《The Buddhist & The Billionaire Lesbian Story》09: I Only Speak Pig Latin
09: I Only Speak Pig Latin
"So, , did you enjoy your afternoon?" Cristo could see that Zola was both happy and deep in thought.
"Very much. She's an woman. I'm afraid a bit out of my reach, out of my 'league.'"
"Oh no! ! How can this be?!"
"Cristo, she's brilliant, I mean scary smart. And she shines with compassion. I don't know exactly how to describe it. Maybe intellectual, authentic, unpretentious, humble? When was the last time you used those words to describe people ?"
"Ah, I see."
"I'm thinking of inviting her to the family gathering at the end of the week."
"Well that will certainly be interesting. What will your father say?" "I think maybe it's time to find out."
"Okay, so a stroll through SoCo and pizza?" Edra was skeptical.
"Yes, that's it Edra, nothing spectacular. We just spent time together. It was nice."
Jocelyn's bullshit radar was screaming. "Cora, you are a horrible liar."
Cora rolled her eyes."Okay, fine. Did you Google her?"
Joce nodded. "Just when we were shoe shopping. Why?"
"Well, she's not just wealthy. She's kind of a billionaire."
Edra shared a glance with Jocelyn. Neither of them was surprised or suprised that Cora wouldn't pick up on the nuance of ultra wealthy. "And this is a problem, why?"
"It's not. It's not a problem. It's just . And she wants to plan the next date."
Jocelyn gasped softly. "Oh. My. God. No offense."
Cora laughed. "None taken, Joce. She asked me if I had a passport."
"Jesus! No offense."
"None taken."
Edra's eyes were dilated with awe and jealousy. "I can't believe this. It's not fair!"
"Yeah, I totally ..." Jocelyn was interrupted mid-sentence by the chime of Cora's phone.
Cora looked down and immediately turned three shades of red. Jocelyn squealed and she and Edra moved their chairs to flank Cora and look over her shoulder at the ready to comment and "help."
"Oh. My. God. She texts in Italian?!"
"Hey me too how are you"
"Seriously, that's the you can do Cora?! Tell her she's all you think about."
"Cut it out, Joce!"
"Haha i bet you have"
"Give me that!" Jocelyn grabbed the phone.
"Hey! Joce!"
"Too late!" Joce typed furiously, "
"!" Jocelyn was grinning in triumph. "What does that mean?!"
"two days Sat?"
"What does that ?!"
"Later Joce!"
"Cora, you never miss and all the Chaplins all owe you!" Edra was grabbing Cora's arm and shaking it.
"Edra! That's kind of uncomfortable!" Cora stared down at the phone. "Is date three really a 'passport date'?'"
"Cora! ! You spent the night with her on the date! So send the text! Or I will!" Jocelyn was already reaching and not one to make idle threats.
"i can free up sat. what did you have in mind?"
"Wow no hints?"
Edra and Jocelyn had edged so close to Cora and the phone that she was starting to sweat.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Sorry!!"
"Joce, calm down! Edra, let go of my arm!" Cora focused on the phone and typed, her hands a little unsteady.
"ok Zola"
"What does that mean?!"
"3pm ill text when im ready"
"Do you need info for flight?"
"Ok see you soon"
"Well, what does that mean?" Cora tilted the phone to Edra, pointing to the last series of texts.
Edra studied it for a moment. "Holy shit."
"Private jet."
Cora sat back, dizzied by the conversation. Edra sat back, stunned and reeling with jealousy. Jocelyn was suspiciously quiet.
"What, Joce?"
Jocelyn was tearing through the browser on her phone. "Necker, BVI" Cora just looked at her. "Necker Island, British Virgin Islands. Oh Cora, you are sooo out of your element." Jocelyn handed over her phone. Cora and Edra scrolled through the links.
Cora sighed, sarcasm slipping into her tone. "Great."
Edra laughed at her. "Oh come on. Go. Have a great time." Edra stood to leave for her rounds. "Just go see your esthetician and get 'beach ready' after work!"
Cora flushed and Jocelyn rolled with laughter.
Zola sat with her executive assistant Marge Costello. In her mid-40s and with 15 years in the industry, she was no one to underestimate. She had been a staple in Zola's life since Dom transitioned Zola into the business. Zola knew that she was very much the face of Basilio but that if need be, Marge could steer the ship. Marge was patient and understanding and a wonderful teacher to Zola and for that, Zola loved her.
"So Marge. She's 5'8", brown layered eyes. Beautiful, thoughtful, deep. Medium-brown hair, some natural highlights. Eight and a half shoe, out of the box. Slim-to-tone build, 6 dress. Small C cup."
"What's her best feature?"
Zola answered without thinking, "Compassion."
Marge smiled warmly. " feature, Zo."
"Oh yes, definitely her smile. Quirky, crooked, so cute. A cute smile on a gorgeous woman."
"Okay, I have what I need. I'll make sure she has a selection in the wardrobe, laundered and ready to go. You say she's leaving with passport in hand only?"
"You and your family will be occupying the satellite houses. What layout do you want for your house?"
"Have them prepare two sleeping spaces. I don't want to be presumptuous."
"Wise choice."
"Who has confirmed?"
"Your brother and his family, your father, and you. Small, intimate."
"Do they know I'm bringing Cora?"
"Not that I'm aware of."
"Okay, I'll text Dom. I assume he's traveling with Papa?"
"Did I miss anything, Marge?"
"Any special dietary needs?"
"Oh! I almost forgot! She's a vegetarian, no meat, no fish." Zola grimaced. "You're a lifesaver, Marge!"
"Yes, I know."
"Soooooo. Are you ready?" Edra sat down next to Cora as she finished her paperwork.
"Yes, a little nervous, but ready. She'll be here in 15 minutes."
"Wait, she's coming in?!"
Cora smirked. "Yes, Edra, she'll meet me at the northeast entry. I don't think she wanted Matthew to idle at an entry point." Edra got on her phone. "Wait! What are you doing?!"
"See you there." Edra moved off, quickly texting with Jocelyn.
"Great." ----
Cora moved toward the exit and the admissions desk. She carried a small backpack and she could see Edra and Jocelyn leaning at the counter in their scrubs, pretending to look over charts. She stepped over, laughing lightly. "Okay, you two, be nice!"
No sooner had she gotten the words out than Zola walked in through the sliding doors. She wore a grey scale, tailored pinstripe business suit, with a white blouse. Her eyes sparkled with life and her hair looked so thick and shiny it was almost surreal.
Jocelyn nearly choked. "Jesus! No offense."
Edra mumbled something about her beautiful shoes but Cora didn't quite catch it.
", Cora!" Zola moved with ease to the women. She trained her eyes on Cora's grin. Her gaze didn't waver from the sight until she stopped and kissed her softly on the cheek in greeting, lingering just a moment. Cora's body shivered at the touch.
She turned to Edra. "Hello again, Dr. Sarin. You're looking lovely."
Edra blushed but answered smoothly,"Thank you, Zola. I'll look even better next week thanks to you." Zola nodded in thanks.
Cora's breath returned to her. "Zola, you look wonderful." All of Cora's nervousness was fading away in her presence. "This is Dr. Whipple."
Zola extended her hand. "Very nice to meet you."
Jocelyn smiled, taking her hand and laughing with delight. "Wow! You are gorgeous. Sorry, I'm the one with no filter."
"That's quite alright, Dr. Whipple, thank you." Zola turned back to Cora, slipping her hand into hers. "Ready?"
"Have a great weekend, ladies." Zola turned, leading Cora out. Edra and Jocelyn stood gawking.
After the women exited the hospital, Edra and Jocelyn looked up in surprise as a familiar voice broke the silence. " was that?"
Jocelyn answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "Oh, Erin. "
Cora and Zola moved through a part of the Austin airport that she had never seen. Security, customs, the gates, all unfamiliar. Zola explained as they shuttled out to the small aircraft. "Cora, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, just let me know. We've got a three-hour flight and a 20-minute helicopter ride."
"No problem, I'm looking forward to the trip. What's the family gathering?"
"Oh nothing special. We try to get together just before the mad rush of Fashion Week season. A few times a year, we might put together a quick trip if we can get away. We won't really see each other for any quality time until after the season."
"Who will be there?"
"Dominic, Marie, and Matteo, he's four years old now, and Papa, Alberto. We basically just hang out on the beach. Eat. Maybe some spa time. We enjoy the isolation and the quiet time."
"Sounds perfect."
Once the women were in the air and settled, Zola relaxed into her roomy leather seat and allowed herself to take in Cora. Cora was sitting across from her, looking out the window, enjoying the last moments of the sun reflecting off the top of the clouds.
Cora looked up and saw her watching intently. "Zola? Okay?"
"So good right now. You're kind of magnificent. Thank you for letting me do this, Cora." Sincerity and gratitude rolled off Zola.
Cora chuckled. "I have a feeling I'll be the one thanking you at the end of the trip. But you are welcome, of course. Also, I think you're pretty special too." Cora winked and grinned, nearly causing Zola to gasp with pleasure.
Zola knew that there was desire in her voice, but she hoped it didn't sound lustful. She felt discomfort at such close proximity to Cora without making physical contact. "Cora," Zola moved forward in her seat, releasing her buckle,"I really, really need to kiss you right now."
Cora swallowed, mirroring Zola's movements. "I understand, completely." Cora closed the distance and found Zola's soft, full lips. They were perfect. In form, pressure, texture, and taste. Cora winced with sensory overload and pleasure. She pushed Zola gently backward, moving with her until she sat straddling her lap.
Zola's hands rested on Cora's thighs, pushing gradually toward her waist. Cora framed Zola's face with her hands, guiding her mouth and lips upward as she deeply explored and folded up Zola's lips and tongue in her own.
Breaking occasionally for air, Zola murmured into Cora's mouth, "Cora, (I think of you everyday)..."
"(you're beautiful)..."
" (I adore you)..."
Zola pushed Cora's hair back from her neck and drug her lips and tongue over her skin, breathing in deeply the sandalwood and filling her mouth with flesh. Cora's body shook with stimulation and sensitivity.
"Zola, you're wonderful," Cora shuddered in response to a powerful pull on her skin "but ..."
Zola stopped and looked up at Cora with surprise. "But?" Concern and hesitation evident in Zola's face.
Cora laughed. "You have to stop. I only speak Pig Latin."
"Really?! , Cora?! Stop?" Zola would have been upset, but the sound of Cora's rolling laughter was sensational. Cora slipped back off Zola's legs and into her seat.
She was hiccuping with laughter and Zola was drawn into the giggling fit. "Okay, actually, stop ... Cora, I ... can't ... breathe!"
"I ... know! It's ... ... Right?!"
It took awhile for the two ladies to calm themselves. Once they did, they ate a little food. Cheese, fruit, nuts, and crackers, and settled into light conversation about their work week. Cora was enjoying the easy conversation and almost too soon they were descending. When Cora stepped off the plane, she could feel the warmth and taste the salt in the air. They moved immediately to a helicopter for the flight over to Necker Island.
The pilot filled them in as they flew. "Ms. Basilio, your brother has arrived, your father is an hour behind you. The local time is 9:00, 1 hour ahead. It is my understanding that the family will meet for breakfast tomorrow at 8AM."
Once they set down, Zola and Cora were immediately escorted through the grounds to their house. In the darkness, Cora could smell, hear, and taste the island and ocean. When they arrived at their door, their escort walked them in.
"I think you will find everything you need. Your bags are in your rooms. Dinner will be delivered in 30 minutes if that is okay?" Zola nodded. "Very good. The entire island and all the services are at your disposal. Welcome to Necker Island."
Cora moved through the space. The opulence of the Balinese-style house was unreal. The dark tropical woods were rich and warm. The space was open and at the same time felt inviting and intimate.
"I think you'll find everything you need in your room. I'm going to wash up and change. Casual for dinner?"
Cora sighed in relief and agreement. "Yes, ."
Cora stepped into her suite. There was a large Tumi hardside piece of luggage in the corner. It was new and empty. There was a handwritten note on the nightstand.
Cora opened the drawers. "Wow." The dresser held enough clothing options for three days and included four options in matching bras and underwear, yoga clothes, three swimsuits, beachwear, and pajamas. Cora pulled the doors of the armoire open and found five dresses, three dinner options, two light sundresses,and several choices in sandals. Cora sighed, considering Zola, and then moved with confidence to the bathroom for a quick shower before she dressed for dinner.
Zola found her room as she expected. The massive bed faced out to the water and the doors were open, allowing lines between nature and the house to be blurred.
As soon as she removed her clothes and stepped into the shower, she could feel Austin washing away. She smiled at the thought of Cora in the next room and then focused on her hair, enjoying the heat, the thick lather, and the feel of her fingers massaging her scalp.
Cora exited her room to find Zola standing out on the porch, leaning on the railing, looking at the moon reflecting off the water. A wave of relief washed over Cora when she saw her barefoot, wearing mid-weight linen beach pants, a sheer layering t-shirt, and a light zip-up hoodie. Cora was dressed nearly the same with a sheer scoop-neck shirt over a camisole. Before Zola turned to greet her, Cora stood in silence, enjoying the way the night framed the woman. She had a moment of disassociation, like she was looking at a photo of herself looking at Zola. She took a breath and stepped toward her.
", Cora. We could be twins!"
Cora chuckled. "Yes! Great minds. You look incredible. I'm afraid to blink."
Zola's face lit up at the compliment. "How about a walk down by the water? I bet dinner will be here when we get back."
"You lead, Zola. I'll follow."
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ʜᴇ ɢʀɪɴɴᴇᴅ. sʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜʟʏ ᴡᴀs ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ.{ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ }
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