《The Buddhist & The Billionaire Lesbian Story》06: I'd Rather Taste Your Lips
06: I'd Rather Taste Your Lips
Cora found that she thought often of Zola over the next several days, it was hard not to with Edra's and Jocelyn's constant banter and prodding. She sat in the staff lounge, finishing up her shift paperwork. The 3 AM to 3 PM shift could be a frenzy of activity, but it was quiet for Cora and she was thankful on many levels.
"Cora?" The shift nurse stepped into the lounge. "There's a 'Zola' on the phone. Line 5, I'll send it over."
"Oh! Thank you." Cora felt a sudden rush of blood through her skin and her voice was a little nervous and hesitant. "Hello?"
", Chaplain Sims? It's Zola. I'm sorry to bother you at work."
"It's no bother, Zola, of course not. Are you okay? How can I help?" Cora heard Zola chuckle lightly into the phone and she smiled at the sound, wishing she could see her face.
"I'm sorry if I'm overstepping, but I was hoping you might join me for dinner?"
"Oh!" Cora hesitated, wondering what dinner with the heir to a fashion company "looked like." "Dinner? Tonight?"
"I understand that it's short notice. I'm sorry to spring the invitation on you. I'd really like to thank you for your kindness. And return your sweatshirt. I know it's your job, what you did for me. But I'd still like to, if you'd let me."
"Ms. Basilio, that is very kind of you. Thank you for thinking of me. That's so wonderful." Zola again sighed quietly at the sound of the chaplain's voice and her genuine words. Cora glanced at the clock, "So, is 8:00 too late?"
Zola drew in air. She had not realized she was holding her breath. "Absolutely not, that sounds perfect. Where would you like to meet? I'm downtown, but I can get anywhere easily."
"I'm south of the river on the north end of Bouldin Creek, so it's easy for me to get downtown." Cora paused again, not sure what kind of dinner this would be. "Um, why don't you pick?"
"How about we meet at Perry's downtown?"
Cora had no idea what restaurant Zola was talking about but she was banking on Google. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you so much for the invite."
"Of course, I look forward to catching up."
Cora hung up the phone and checked her watch. 3:30 hoping an extra 30 minutes magically popped into her day. She needed to get her paperwork in and beat the horrendous Austin traffic. With 100s of permanent residents moving to Austin every month, the city's water and infrastructure were seriously taxed.
Before she moved back to her work, she opened up her phone and looked up Perry's. "Uh oh." Cora looked over the description and reviews and realized that the meal was going to set her back a bit and that she really needed to get home and pull together an appropriate outfit.
Cora lived in a small 1 bedroom apartment between Southern Congress and the Colorado River. Bouldin was just south of the city, the cultural center of South Austin, home to the SXSW music festival. Cora loved the location because it had open green space and running and biking paths and a unique hippie "weird" vibe.
Once she was home, she immediately flopped down into her bed and power napped for an hour and a half. This skill set was well honed by most of the hospital staff, and Cora was blessed with the ability to "power down" her mind and body efficiently.
At 6:00, Cora got up, showered, and then started emptying her closet onto her bed. January in Austin was relatively mild. The temperature would be in the lower 50s so Cora could get away with a midweight dress and light jacket. Because she spent so much time at hospital functions and religious services for patients, she had no shortage of clothes appropriate for a late dinner out.
Cora finally settled on a wool blend Sojourn sweater dress that hung just at her knees and a pair of calf-height black boots. Dressy, but not too formal. The dress was flirty but not over the top sexy. Cora paused for a moment, thinking again about the nature of the impending dinner. She was uncertain what exactly she was walking into. A "hello again and thank you?" A date and "thank you?"
She murmured to herself, "For a trained chaplain, you're not so good at picking up signals in your personal life." A memory of Erin zipped through her consciousness.
Cora dressed and put on light makeup; she never was a "Revlon" kind of girl. She took a deep breath and evaluated her reflection in her bedroom mirror. The beautiful and form-fitting dress exposed just a bit of her skin on her shoulders and down into her collarbones. She thought it looked good but she was already beginning to feel a little self-conscious.
Zola was sitting in one of the curves of the oval cocktail bar speaking with the bartender when Cora arrived. She wore a classic sleeveless "LBD" and black heels that were clearly a selection from her family's private inventory. Cora could see how beautiful and 'finished' Zola looked from a distance. She felt a little more average and she resigned herself to likely never being in the same style atmosphere as Zola Basilio.
Cora moved slowly toward the bar and as she got closer, she could tell the bartender speaking to Zola was more than just interested in her cocktail. Zola seemed to be happy to flirt lightly. In a moment of panic, she tried to remember her time at the hospital. There was no overt mention of the two women as a couple. It was a traumatic event. Maybe Cora misread the situation.
Cora's mind tumbled as she thought to herself, "But last week I thought for sure. Uh oh. You really suck at this."
Zola looked up and saw Cora moving toward the bar. Her hand stopped moving her glass to her mouth and she said softly, "There she is."
The bartender followed her gaze. "Wow." The man smiled, looking between the women and feeling like he just won the lottery.
Zola nodded slowly in agreement. "Yes, Lucas, I think that captures it."
"Hello, Zola, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Cora grinned. "It seems there is no 'light traffic' time of day in Austin."
"No problem, Ms. Sims." Zola smiled as she stood to give Cora a light hug and kiss on the cheek. ", thank you for coming on such short notice."
"Please, 'Cora.' Would you please call me 'Cora?'"
"Okay, then. ."
Zola smiled, watching Cora's lips curl into a crooked smile at the sound of her name. "Cora, would you like a drink? Or are you ready to dine?"
Cora slid into the seat beside Zola. "It looks like you have a little head start on me."
"Oh yes, well, I don't have the stamina I used to. But I guess that's probably a good thing." Zola shook her head slightly at the memories of the height of partying days.
Lucas stepped over, his eyes bouncing between the two women. "Ladies, the gentlemen at the end of the bar would like to buy your drinks." He nodded to two men dressed in suits and who smiled with hope in their eyes.
"Oh, no thank you, Lucas." Zola smiled back graciously. "Please decline for us. be buying Cora her drink." Zola turned and winked at Cora, enjoying the soft blush rising in her cheeks. The two women settled with their drinks, and Cora's eyes moved around the space.
Zola watched Cora carefully. She thought the woman balanced, well, her beauty and genuine nature. Zola's life was filled with interactions with women and men chasing beauty in the most contrived ways.
Cora's eyes returned to Zola and she found the woman examining her closely. "So, Zola, no more partying for you then?"
Zola laughed lightly. "Well, certainly not as much and the parties are now usually business related. I was a little unanchored when we first met."
"Both you and Miss Embry?"
"Oh, . Yes. Harper is still enjoying her time out on the town, but she too is slowing down." Zola paused in thought. "We have grown apart. I only see her occasionally now."
"Do you miss it? The party?"
Zola smiled. "No, Cora. I lost myself, I didn't like myself. I think you know that I was not making 'safe' decisions. I just found myself surrounded by people who didn't care about me and who I didn't care about." Zola's eyes clouded in regret. "Harper and I would go out and it became an obligation for me. I didn't want to be there and she didn't care. But now, now I feel like 'me' again."
Cora nodded. A kindness resonated in her voice that caused Zola's eyes to widen with deja vu. "It was hard for me to see you and Harper that night. Both of you were struggling. Both of you were hurting in different ways."
Zola leaned forward and laid her hand on Cora's forearm. Cora felt goosebumps breakout on her body. Zola's voice was intimate, and the quietness and sincerity of her words drowned out all the other noise. "Thank you for that night, Cora. You were exactly what I needed. You saved me."
"Of course, Zola, and I think you were probably well on your way to saving yourself. I was happy to help. I happy to help."
Zola pulled her hand back and smiled with gratitude. "Well, I hope I don't need your professional help anytime soon. I'd rather spend time with you in a personal fashion." Cora smiled and Zola thought she could look at the smile for days on end.
"Okay. That would be wonderful. I would like that very much."
"Ladies, can I refresh your drinks for you? Perhaps make something special?" Lucas returned, ready and willing to flirt. Cora waited for Zola to respond. She was curious to know how much "stamina" the young woman still had.
"No, thank you, Lucas. I'm all set." Zola turned to Cora, lifting an eyebrow.
"Well, I'm usually a one drink a night kind of gal, so I'll wait to have wine with dinner. But thank you."
Zola looked around the bar which was 75% wealthy businessmen with corporate accounts. She could see eyes shifting to meet hers and suspected that the longer they sat there, the more attention they would garner. "Cora, why don't we move to our table? I'd love to sit in a quiet space and catch up. And, I'm kind of famished." Cora nodded in agreement. Zola stood to leave the bar and out of nowhere a waiter appeared.
"This way, Miss Basilio." He led the two women to a quiet corner of the restaurant where they were seated at an intimate, small round table. Cora noticed there seemed to be an unusual amount of space cleared in the immediate area. No tables were close.
Once the ladies were settled, Cora ordered a glass of Riesling and raised an eyebrow at Zola. "So, Zola, your little shoe shop? It's not so little, is it?"
"Oh! Well, no." Zola smiled. "But I'm relatively new to the family business. My father and Dom handle most of the heavy lifting. Opening the shop in Austin was to help me learn the business. You haven't Googled me?"
Cora rolled with laughter. "No. I considered it but I thought you deserved a 'clean slate.'"
Zola grinned at the musical sound of Cora's laughter. "Oh, I see. Did you think you'd find something that would trouble you?" Cora shrugged, still chuckling. "Wow, I'm going to have to set you straight."
Zola smiled in good nature. "How about you? Is your father a pastor?"
"No, funny though!"
With every one of Cora's smiles, Zola was reminded of running on the beaches of Rimini when she was a child. Cora was her Italian version of "a girl next door." Every moment that passed, Zola felt herself being drawn in.
"My parents owned a small landscaping business in Winston-Salem, North Carolina."
Zola sipped her drink. "Retired?"
"No, they died in a car accident. We're not really certain what happened, but they were involved in a multi-car accident." Cora's eyes flooded with sadness but it passed quickly and she smiled softly at their memory.
"Excuse me, ladies, are you ready to order?"
Zola reluctantly looked away from Cora. She had not gotten the opportunity to express her sympathy before the server arrived. ", please."
Cora was confused for a moment, she had not seen a menu but noticed that other diners were ordering from a large leather menu. She watched and her eyes widened as Zola ordered.
"I'll have fish for my main please, salad for my starter. Red wine. No dietary restrictions."
"And how may I serve you?" The waiter turned to Cora and she hesitated. "We have an excellent selection of aged cuts and a variety of proteins. I can list our menu or you could give me some direction?"
"Oh, well, I'm a vegetarian and I've never met a vegetable I haven't loved. I'm fine with my wine." The waiter smiled and retreated.
Zola smirked. "So you're a vegetarian and I suggested a steakhouse." Cora laughed lightly. "Oh no problem, Zola, I've never been out to eat and starved."
Zola stared for a long moment, she found it hard not to. "Cora, your parents' death, is that why you're a chaplain?"
Cora smiled. "I think it's a big part of why I studied religion in college. The accident was, wow, almost 12 years ago now. The summer of my junior year in high school." Zola nodded, listening to the soothing timber in Cora's voice as she shared her memories. "My parents worked very hard, we all did. I spent many summers covered in dirt with the most unattractive day laborer sunburn. We were behind on a job, and I was working at that site finishing up. My parents and Ben, my brother, never made it home."
"Oh, Cora. I'm so sorry to hear that." Zola's eyes stung with emotion.
"Thank you, Zola." Cora's voice was soft and reflective but also strong and full of conviction. "I've learned to let the best of my family echo through my own life. I honor them in that way."
Zola gasped, silently in awe of Cora's deeply thoughtful and emotional response. "Wow, Cora. That's incredible." Zola had a fleeting thought, This woman is way, way out of my league.
"What about you? You mentioned your father and your brother?"
Zola looked up at the waiter moving toward them and nodded, smiling. "To be continued."
"Ladies, kale with pomegranate and ricotta salata, tangy pomegranate molasses dressing."
"Wow, this looks amazing." Cora's smile reached into her eyes. Zola sighed to herself at the sight.
"So, your family, are you close?" Cora began to eat slowly as she listened.
"Well, my brother and his family and my father are both in New York. Dominic and I grew up here in Austin; my mother loved the city. She died from a stroke a few years ago. Since then, I don't think my father can bear to be here. I love this city, just like my mom did." Zola smiled at her own memories and Cora's thoughts on honoring those loved and lost.
Cora seemed to read her mind. "I think your mother would be quite proud of the young woman you've become, Zola. You seem to be in a very different place now." Zola nodded in appreciation and they ate in reflection for a bit.
"So, did you go to school here?"
Zola grinned. "Saved by the food." She nodded to the approaching waiter.
"Ladies, pan-seared sea bass with fresh coriander and grapefruit. Fresh angel hair with wild mushrooms in light lemon and garlic cream sauce, warm tomato and cheese tart."
"Zola, I don't think I've ever had a meal quite like this. Thank you for the invitation."
Cora immersed herself in the food and forgot about her question for the time being. Zola found that watching Cora eat was incredibly gratifying. Zola studied her intently. Cora's mouth and lips moved and Zola was mesmerized, only occasionally tasting her own food.
Cora caught Zola in the stare and grinned. "Is it that bad?"
"Not bad at all, the opposite." Zola blushed. "You're very ... ... when you eat. It's like there's nothing else but you and the food. I'm a little jealous, you make the food look so inviting."
"Would you like to try some?" Cora raised an eyebrow, her eyes awash with pleasure and anticipation.
Zola felt heat rise into her neck. "Yes, please."
She watched Cora slowly turn her fork in the pasta until the tines were perfectly wrapped in the delicate noodles. She drug the pasta through the sauce on her plate. Cora held the fork prone to share the bite.
"Zola, think only of the food. Think of the warm pasta, the earthiness of the mushrooms, the delicate sauce, savory and sweet lemon and garlic. Think of the love and care it took to bring the bite to your lips. From start to finish. Ready?"
Zola nodded and leaned forward. Cora lifted the fork to Zola's lips and watched them part. She involuntarily pushed her own tongue across her lips. Zola's lips looked soft and supple and when her tongue slipped gently around the bite on the end of the fork, Cora watched, her eyes dilating. She swallowed thickly.
Zola's body vibrated with anticipation. She concentrated on Cora's directions and when the food filled her mouth, she heard herself moan softly and her eyes rolled at the creamy texture and perfect firmness of the pasta. After the bite, when Zola's eyes opened, she saw Cora had moved closer, watching her, smiling and waiting for her reaction.
"." Zola's voice was breathy and filled with delight. "Yours better. That tasted amazing."
Cora started breathing again. "I'm sure yours is wonderful too. Just try to focus only on the food when you take a bite."
Both the women were still leaning over the table. Zola spoke softly, just above a whisper. "That might be hard, Cora. You're distracting me."
"I understand what you mean. Practice makes perfect." Cora grinned, and it took Zola's breath away. "Would you like to taste the tart?"
The corners of Zola's lips curved up slightly. "I'd rather taste your lips."
Cora's eyes widened at Zola's bold statement, her lips parted involuntarily. "Zola?" Her voice was barely audible and slightly raspy.
Zola's body shivered. "? I promise to focus only on your lips and the love and care it took to bring them to mine."
Cora smiled, hearing her words repeated back. "How can I say 'no' when you put it that way?"
Both the women carefully shifted their weight, closing the distance. Cora stopped first, letting Zola move in at her own pace. Zola gently pressed her lips to Cora's and she focused on their soft give. She pushed her tongue just slightly forward, grazing them and tasting the lingering lemon sauce. Cora felt her entire body shiver with pleasure and when Zola pulled away slowly, she ached to chase her lips as they fell away. Zola sat back slightly dizzied.
"That tasted extraordinary. , Cora." Cora sat back and nodded, unable to respond. Zola chuckled.
The women found their way back to their food. Cora noticed that Zola's pace was slow and deliberate. They both tried their best to give the food the attention it deserved, but after the kiss, it was nearly impossible.
"Ladies, can I interest you in a dessert cocktail? Cafe? Perhaps a finishing course?"
Zola turned to Cora. "It's up to you. I was hoping you would join me for coffee and the views of downtown Austin." Zola saw Cora's eyes widen at the invitation in both surprise and hesitation. Zola's voice was light and sincere. "I understand if you have to work tomorrow and must decline. Really, no pressure at all."
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