《SSRO2: Daddy's Home ✓》Special Chapter: Daddy's Big Boy Toys



"Hunter!" Hael shouted from outside my bedroom.

I was at the Companion's Mansion, getting ready to head to one of my customers later this evening.

"Hunter!" Hael shouted again, making me sigh and put down the perfume that I always wear.

"What is it?!" I annoyingly ask as I finally opened the door.

Hael looks at me and says, "Wear a good suit, a new master wants you."

I look at him confusingly and say, "What? Who? I already have someone to-"

"The customer personally asked for the highest ranking Companion. He said he'd be willing to pay 50 million dollars for a 30 minute session with you," Hael says, shocking me.

"50 million for a thirty minute session?!" I asked from shock.

"Yes, now go change," Hael says before finally leaving.

"But how about Hunter the dog!" I shout. Then Hael shouts back, "He doesn't like dogs so there's no need to it!"

I was still confused on this sudden request, but I immediately went back inside my room to get ready.

I wore the most expensive suit that I have in my closet. I waxed my hair back and looked at the mirror, "30 minutes? I can make you cum in 5 minutes," I confidently say with a smirk before finally heading downstairs where Hael was waiting for me.

"Let's go," he simply says before going inside the car.

When I got inside too, the car immediately drives away.

"What's going on? Why are we in such a hurry?" I ask as I looked at Hael.

Hael was reading something on his phone as he says, "The man that we're going to is very rich and very well-known. I heard he's very impatient so we can't make him wait for too long."

"Well that's scary," I say, and Hael doesn't say anything anymore.

So I took a deep breath and just waited until we arrived at wherever we were supposed to be.

"We're here," the driver says, quickly making me look out at the car window.

"Whoa, this is Poseidon Hotel," I say as Hael goes out of the car first. So I immediately went out as well and followed him.

We walked inside the hotel where a scary looking man suddenly welcomed us.

"You must be Hael McCartney?" the man asks us.

Hael smiles and nods his head as he shook the hand of the man who greeted us.

"Yes, I'm Hael, chairman of the Companion's Association. And this is Hunter, my most expensive companion," Hael says as he gestures at me.

The man lets go of Hael's hand and looks at me, "Hello, I'm Johnson Pollock." He politely greets, quickly making me shake his hand as well.


The man named Johnson then looks back at Hael and says, "We're glad you responded on our sudden request. The chairman didn't really agree to this but a close friend of him insisted that he try it out to reduce his stress. Because as you may know, this is his first year as a CEO, and the first year is always the most stressful."

"Yes, I couldn't agree more. I'm guessing the close friend who suggested this to him is Mr. Bryson King?" Hael asks.

Mr. Johnson didn't even look surprised as he answered, "Yes, that's right."

Hael nods his head and says back, "Well Mr. King is also a regular in our Association. I'm very honored that he suggested our Association to this young CEO of yours."

"Well I hope it's not another waste of his time because Mr. King always does this every year," Mr. Johnson says, making Hael laugh, "Oh don't worry Mr. Pollock. Hunter will take good care of him. The chairman won't waste anytime with him, I promise," Hael says, suddenly pushing me forward.

"I hope so. Now Mr. Hunter, please follow me," Mr. Johnson says.

I looked at Hael confusingly so Hael nods his head, telling me to just follow the man.

But before I could leave, he grabs my arm and whispered, "Don't screw it up. Know that I will be watching you."

"I know," I simply say as I pulled my arm away from him.

So I followed the man and walked beside him.

When we got inside the elevator, the man quickly says, "Mr. Hunter, before you meet up with the chairman, we have a few set of rules."

I gulp and ask, "Yeah sure, what is it?"

"You cannot ask him questions, you can only answer his. Do not speak if he does not ask you to speak. Don't do any unnecessary movement that might irritate him. And, the most important rule, do NOT touch him," Mr. Johnson explains, emphasizing the word 'not'.

I took a deep breath and said back, "If I can't touch him then what's the purpose of doing this?" I asked confusingly, making Mr. Johnson smirk.

"The chairman is not gay. He won't be interested in you enough to ask you to touch him," he says, then the elevator door opened.

When we got out, we started walking again. And then he continued, "You're here to listen to what he says. And what he says, you will keep to yourself for as long as you live."

"And how sure are you that I'll keep it?" I ask back. Not really planning to share everything I'll talk about with this CEO but because I just genuinely wanted to ask because Mr. Johnson looked like he was really sure that I wouldn't be able to say anything.


And besides, I have eye cameras. It's not like I have a choice but to share it with others.

Mr. Johnson stopped walking and suddenly looked at me.

It made me stiff because he suddenly stares directly into my eyes. It was like he wasn't looking at me, but looking back at the people who were looking at him.

He stares at me for a couple of seconds and suddenly smiles in a creepy way, "Believe me...we are not someone you would want to be enemies with. The chairman's family will be the family your Association will regret challenging...IF he dares challenge them."

I gulp and slowly nod my head; finally understanding why he was confident about what he said to me earlier.

"Good, now here we are," he says as he gestures at a door that had two men in black suit guarding it.

I immediately moved back a little when I saw guns on their belts.

"Who is this man actually?" I ask as I stare at the two creepy looking guards.

The guard suddenly gave Mr. Johnson a small box.

Mr. Johnson looks back at me and suddenly gave me the box, "Wear this; you can never take it off while you're inside."

I look at the box confusingly. Then I opened it and saw a pair of leather gloves.

"Gloves?" I ask, but Mr. Johnson doesn't answer me.

So I took the gloves out and gave Mr. Johnson the box back.

I wore the gloves and looked back at him, "Is this okay?" I ask him.

Mr. Johnson nods his head and looks at the two guards. Then he nods his head to them, making one of the guards knock on the door three times.

"Come in," a low voice from inside the room answered.

The guards finally opened the door and gestured their hands, signaling me to enter.

"I hope no one assassinates me here," I thought to myself.

I gulp and took a deep breath before finally entering the room.

The room was a bright because of the large windows. And I know that hotel rooms are supposed to be clean but this room looked EXTRA clean.

"Hello?" I ask as I slowly walk further inside.

But before someone could answer, I saw a scary looking man sitting on a sofa that was placed in the middle of the room.

"You're late. Two minutes late to be exact," he suddenly says with a low and terrifying voice, making me gulp again.

"Sit," he tells me as he pointed at the chair that was a few meters away from him.

I nod my head and sat down on the said chair.

When I faced him, I couldn't help but gasp at how handsome he looked.

I think he's even bigger than me.

He slowly lifts his head and looks straight at my eyes, almost making me flinch.

The man smirks when he saw my reaction. It was like he loved it when people feared him.

"What's your name?" he finally asks me; his voice dominating and serious.

I gulp for who knows how many times now and answered, "Hunter sir."

"Hunter," he repeated. Then he sits from his seat and raised his right eyebrow up, "A name of a dog?" he asks, surprising me.

"Your real name," he asks with a smirk this time. But now that I think about it, it was more of a command than a question.

"My real name?" I ask back even though I know Mr. Johnson told me to not ask him questions.

"The name you hide behind the name Hunter," he suddenly tells me, surprising me even more.

Damn, he's fucking good. He must be really great at interrogating people.

I guess Hael would understand that I don't have a choice but to tell him.

I smirk back and finally answered, "Damien..."

I stare at his dangerous gray eyes and continued, "My real name is Damien Nicholas Collins."

The man takes a deep breath and nodded his head.

He adjusts his already perfectly placed necktie and answered, "I'm Romeo Valentino. It's nice to meet you...Damien."

Hey guys! I wasn't going to make this chapter because not all my readers have read TFTBB, but this is my thank you to those who enjoyed THIS and that story as well.

Not a lot will understand this because I only used this as a guide, but I want to share it so you guys would have an idea.

This is and timeline.

This means Romeo and Julien has already met five years before Dane and Damien even met. Hope that clears it up a little.

To those who read this even when they have no idea who Romeo is...well, thank you for reading this! And to those who DO know Romeo, well, I hope you guys enjoyed this crossover!

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