《The Buddhist & The Billionaire Lesbian Story》26: I'm Not Going To Forget This


26: I'm Not Going To Forget This

Cora sat beside Zola, watching her take in her surroundings. Their flight was set to leave on time and they had about a 45-minute wait before boarding. Zola was at ease but not only did she look a little more "finished" than the other passengers, she also looked like she was unfamiliar with the travel. Her eyes moved constantly.

"Zola, when was the last time you traveled this way?"

Zola blushed and laughed lightly. "Oh. Can you tell?" Cora shrugged. "Well, I don't really travel that much except to see family and the yearly shows. Since I've been with the company, I haven't traveled domestically too much. But in college, I flew once or twice with friends on Spring Break." Zola contorted her face, filing through her memories. "Um, actually, I think we may have had a small chartered flight then too. But not a company or private plane."

"So roughing it!" Cora laughed out loud.

Zola rolled her eyes in good nature. "I think the biggest advantage is the time you save. No waiting and faster gate-to-gate flight times."

"What was that like? Your college Spring Break travel?"

"Oh, probably just about what you're imagining. Except I always had a 'chaperone' with me."

"Really?! How's that work?"

"Mostly they looked the other way or facilitated our recreation. Kept me out of any 'real' trouble. Sometimes it didn't work out." Zola grinned and laughed to herself.

"What?" Cora raised a curious eyebrow. "My driver before Anthony was a real stickler for rules. It took me a couple of weeks to get my way, but after that, she didn't stay on."

"She?!" Zola laughed, shrugging and wiggling her eyebrows. "Zola! You didn't!" Cora stared into space. "You seduced your driver? Really? Wow."

"I was young and didn't like being told 'no.' So I convinced her to lighten up. I kissed her and I think she was shocked and just followed along for the night. But like I said, she didn't like compromising her moral compass, so the next morning she gave me a lecture about boundaries or something." Zola grinned and rolled her eyes, "And then she left."


Zola grimaced as she reflected. "I wasn't a very compassionate person then. Honestly, now when I really think about it, I guess it was pretty immature. I was playing a game, she was trying to make a living. It could have impacted her career."

Zola sighed. "I'm glad you didn't know me then. My past is checkered with 'youthful' choices."

Cora shook her head with certainty. "I'm not, Zola."

Zola raised an eyebrow and smirked at Cora. ", you bring out the best in me. You have no idea what the worst of me looked like."

"That's exactly why I wish I had known you then." Cora smiled in thought. "You bring out the best in me too. And, I'm no angel. I understand what it's like to be young and self-absorbed."

"I find that hard to believe. You shine with compassion. You look at people, you look at me," Zola closed the limited space between them and kissed Cora softly on her neck,"and you remember? "

", Baby. 'Heaven is in my eyes.'" Cora felt her entire body tense. "I think I just realized another advantage of private flights."


Cora and Zola arrived at just past 4:00 PM. Cora had "splurged" on the accommodations but it was still much less expensive than comparable B&Bs in Austin. The women dropped their bags and flopped onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Cora heard Zola sigh deeply. "Zo, are you tired? From traveling?"

"Yeah, I guess I am. It's a weird feeling. The lines, then sitting, then sitting in a really uncomfortable seat, the the luggage. That was a free for all. Then standing in another line, then navigating. That was scary!"

Cora laughed. "Yeah for both of us!"

"Shut up. So what's the itinerary?"

"I'll have dinner with the Health Services director from Duke Medical tonight. Then tomorrow I'll tour the facilities and meet with a few chaplains at the hospital. We will have dinner with them tomorrow night. Early flight to New York. Do it again Monday."


"So they know I'm here with you?"

"Yes, they know I'm traveling with a friend, but they didn't ask specifically what type of friend." Cora rolled and poked Zola in the ribs. "What type of friend are you?"

"Stop it, ! I'm the kind of friend who's ticklish and has a checkered past. So payback is hell."

Cora laughed. "Okay, I don't want you to test my moral compass too. I need a power nap anyway." Cora stripped to her underwear and crawled into the bed.

Zola followed her example. As soon as Zola slipped into the sheets, Cora started laughing at her proximity.

"Zola! I mean it! I need a power nap, get your hands off me!"

", I just want to ..."

"Zo! Baby," Cora didn't get the rest of the threat out before Zola covered her mouth and kissed her, dominating her mouth, only easing when she felt Cora give in and relax her mouth, allowing her full access.

When Zola broke for breath, Cora's tone had changed. "Zola ..." Zola kissed her again slowly, massaging her lips and her tongue. Zola pulled back, chuckling at the rise in Cora's body.

"I'm sorry, . I'll let you sleep now."

Cora groaned, frustrated. "I am not going to forget this, Zola." Cora rolled over and created enough space to cool her body. Within 10 minutes, she was resting and falling quickly into sleep.


Friday night, Cora came back, her head filled with possibilities for moving to the Durham area. Originally from North Carolina, she was very familiar with the university and the culture. The area offered her everything she wanted and a familiarity that was comforting. Saturday morning she was out the door so early that Zola barely had a moment with her. Cora slowed only to kiss her breathless before leaving.

Zola was surprised at how quickly she grew restless without Cora around Saturday. Other than texting with Matthew to verify she was fine, she was left mostly to her thoughts. They turned quickly to her father.

"us to"

"time again?"

"Dinner our place"

"hows it going"

"stop it"

"See you tomorrow"



By 4:30, Zola was nearly going out of her mind. When her phone chimed with a text, she sighed with relief.

"zo still alive?"

"can you uber to restaurant?"

"faster to meet"

"i can come get you too. up to you"

"angus barn 6"

"love you"


Cora drove toward , a well-known upscale restaurant in the area including Duke, UNC-CH, and NC State universities. She was tired, hungry, and missing Zola. She spent the day in two different interviews, shadowing rounds, and getting a look at the Health Services program at Duke Medical.

The most dynamic changes were happening in Psychiatric Treatment and Counseling programs. If Cora were to take the position at Duke, she would simultaneously work on earning a PhD within the Health Policy and Administration program.

Cora arrived at Angus Barn to find her hosts already seated at a large round table. Cora chuckled to herself at the irony of the dinner companions; all three major monolithic religions were represented.

"Ms. Sims, you found us without any trouble?" A woman in her late-50s dressed conservatively but not in official garb smiled, welcoming Cora.

"No problem, Sister." Cora grinned. "Traffic is a little heavy but nothing like Austin."

"Have a seat. We can have a drink while we wait for your friend."

Cora nodded and joined the small group in a conversation of the most recent mental health concerns at the campus wide level.

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