《SSRO2: Daddy's Home ✓》(17) Find Me



I looked at the sunflowers on the floor with confusion.

I slowly picked it up and smelled it, because for some reason, if someone gives you a bouquet of flowers, you're required to fucking press your nose on those flowers and fucking smell them.

As I scan the flowers, I realized that there was actually a card. I took the card and silently read it.

The card read...

You lost the bet, so here's the deal. I made some clues so you'll find me here. You can't say no because I already told you so, that everything I tell you, you'll diligently follow.

There's a house nurse who has a key. It'll get you to where you want to be. Ask her for it and she will give it to you. The key to that room will show you the next clue.

- Damien

PS: I hope you love the sunflowers. I picked them myself. Now, have fun ;)

I literally laughed at how witty Damien sounded.

So he planned all this without me knowing? How did he even do that?!

"Okay, house nurse. Obviously Wilma," I tell myself as I went back inside the house. I place the sunflower on top of a table and went to Wilma who was putting plates on top of the table at the dining room.

"Wilma," I call out, making her look at me with a smile. "Yes Day?"

I smirked because Wilma was literally acting like she doesn't know anything about Damien's plan. Which now made me realize that grandma knew about it too, which was why he was stalling me the whole day.

"Do you perhaps...have a key?" I innocently ask her.

Wilma giggles and checks the pocket of her apron, "Let me check."

She then takes out a familiar key and hands it over to me, "I think this is it," she says as she shows me the key.

My eyes widened from shock as I say, "It's the secret door key!" I practically shouted as I took the key from Wilma's hand.

The key also had another note that said: Open through your room.

"Thanks Wilma," I say as I ran out of the kitchen.

When I walk pass the living room, I quickly shouted, "Hi grandma!" then I ran upstairs to my room.

I don't know why, but for an old man like me, I was enjoying this.

I put the key on the keyhole and opened the secret door. Then I pushed it open.

The moment I pushed it, a pile of box suddenly falls on the floor. And inside the box were actually yellow balloons, which then scatter on the floor.

"What the hell is this?" I ask while laughing because I couldn't help contain it because of how excited I was feeling about this whole thing.

When I closed the secret door, I saw a needle taped to it. It made me realize what Damien wanted me to do next.

"You smart idiot," I say as I took the needle from the wall.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this," I continue to tell myself. Then, I started popping the balloons one by one like a kid. I stopped when one balloon contained a paper, which made me realize that it was actually my next clue.

I unrolled the paper and read it next.

You found the clue! Congratulations! Was popping the balloons fun? Well I hope you enjoyed it because we only just begun.

I'm hungry for lunch; can you grab it for me? Go out of the house, turn left, then the diner you will see. I ordered pizza, is that okay with you? And some burgers, and nachos too.


Once you get my order, you'll find a note inside them. Good luck baby, and hurry. Because this daddy is excited to eat them.

- Damien

I couldn't help but smile as I read Damien's third clue.

How on earth did he even think about all this?

"Well then. Next stop, diner," I say as I ran downstairs.

"Wilma! Grandma! I'll be out for a while!" I shouted as I went out of the door.

I brought the paper with me as a guide. It says 'go out of the house and turn left'. So I followed the instruction and turned left. Straight ahead, I saw a diner that Damien was talking about.

So I ran towards the diner and went inside.

The diner was full packed since it was already lunchtime. But the moment I entered, a waitress suddenly approached me, "Sir, are you Day McCartney?" she asked me, making me confusingly nod, "Yes?"

The waitress immediately smiles and says, "I knew it! The handsome man this morning told me that a man who looked like a model with platinum white hair would arrive at this hour," she says, making me chuckle.

"If a different man with platinum white hair came here, what on earth would he do?" I ask out loud, but then, the waitress surprisingly answered, "Oh don't worry, he said if I ever become doubtful I should just ask you a question."

"A question? And that question would be?" I asked anyway, so the waitress said, "Well, he only said say a code so...say a code?"

I looked at the waitress with disbelief and laugh, "728," I answered, and the waitress smiled, "See, it is you!"

Seriously, how long did Damien plan this?

"Come on, follow me. I placed his order at a table," she says, and I followed her at the table at the far end of the diner.

"Here it is," she says.

"Thank you," I answered her.

I thought she was going to leave, but then she says, "I almost forgot. The man told me to tell you this..."

The waitress paused, like she was remembering it.

Then, she looks back at me and says, "Uhm, remember this place? We...we danced the whole night. I hope you know, that after the dance, I had to put up a...a...what was it again? Oh! A fight. He said a fight," the waitress says, making me chuckle.

"Wow, you actually remembered that," I say with astonishment.

The waitress proudly smiles and says, "Well, your boyfriend threatened me that I'll ruin all of his sweet plans if I don't."

"That fucking idiot," I say with shock, making the waitress laugh, "Damn, he really does knows you. He told me to say that too, he said you'll be mad if I do."

I open my mouth wide from shock, "He did not."

"Well then Mr. McCartney, I hope you enjoy the adventure your boyfriend so thoroughly planned for you," she says before finally leaving.

"Seriously Damien. You always end up surprising me," I say as I remembered what the waitress said.

Remember this place? We danced the whole night. I hope you know, that after the dance, I had to put up a fight.

He must have meant the diner that we went to before we got here. Then the fight must have been when I got drank and I practically begged to have sex with him. I remembered Damien say that he exerted all of his will power just to decline me.


I laugh at just the thought of it. Then I took out the note from earlier and read it again.

"Once you get my order, you'll find a note inside them. Good luck baby, and hurry. Because this daddy is excited to eat them.," I read.

Note inside them? You mean the food right?

I slowly looked down at his order. There was a box of pizza, nachos, and two burgers.

"So it's inside one of these," I say as I opened the pizza box first. It was empty so I opened the nachos next, but you know what? That was fucking empty too.

I looked at the burger with shock and said, "Oh no you didn't."

I took the plastic, but there was nothing either. So the only thing to do now was literally open up the burger.

"You are seriously an idiot Damien," I say as I started opening the burgers.

In between the patty and the bun was the note inside a small plastic zip lock.

I took that out and took the note out of the plastic and read it.

You have the food. I have the booze, now I think we're all good.

Go out of the diner, there's a flower shop outside. I bought the sunflowers there, but I still left one last surprise.

Ask the lady for the rose the I picked, she'll nicely hand it over to you. Tied on that rose is a note where you'll find the last clue.

- Damien

I picked up all the food, and went out of the diner like what the note said.

And like what Damien said, there was a cute small flower shop right in front of the diner.

I ran towards it and called out for the pretty lady inside the shop.

"Hi miss," I say with a bright smile.

"Oh hello, you're going to buy some flowers?" she asks me, but I shake my head and answered instead, "N-No. Uhm...a man named Damien left a rose here?"

"Oh! Yes! The rose!" the lady says, suddenly excited.

The lady then goes to the back. Then she heads back to where I was, a red rose now in her hand.

"Here you go...Day," she says with a bright smile.

I took the rose and thanked her. Then I took the last clue that was attached to it.

I opened the note and expected another witty poem. But instead, there was just a quick note that said, "Beach. Follow the petals."

So I ended up asking the locals on what way I should use so I could go to the beach. And I kid you not but the people that I asked looked like they knew me. It was like Damien already talked to all of them.

After a few more walking, I finally arrived at the beach. I had to immediately stop because the moment I arrived, there were literally rose petals scattered on the floor.

I suddenly felt teary just by seeing it. But I sucked it all in and followed the rose petals.

Somehow, as I continued to follow the rose petals, my heart wouldn't stop beating.

A part of me knew how this day was going to end, but a part of me also knew that Damien is very unpredictable so I shouldn't assume again.

But then, as I stepped on the last rose petals, I lifted my head and saw the man of my dreams.

There he was, Damien Nicholas Collins, wearing a fucking suit.

"You found me," he casually says with a smile.

I pouted and looked at the area.

There was a small table with wine, more rose petals on the sand, two chairs, and a great view of the sea.

"Nicholas!" I shouted as I ran to him.

I gently dropped the food and the rose on the floor. Then I grabbed Damien and hugged him.

Damien hugs me back and lifts me up and spins me around. He gives me a quick kiss before putting me back down, "So, how was it?" he asks me.

I wipe the tears that I just noticed was actually already there. Then I hit his shoulder and answered, "How could you do this to me?"

"Did you not like it?" he asks.

I shake my head and answered him, "Not like it?! I was smiling the whole time!"

Damien chuckles, and then he puts out a handkerchief and wipes my tears away, "Making you smile before you came here was my major goal."

"Baby, how long did you plan this?" I ask him.

"I planned this even before the start of our trip," he reveals, making me kiss him again.

Afterwards, Damien guided me to the cute table. He pulls my chair for me like a prince and then places the pizza, the nachos, and the burger on top of the table.

Before saying anything, he pours the wine on our glass. Then, he finally sat down on the chair in front of me.

"You're unbelievable Damien," I say as I continued to watch him.

Damien laughs and took a sip of his wine.

I looked around the place that Damien prepared and said, "I don't even know how to top this."

When I looked back at Damien, Damien had a serious face as he said; "You waited for me for five years. THAT is something that I can never top."

I smiled and took a deep breath. I stared at Damien's blue eyes and said, "You know for some reason, I suddenly remembered the day I first met you. You were naked in my apartment, and you welcomed me by calling me daddy."

Damien and I chuckled, then I continued, "I was so confused, and I was asking myself...why is a naked godlike man inside my apartment? I must be dreaming."

Damien smiles and grabs my hand and suddenly says, "Do you know how nervous I was that day? That was the first time that you were gonna see me, and I had to make sure that when you see me, you'll feel like you're the luckiest person on earth to have ever seen a man like me."

"So cocky as always," I say with a smirk.

"But I'm not wrong right?" he teased.

I took a sip of the wine too and told him, "Well, I guess you're right. I am the luckiest person on earth."

Damien shakes his head and drinks down his wine. He then looks back at me and says, "Ask me what I thought when I saw you that day then?"

I smile and bite my lower lip as I asked, "What did you think of when you saw me that day?"

Damien looks deep into my eyes and told me, "That day, I thought...Wow, he's as handsome as the last time that I saw him. I told myself that I'd have to work extra hard so he could fall in love with me. And when he's mine...I will definitely not let go of him anymore."

Damien and I stared at each other while smiling like complete idiots.

Afterwards, we finally ate our food and talked none stop the whole day.

We were enjoying ourselves too much that I didn't even notice the time anymore.

"Baby! Look! The sun is setting!" I shouted as I immediately stood up from my seat and ran until the waves brushed my feet.

Damien smiles and walks towards me. Then, he hugs me from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"I asked the locals where the best spot would be. They told me it was here because it's where we'll get a perfect view of the sunset," Damien tells me.

Both of us stared at the sunset.

I don't know why but as I was looking at it, I couldn't help but be emotional, "It's so beautiful," I tell him.

"You're beautiful," Damien whispered in my ear, making me laugh.

Damien laughs back and stands beside me. He grabs my hand and kisses me. As we continued to look at the sunset, Damien says, "Remember when we first arrived here? I asked you if you were really happy to be with me. I even asked you to be really, really sure about it. Do you remember?" he asks, and I nodded my head as an answer.

Damien kisses my hand again and says, "Well, that day, I was already finalizing everything. While you were at your room, I went to talk to your grandmother, to ask for your hand."

Damien then lets go of my hand, then the two of us faced each other.

My heart was already pounding, and tears were already pouring as I looked back at him.

"After five years that I was away, on the day at the café, on the day I arrived and gave you the Band-Aid and you were eating cheesecake, I went to your family's grave and asked for your hand as well."

"Oh Damien..."

"Now, it's your turn. I'm here to ask for your hand again Dane. It's been so long, and I was so scared that your answer would be different now. But Day, like the first day I met you, to my last day here on earth, I will take care of you, I will love you..."

Then Damien smirks and continues, "I will fuck you with everything I've got."

Both of us laughed, but Damien became serious again.

"You have been my world. We have gone through so much that no one else in this world would understand us except for ourselves. All the years that I was in pain, can never compare to the few happy moments that we shared," Damien says, before finally doing what I thought he'd never do.

I never thought this day would ever come, but Damien finally goes down on one knee. He puts out a small box and shows it to me, and then he opens it. To my surprise, inside wasn't a diamond ring that you might expect, but a silver ring that had a dog paw on it.

"Let's make more happy memories together Dane," he tells me.

The tears continued to pour as I looked back at Damien.

Damien quickly wipes the tears that were suddenly falling down from his eyes too. Then he looks back at me and says, "Dane Andrew McCartney. For the second time around...are you still willing to marry me?"

The tears continued to pour that word's couldn't come out of my mouth anymore.

But, after composing myself. I took a deep breath and finally answered, "Answering no...never even crossed my mind."

Damien puts down his head and starts crying even more.

So I went down on my knees and quickly held both of his cheeks so he could look at me, "I will marry you, Damien Nicholas Collins. I'll definitely marry you."

Damien's hand was shaking as he grabbed my hand. He takes the ring and slowly puts it on my ring finger, "Better than a Band-Aid," he still managed to joke, making both of us laugh.

When we stood up, Damien quickly hugs me and lifts me up.

He kisses me again, but somehow, after all the kisses that Damien has already given me; this kiss was the sweetest.

"Thank you for finding me Dane," Damien says as he presses his forehead on mine.

I draped my arms around his neck and answered back, "Thank you for wanting me to find you...Damien."

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