfect thing."

Hope glimmered in Louis' eyes as her lips drew closer to his. Was this really happening or was he dreaming? Does the girl he like actually want to kiss him? Did she share the same feeling as he does? If she did, confessing his true feelings would be a cinch. He closed his eyes, eagerly awaiting for their lips to meet. However, they never did.

(Y/n) tightened her grasp on Louis' collar and tugged him into the hot spring. Like her, he became drenched. Grinning victoriously, she watched as the boy emerged from the water with wide, owlish eyes. "Now we're even."

Bewildered, Louis remained silent and his wide eyes remained glued to her. His thoughts were scrambled and he couldn't think of a response. He remained on his backside and couldn't move because of the shock.


The (h/c)-haired girl analyzed his expression and saw something she didn't expect to see. Now it was her turn to be puzzled. "Why do you look disappointed?"

He couldn't look at her and turned his gaze toward the water's surface. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Now I am going to worry about," she sighed. Offering him her hand, she pulled him to his feet when he accepted her assistance. "What's wrong, Louis? And don't tell me not to worry about it again. I can tell something's bothering you."

Louis pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "All right, but let's discuss this elsewhere." The two left the hot spring and headed to their rooms to dry off and change.

As (Y/n) finished drying her hair after changing her clothes, Louis knocked on her door. She let him in and tossed the towel on a chair located in the corner of the room. Sitting down at the foot of the bed, she patted the vacant space next to her with a gentle smile.

Sitting next to her, his crimson eyes focused on the floor. He wondered where to begin, but couldn't think of a good place. He clasped his hands together tightly while he continued to think of a way to start their conversation. After a minute of silence, he decided to not beat around the bush. Instead, he'd get straight to the point. "I..." However, words failed him. He couldn't help but sigh in frustration. "This is harder than I thought..."

(Y/n) placed her hands in her lap, smiling at him. "If it's too difficult now, we can always-"

"No," Louis interrupted her. "If I don't say this now, another perfect opportunity won't arise. It's just..."

"You're having difficulty finding the words," she finished his sentence. Remembering his earlier expression when she was about to kiss him, she saw how eager he was and wondered if he was having difficulty expressing his feelings for her. Deciding to take the initiative, she clapped her hands together. "Actions speak louder than words, right?"

Louis was perplexed as to why she was asking such a question. "They do. Why?"

Without answering him, she leapt to her feet and stood in front of him. She had no reservations as she outstretched her hands and placed them on his cheeks. Before he could say anything, she leaned down and kissed him on the lips. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds before she pulled away. Though it was short, she definitely felt a spark and giggled, gazing lovingly at his shocked expression. "Sorry for the sudden kiss. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."

(Y/n) removed her hands from Louis' cheeks. She went to take a step back, but he lunged forward and grabbed her hands in his. He pulled her towards him and pressed his lips against hers. Unlike the previous kiss, this one was full of passion. She was baffled at his actions, but didn't hesitate to kiss back.

Their kiss soon escalated into a make-out session. Eventually, the two were on the bed. Louis hovered over (Y/n), deepening the kiss as one of his hands rested on her cheek while the other was placed by her head to support his weight.

In need of air, Louis unlatched his lips from (Y/n)'s. He stared lovingly down at her before his eyes widened in realization. Lowering his head, he buried his face into the crook of her neck. "What am I doing? You're still drunk. I shouldn't be taking advantage of you like this."

(Y/n) locked her arms around Louis' torso before he could move away. "You're not taking advantage of me, Louis. I'm still a little tipsy, but I'm more sober than I was after you threw me into the hot spring."

"You won't even remember this in the morning," he said.

"Mmm... Are you sure about that?"


"Then I better prove you wrong."

The next morning, Louis sat on the couch closest to the jukebox. He was reading where he left off yesterday, lost in the pages of his book. Hearing the sound of faint humming, he was torn from his book and looked up to see (Y/n).

Remembering what transpired yesterday, Louis wondered if she could recollect their make-out session. He watched her closely as she walked up the stairs and made her way over to the map.

Continuing to hum, she analyzed the pictures of where they were heading next. After examine the polaroids, she spun around and caught Louis staring at her. "Why're you staring at me like that?"

"I'm surprised you don't have a hangover," he commented.

"So am I," she said. "Guess I didn't drink as much as I thought I did."

Louis wanted to ask the real question that was on his mind, but refrained from doing so. He continued to watch her before returning to his book.

(Y/n) stepped away from the map and wandered over to him. She leaned over the back of the sofa and peered at the book. Seeing he was occupied and didn't spare her a second glance after returning to his book, she poked his cheek. "Oh, yeah. I feel like I'm forgetting something."

Louis' eyes widen as he almost dropped his book in shock. He cleared his throat before he spoke so his voice wouldn't shake. "Dreams can evoke a sense of forgetfulness. Perhaps you simply had a dream."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," she sighed. Leaning closer, she kissed him on the cheek with a giggle. "Just kidding~! I remember everything, especially our little make-out session in my room. I do have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it."

The boy covered his face with his hand in an attempt to hide his red cheeks. "I was hoping you wouldn't..."

"Aw, don't be like that!" (Y/n) poked his cheek again. "I've liked you for a while now. It looks like both of us were having issues expressing our true feelings for one another. I guess my drunkenness was the push we needed."

"A much needed one," he responded, lowering his hand.

"So, does that mean...?"

He smiled at her. "It does."

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