《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 36: Impossible


Some of the guys were kicking around a soccer ball, the other imprints were sitting on a blanket a little farther than us. Us being Jake, Seth, Embry and I. We were sitting on a fallen log staring out into the ocean. Jacob held me on his lap.

"What do you think Bella's excuse is gonna be when they come back and turn her?" I suddenly asked. We were worrying about Bella because they'd come back in 2 more weeks and then she'd turn.

Now I have no grudge against Bella but we have been through a lot together and most of it aren't good. Then there's Edward. I left him angry and I don't know if I still am or not.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash or tripped and fell off a cliff." Jacob assumed. I didn't even know the excuse they'd use just so the humans know that Bella had 'died' in order to turn.

We watched the waves crash against the shore, the sun was almost setting. You could hear the yells of Sam, Paul, Jared, Leah and Collin as they played soccer.

"At least I'll get one thing out of it." Jacob stated. I lightly smacked his chest. He was thinking about killing my brother.

"No you won't" Sam said sternly after catching the soccer ball. Leah came by us as well, we all looked at Sam, "The Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe."

"Well he's either gonna kill her or change her and the treaty says-" Jacob started but Sam interrupted, "I say Jacob. I say." Sam finished, going back to the others who were now chilling on the blanket they had out.

"Jake, I know you haven't been fond of my brother since well forever and I'm not really liking him lately either but, he's still my family." I said sternly. He rolled his eyes.

"You know if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry issued.

I looked back at Jake who looked down to our hands and played with my charms, "Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Jake, you really think that you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire?" Seth questioned. I was going to comment on that but Leah chimed in, sitting down on the sand next to us.

"No. You'd make one of us do it then hold a grudge against-"

"Oh shut up Leah." Jacob remarked.

"Would you guys get over it? Its not like any of you imprinted on her." Leah burst out. That sort of made me think back to the past.

"At least you imprints seem happy." Seth said sadly, looking over to the others.

"Yeah some people are just lucky I guess." Embry added. I looked at them a little angry.

"Hey, you guys will find your imprints okay? Stop doubting yourself. This isn't luck. Its fate. You just need time and you will find them. And you will be happy." I reassured them.

"At least you two imprinted. You two don't annoy me as much as the others. I mean being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have. " Leah stated looking at us then looking back at Sam and the others.


A few days later, I was chilling at the pack's house, laying on the couch with Jacob, watching tv. The others scattered around the living room too but some of them were out on patrols.

I was about to fall asleep when I got a vision.

Bella was making her food and it was a bunch of odd combinations of ingredients. She was then eating a piece of chicken when she looked a little sick, that's when she ran towards the bathroom and threw up into the toilet.

It fast forwarded to when Bella asks Edward to hand her her bag, and when she saw her tampons box, she looked up.

"What is it?" Edward asked her.

She stood up and walked across the bathroom, "How many days has it been since the wedding?"

"14. Why? Would you tell me what's going on?" Edward replied.

"I'm late. My period's late." Bella stated while walking towards the mirror. Edward's face became worried.

Bella looked at herself in the mirror and lifted up her shirt, revealing her stomach. She felt it a bit, turning to her side, "Its impossible." She then turned towards Edward, who's now a little frozen in his place. "Can this happen?"

That's when she bent down a little, holding her stomach, feeling something inside of her, "Whoa" then the phone rang.

Bella looked up and went over to grab Edward's cellphone out of his pocket, he still hasn't moved. "Alice?"

"Bella? Are you alright?" I heard Alice through the phone.

"I'm not 100% sure" Bella replied.

"Why? What's wrong? I just-" Alice questioned.

"You just what? Alice what did you see?" Bella asked getting worried now.

"Here's Carlisle." Alice said then Carlisle asked what's going on.

Bella turned to Edward, "I don't know. I'm a little worried. Can vampires go into shock?"

"Has Edward been harmed?" Carlisle asked.

"No...I know that it's impossible but...I think that I'm pregnant." Bella finally stated.

I snapped back into reality and gasped a bit. Jacob immediately sat up, making me sit up too and the others look at me.

"Avalei, what's wrong?" Jacob asked curiously.

I looked at him then at the others and back at Jacob. Thinking.

"Avalei?" Jacob asked waving a hand in my face, I snapped out of my thoughts.


"Are you okay? Why'd you gasp and space out like that?" Jacob asked, gliding his hand up and down my back, soothing me.

"Oh uhm its nothing." I lied.

"Did you have a vision?" Embry asked. He knew me too well.

"Uhm no, it was just a short nightmare. You know, Volturi." I lied again. Why did I just say that? Now I'm going to worry about them finding out about Bella being pregnant, well if its true.

"Ughhh don't remind us of those royal leeches. They smell much worse than the Cullens do. No offense." Jared commented.

"No, none taken." I added.

"Besides, you don't have to worry about them coming around here any time soon. And you do not smell like your family, you have a much soothing tropical paradise scent." Jacob soothed from behind me, smelling my hair.


"Yeah like coconut and pineapple with a hint of Jacob's woodsy musk." Seth included.

I laughed a bit at that, "So you're saying I smell like a pina colada?" They all laughed too. Jacob looked at me as we calmed down still worried about what I was thinking about but played it cool.

After a few hours, we were finishing dinner and was about to just lounge around the living room once again, when I got a call. I looked at the caller ID and saw a Swan emoji. I used some emojis as the names on my phone. I knew who it was in an instant.

I went by the back door, Jacob was going to come along when I told him I need to take this. He nodded and I went outside the door. I walked a little farther into the woods so that the pack wouldn't hear me, especially Jacob.

I let my phone ring a few seconds more, thinking that this could be the news. And I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not.

"Bella?" I answered.

"Avalei...I need your help." Bella said. That was all I needed to know that my vision was true...

She's pregnant with a fast growing vampire-human hybrid.

And my brother is being a jerk because he wants to take it out of her.

"I was afraid my vision was true." I replied.

"You had a vision too?" She asked.

"Yeah. I had it couple hours ago but I didn't know if it was going to be true or not." I answered.

"It is. Edward called him a thing. He already hates him. We're coming back in the morning, he wants Carlisle to take him out of me. Avalei, I can't let them do that to me. I love him already." Bella stuttered, I knew she was scared.

I noticed she called her baby a him...so she thinks it's gonna be a boy? I say its a girl.

"Bella, don't stress too much. It's not good for the baby. I'm in La Push right now with Jacob so I'll make an excuse so I can get away from him for awhile."

"Avalei, don't tell Jacob please. He'll probably agree with Edward on this for once." Bella pleaded.

"I know. I promise I won't tell him. But you know he's gonna find out eventually."

"I know and I'll be the one to tell him. Just please, only you and the family know about this. And I'm not even sure half of them are on my side. I called Rosalie to help too" Bella informed me.

Wow, Rosalie helping Bella? Well it will probably fill the mother void she's always had. It'll be interesting to see her care for Bella.

"Alright. You guys get here safely and I'll see you in the morning. And don't worry, I'm with you Bella. I've always been with you. No ones hurting my niece or nephew." I finished. I heard her say thanks then she hung up. I placed my phone back in my pocket as I walked back to the house.

What should I say that won't make things suspicious. I need to get away from here and help Bella.

"Hey, who was on the phone?" Jacob asked, walking towards me and held me by my waist.

I placed my arms around his neck, "Just my sister reminding me of our family hunting trip." I lied but hey, he didn't know that.

"Family hunting trip?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it's been awhile since we've all hunted so we're going up north for a few days. That's where all the best animals are." I lied again.

He looked at me for a second, "For a few days?"

"What's wrong Jake? Scared to be apart from her for just a few days?" Paul teased sitting on the couch.

Jacob scoffed though I could tell he wasn't going to like our time apart, and neither am I.

"Just as long as you don't kill any humans and come back free from any blood stains." He joked.

I shook my head at his silliness.

"So when are you guys leaving?" Jacob asked.

"Tomorrow morning. But I have to head on home tonight to pack me some things since I'm the only one in my family that still sleeps." I chuckled.

"Okay, well I guess you have to go then." Jacob said sadly, pouting his lips.

"I guess so." I said going on my tippy toes so I was leveled with his lips a bit, "I'll see you in a few days." I then closed the gap between us and gave him a kiss. It wasn't long because the others were there.

We pulled apart and I grabbed my bag and headed over to the door, Jacob followed.

We were on the front porch, the moon was shining along with lots of stars.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said, a hand behind my back.

I looked up at him and placed a hand on his cheek, "I'm gonna miss you too. Think of it this way," I looked at the moon, "Look I'm right up there when you fall asleep. And when I wake up, you're waking up with me too. My hot sun." I cooed him.

He smiled the sweet smile I love, "Always and forever my lovely moon." He then leaned down and kissed me again. When we pulled apart, I hugged him.

I'm sorry Jacob, I hate lying to you, but it's best for all of us for now.

I walked down the steps and stopped at the edge of the woods. I looked back at him and waved goodbye. He waved back.

I turned back around and ran towards my house.

Just when things were almost back to normal. Who am I kidding? My life has never been normal but at least it almost felt like it was.

By tomorrow, things are going to be a lot different...again.

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