《SSRO2: Daddy's Home ✓》(16) Homemade



I woke up, my back aching like crazy.

I was expecting Damien to welcome me with a smile, but unfortunately, he wasn't there beside me.

I immediately sat up, regretting it the moment I did it because my lower back ached again. But when I looked around, I realized that I was back at my father's room, and I was already wearing my clothes.

"Don't tell me I dreamt everything last night," I tell myself as I stood up from the bed. But the pain that I was feeling immediately made me know that everything that happened was not a dream at all.

"Damien and I really outdid ourselves last night," I continue to tell myself as I slowly walk towards the secret door. I was about to push it open, but to my surprise, the door was now locked.

I went to the drawer where I first saw the key but it was gone now too.

So I decided to go out of my room to knock on Damien's room, which was also my uncle's room.

"Damien? Damien are you there?" I called out as I continue to knock on his door.

No one answered, so I decided to open it myself. What's the point of knocking anyways? I'm his lover; I don't need to knock on his goddamn door.

"Damien," I called out again, but to my surprise, the room was empty.

I immediately went down and saw my grandmother brushing cookies the cat on her rocking chair. That is such a grandma thing to do.

"Good morning grandma," I greeted as I approached her to give her a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning Day. Did you have a good night sleep?" she asks me, making me bite my lower lip and blush.

"Did you?" I ask back instead.

Grandma innocently smiles and nods her head, "I did. It was a cold night though, but the sound of the ocean eased me."

"You can hear the ocean from all the way here?" I ask in confusion.

Grandma continues to smile as she answered back, "Oh Day, I hear everything."

I chocked on nothing when I heard my grandmother's answer. But I try to act calm to at least show that I was innocent and I did not have a BDSM themed sex with Damien the whole night.

"H-How...delightful," I say instead.

I then cleared my throat and ask something else to change the subject, "Grandma, have you perhaps seen Damien? He's not in his room." Or in my room.

"You mean Hunter right?" she asks, making me remember that grandma and Wilma know Damien as Hunter.

"Oh yes, Hunter. I meant to say Hunter," I clarified.

"He told me he was going fishing at the beach," she says.

Fishing? Seriously?

"Is that so? Then I'll go change my clothes and head there," I say as I was about to leave. But grandma stops me and says, "Day, why not be a darling and help Wilma prepare for breakfast instead."

"Breakfast? Oh, of course. No problem," I honestly answered.

I don't mind helping out here especially since this is basically my home.

And Damien and I will have a lot more time together in the future. I should spend more time with the people here before we leave. Because as much as I want to stay here longer, Damien and I still have work to do in the city.

"Wilma?" I called out as I arrived at the kitchen.


Wilma was cutting onions, which made her look teary.

"You okay? You look like you're in great pain," I joked, making Wilma chuckle. She wipes her eyes with her apron and looks at me, "I'm okay, thank you for asking. So, how may I help you Day?"

I took the apron hanging on the side and wore that too. Then I stood beside Wilma and say, "Actually, I'm here to help you. So how can Dane Andrew McCartney be of any help?" I ask. Then Wilma pushed the chopping board towards me and gave me the knife, "You may continue this while I prepare the potatoes."

I don't complain and continue what Wilma left off.

While she prepared the potatoes, I asked, "So what's on the menu?"

"We're having scrambled eggs with potatoes and onions. It's your grandma's favorite breakfast meal," Wilma answered.

"Do you know how to cook Dane?" she then asks me.

I wipe the tears that were forming in my eyes and answered, "Well, I know a few basic dishes. But I'm not really good at making those meals that taste like home. I guess I'm just too busy."

"Is that so? Then if you want I could teach you some meals that taste like home," Wilma says, quickly making me look back at her, "Really? Are you serious?"

"Well yeah, you're going to have a family soon right? Then it's best if you can make dishes that will suit your family's taste. It really feels nice when your husband and kids say that their favorite food is their mom's cooking. But then again, you and Hunter are both men, so both of you equally doing the cooking would be just fine" Wilma explains.

I smile by just thinking about it.

After work, I'd go home and cook dinner, and then I'd welcome Damien who just got back from his work, and our kid who just got back from school too.

We're both men, but I don't mind being the mother figure in the family.

"And you know what they say, a way to a man's heart is his stomach," Wilma adds, making me laugh, "Well Damien does like eating."

Wilma and I continued with our kitchen work. When she was done with the scrambled eggs with potatoes and onions, Wilma started teaching me how to make homey meals. And the first one that she wanted me to try was a simple chicken soup.

"This is a homemade recipe but I'll share it with you," Wilma says as she adjusts the heat on the stove.

I stood beside her as I watched the water boil, "Wilma, if I may ask, do you have a family? You know, kids? A husband?"

Wilma smiles and answers, "Apparently I don't. I don't regret it though, because your grandmother became my family. So before I die, I could at least show someone the chicken soup that my own mother taught me when I was a teenager."

I pouted and looked at Wilma, "You're going to make me cry."

Wilma laughs and pats my shoulder, "Cry when you get a taste of the soup. Now, go and cut more onions."

"More onions?!" I pretended to complain. But I laughed and did what I was told anyways.

As I continued to cut onions, Wilma taught me the procedure step by step.

"So do I put the shredded chicken inside now?" I ask.

"No, season it with salt and pepper first. Then add it to the pot with the chopped celery, carrots, and onions," Wilma instructs, and I did what she told while she stood on the side, watching me.


When I placed all the ingredients, and the 'secret ingredient' inside, and waited for the soup to finally be ready, Wilma looked at the clock and immediately turned the heat off.

"I think it's ready," she says. Then she gave me a spoon and added, "Give it a taste."

I took a deep breath and took the spoon.

I scooped a spoon full of the soup and blew it a little to cool it off. Then, I finally gave it a taste.

I looked at Wilma and pouted again, "You were right. I really am going to cry now."

Wilma laughs and took a spoon as well, "Let me give it a taste too."

She tastes the soup too.

As I stare at her, I couldn't help but feel nervous. It was like I was an amateur, and Wilma was a master homemade chef, and she was tasting the first homemade meal that I have ever done.

Wilma looks at me with a serious expression, making me realize that maybe I'm better at making ready-to-cook meals, or meals that are EXACTLY the same from a cook book.

"So...how was it?" I ask nervously.

Wilma finally smiles and says, "Taste like how my mother would do it."

I literally exhaled and chuckled on what Wilma just answered.

"I'm glad," I honestly say.

"Can I have some of that too?" someone suddenly asks.

I quickly turned my head and saw Damien standing on the entrance of the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning Hunter," Wilma greeted.

"Good morning Wilma," Damien says back. Then he walks towards me and hugs me from the back, gently kissing my neck and saying, "Good morning daddy."

I blushed and quickly pushed him away from me.

"Damien!" I scolded; embarrassed that Damien literally did that in front of Wilma.

But it looked like Wilma didn't mind because she was giggling as she looked at us.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You looked like a house-husband with that apron on," he says. Then he looks at the pot and said, "Can I have a taste of that too babe?"

I nodded and took a spoon-full as well. Then I fed Damien with it.

Damien eats the meat first before drinking the soup.

I get nervous again as I waited for his reaction. But I felt a lot more nervous now compared to when Wilma tasted it.

Damien smirks and looks at me, then he grabs my waist and gives me a quick kiss on the lips, "Baby it's delicious. Tastes like home."

I don't know why but hearing Damien say that literally melted my heart. At that moment I didn't care whether Wilma was looking or not because I pulled Damien towards me for a kiss.

When our lips parted, I asked, "By the way, why were you fishing earlier?"

Damien looked at me confusingly and answered, "Fishing? No, why would I go fishing? I don't even know how to fish. I was jogging earlier."

"Ha? But grandma said you were-" I paused and thought that maybe my grandmother was just old and now very forgetful, so I let that slide for now.

After the kitchen duty, we eventually started eating our breakfast.

Grandma said the soup was good too, but she said it was too spicy for her taste, which made us very confused because we didn't put anything spicy in it at all.

Afterwards she laughed and said that she was just joking, and the chicken soup was perfect.

Wilma told me that I could call her anytime if ever I wanted to try making something new. But she also suggested that I should try experimenting so I could find my signature dish.

After the meal, Damien suddenly stood up from his seat.

I thought he was gonna help carry the plates back to the kitchen, but instead he said, "I'm heading back to the beach."

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"I was jogging earlier and saw a man fixing his boat. I was helping him and promised that I'd be back to continue on helping him," Damien suddenly says, confusing me.

He didn't mention this earlier.

"Is that so? Then I'll come with you, I might be able to help," I tell him, but Damien shakes his head and says, "It's okay. It's better if you spend your time with Wilma and grandma."


Before I could even finish, Damien gives me a quick kiss on the lips and leaves.

I looked at Wilma and grandma with a confused expression, but both of them were just as confused as me.

"Well then. Let's wash the dishes Day," Wilma tells me instead.

I was still confused on what Damien said but I did what I was told anyways.

After washing the dishes, taking a bath and changing my clothes. I joined my grandmother at the living room.

While she sat on her rocking chair, listening to classical music, I decided to check out her book collection.

"Damien's been acting strange," I say as I scanned the books one by one.

"Let the man be. Maybe he finds fixing boats relaxing. And I heard you'll be going back to the city tomorrow too, maybe he's just seizing the moment," my grandma explained, almost making me ask, "But...Without me?!"

But that would be too selfish of me.

I know what Damien is doing; he wants me to spend time with my grandmother as much as I could. And it's not like I don't want to, it's just that I was hoping I could spend my time with grandma, with him.

Okay, now I'm just simply obsessed with him now.

"Maybe you're right grandma. If he can spend our last day here without me then I can definitely do the same," I say as I picked one book from the shelves.

"What's your favorite book here grandma?" I ask.

"The one written by Shakespeare," my grandmother answered. Then I looked at the book that I was holding, and to my surprise, it was 'Romeo & Juliet' by Shakespeare.

"Romeo and Juliet?" I ask her, and grandma smiles and nods her head as an answer.

"Well these aren't my type of books, but I guess this could be fun. Do you want me to read it to you grandma?" I ask, and grandma nods her head as an answer.

I sat on the floor, thankful because the carpet was soft.

I faced my grandma and started reading. I thought it would end up being boring, but I ended up reading the book for grandma the whole day.

Wilma brought us some milk and cookies (not the cat) too, and in that moment I literally felt like I was a kid hanging out with my grandmother.

After hours of reading, we were inches away from finishing the book. But grandmother suddenly touches my shoulder and says, "It's lunch time, I think you should call Hunter now."

I looked at the clock and realized that it was already 11:32 am.

"Alright then," I say as I stood up.

I took a tissue paper and used it to bookmark the page that I was on. I did a quick stretch since I have literally been sitting on the floor the whole day, and place the book on the center table.

"I should call him," I say as I was about to grab my phone upstairs, but then I noticed Damien's phone peacefully sitting on the table.

"He left it here? Well I guess I just have to go get him myself," I say as I looked at grandma, "Grandma, how do I get to the beach?"

"Just ask the locals, it's not that far anyways," grandma answers, making me nod my head.

Before I could leave, grandma suddenly calls me back. I looked at her and she says, "Good luck Day."

I smile and wave my hand, "I'll be back with Damien," I tell her. Then I wore my slippers and went out of the house. But the moment that I went out of the house, I saw a bouquet of sunflowers sitting on the floor.

At that moment, I knew, that Damien was once again up to something.

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