《SSRO2: Daddy's Home ✓》(13) Dear Diary,



"I'm so sorry it took so long for me to come here. There were just things that I-"

Grandma quickly cuts me off and says, "No my dear, it's okay. I know what you went through, and I know that all of it was because of Hael."

She then (barely) looks at Damien then back to me and continued, "If it weren't for Hael, the two of you wouldn't have gone through all those things."

"No, if it weren't for Hael I wouldn't have met Dane," Damien quickly defends as he walks towards grandma and I.

I stood up beside Damien, making him drape his arm around my shoulder.

"This is the man that I was talking about Andrea. He's the man that I was, and am still very much in love with," Damien suddenly says, shocking me.

Grandma on the other hand wasn't shocked at all. Instead, she smiles and nods her head, like she knew about that all along.

"I figured that it would be my grandson," she tells Damien, "You always talked about his eyes and his personality. Just hearing about it already made me suspect who that outstanding man was."

"So you approve?" Damien asked, making me feel shy for some reason.

Grandma nods her head and says, "Dane is like his father. He will need someone who is as outgoing and as outspoken as you. It doesn't matter if it's with a man or a woman. As long as there is love, then it's okay."

Damien and I smiled at each other by what grandma just said, "Thank you Andrea," Damien tells her.

Andrea doesn't say anything but nods her head as an answer,

"Was I really like my father?" I asked her.

I didn't know much about my father except for the fact that he loved his family unconditionally. Damien didn't know him either, and the only one who was close to him was uncle Hael, but unfortunately, uncle Hael is already dead.

The last shot that I have in knowing more about my father would be from his own mother.

"Your father," grandma finally starts.

"He and Heal were the complete opposite. Hael was rebellious and sociable, always a part of the crowd. While Andre was smart and serious, he was mostly alone by himself. But Andre was always the family man; he knows how to take care of others, while Hael practically didn't care about anything. Hael was a risk taker, Andre was practical, and the list just goes on and on," Andrea says, then she pauses to cough.

I quickly looked at Wilma, mouthing the words 'water'.

So Wilma goes to the kitchen to get some water. Then she immediately goes back and gives it to my grandmother.

Grandma took a sip and gives the glass back to Wilma. Then she chuckles and says, "Sorry Dane, your grandma is getting old."'

'Your grandma', why does that sound so good to be true?

"Really? I thought you were only on your forties," I joked, making her laugh again.

"Anyways, should I continue with my story?" she then asks us.

I move closer to her and gently held her hand, "I think that was enough. You should rest. We'll talk about this again later."

"Are you staying here for the night?" she asks, quickly making me look at Damien.

Damien nods his head, so I smiled and answered, "Yes, we'll be staying here."

"That's wonderful! Wilma! Go clean Hael and Andre's room," grandma suddenly says, quickly making Wilma nod her head before running upstairs with a broom.


I look at my grandmother confusingly and asked, "Hael and Andre's room? May I ask if it's one room or..."

"Its two separate rooms," grandma quickly answers, making Damian snicker.

"B-But grandma, like what Damien said, we are-"

Grandma quickly cuts me off and says, "Are you two already married?"

I don't know but I blushed again by that question.

I glanced at Damien, but Damien just shrugged his shoulder.

"No," I answered with a pout.

"Well two separate rooms then," grandma persistently says. And just like that, I knew where my father's personality came from. Because like my father, there was nothing else that would change his mind, even if I try to beg.


"I can't believe we'll be in different rooms," I say as Damien and I were going up the stairs while carrying all of our things from the car.

"Oh come on, your grandma wouldn't really know if we share a room or not," Damien says with a smirk, almost making me hit him with my bag.

"This is practically the first time that I'll be meeting my grandmother. I don't want to disobey her and lie to her," I say, making Damien chuckle.

"Alright, I'll just sneak inside your room. We'll be like two teenagers with strict parents," Damien joked again, but this time, I was able to hit him with my bag.

"Day, Damien, I already changed the sheets, I hope this is okay," Wilma says when she goes out of a room that I suspect was my father's because of all the blue.

My father always loved the color blue.

"No, it's perfect. Thank you," I tell her.

"Well, this is your father's room and the room beside it is Hael's. I suspect you'll be staying at your fathers?" Wilma asks.

I smiled and nodded and got inside my father's room.

I placed my things on top of the single bed and looked around the bedroom.

It was a very clean room. There weren't any posters on the wall, or anything that screamed rebellious teenager. There was even a medium sized empty aquarium that was now filled with old books.

I really was like my father.

"Wow, it's like your room," Damien says when he entered the room without his things.

Good, he already left it in the other room.

"I'll leave you two to rest," Wilma tells us before leaving Damien and I.

"How's uncles room?" I asked.

Damien grinned and answered, "Wanna go check it out?"

I don't say anything and just immediately ran to uncle Hael's room. And to my surprise, uncle's room was literally the exact opposite of my father's room.

There were band posters, an old stereo, a disco ball, some video game tapes, and porn magazines that Damien took out from under the bed.

"How am I not surprised but surprised at the same time?" I say as I examined the room.

Damien leans on the doorframe with his hands crossed.

"Well your uncle did run a prostitution business," Damien says, making me laugh; "Now I know why."

"Hey, look out the window," Damien suddenly tells me.

I looked at him confusingly but did what he wanted anyways, "What's outside the-"

I immediately stopped talking when I saw the view outside the window.

"It's the sea!" I practically shouted.

I don't know why but I was inches away from crying when I saw the sea. It was so beautiful, and the thought that my father and my uncle were able to see this everyday made me feel emotional.


"Beautiful isn't it?" Damien asks me as he suddenly hugs me from behind.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head as an answer.

Damien kisses my head before resting his chin on my shoulder, "I'm planning to retire here. Would you like that?" he suddenly asks, shocking me.

"Really?!" I almost shouted at him.

Damien chuckles and answered back, "Yeah, but if you want to retire somewhere else then it's okay. As long as I'd be able to grow old with you, anywhere is fine."

I finally cried as I pushed Damien away to look at him, "I-I would love that. Let's retire here baby. Let's look at the sea together, let's grow old together, let's do everything together," I say.

Damien smiles and wipes my tears away. Then he gently kisses my forehead and pulls me closer to hug him, "Are you happy to be with me?" he suddenly asks me.

"Of course I am, what kind of question is that?" I tell him. But then Damien asks again, "I need you to be sure. To be really, really sure that you'd still be happy to be with me in the future too."

I was going to push him away so I could look at his face, but Damien didn't let go of me. So without looking at him, I answered, "Nicholas, I was happy to be with you in the past, I'm happy to be with you now, and I'd definitely be happy to be with you in the future. Do you understand?"

Damien doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds before gently pushing me away from him.

"That's the only thing that I needed to hear," Damien says before pressing his mouth against mine.

"Damien...they might hear," I whispered between kisses.

"Then let's keep it extra quiet," he whispers back.

So I drape my arms around his neck, and then Damien lifted me up and carried me towards the bed.

He sat down on the edge of the bed as I sat on top of his lap.

"You're fucking making me hard right now," Damien suddenly whispered in my ear as I moved my hips on top of him so I could massage his crotch area.

We continued to kiss for a couple of seconds.

I was inches away from actually removing his shirt when someone suddenly clears their throat.

My eyes widened from shock as I immediately went down from Damien's lap.

Wilma was standing beside the door while carrying Cookie the cat.

My face because tomato red while Damien casually stood up from the bed and asked, "Is there a problem?"

I try not to look at Wilma as she answered, "I know you two are in an...intimate...relationship. But I hope you know that something like that is not welcome in this house. And don't even try to trick your grandmother, we could hear the footsteps from downstairs, so we'd be able to hear you if someone goes out of the room to go to the other."

I don't even know what to say anymore because I was so embarrassed.

Damien on the other hand nodded his head in understanding and calmly answered, "We're sorry. It won't happen again"

"Good. Now go back to your room Dane. We'll have our dinner at six. We eat early because Andrea goes to sleep at seven," Wilma says, leaving without waiting for us to at least say anything.

When she was gone, I quickly went to Damien to hit him in the chest, "You just HAD to do that," I whispered, worried they'd still hear us.

Damien chuckles and squeezed my shoulder to ease me, "Sorry, I just got caught up in the moment."

He then gives me a quick kiss before saying, "Well...no sex for two days then."

"Can you even do that?" I asked him with my right eyebrow raised.

Damien grinned and answered, "Fine, let's bet on it then. If one of us won't end up begging for sex before the day ends then that person wins."

"Then what does the winner get?" I asked, suddenly interested.

"The loser has to do everything that the winner says for a week," Damien suddenly says.

So if I win, I can tell Damien that he can't meet up with his personal assistant for a whole week! That's great!

"Fine, deal," I say, showing my hands.

"Deal," he answers, shaking my hand to seal the deal. He then winks and points at the door; gesturing me to leave the room.

I laughed and nodded my head, "See you at dinner then."

Damien shuts the door the moment I got out of the room. I roll my eyes and quickly walk to my own room, which was my father's room.

I close the door and walk towards the desk that was in front of the window. Like in uncle Hael's room, the window gave out a stunning view of the sea.

I sat down on the chair and opened the drawers on the desk.

There weren't anything interesting inside, but then, on the bottom drawer, I saw something that looked like a small key.

"What the hell?" I ask as I scanned the key.

Beside it was an old red notebook. I took out the notebook first and opened it. To my surprise, it wasn't just a notebook, but it was actually my father's diary.

I thought the key was for the notebook, but there wasn't any lock for it.

So I read the diary in silence.

Most of the entries were just my father writing about how his day went, and how my uncle would have these extravagant ideas.

But then, I suddenly stopped when I read a specific entry. The hair on my skin stood because of complete shock.

Dear Diary,

Hael wouldn't stop talking about his dreams where these dogs turned into humans. I already told him that it's physically impossible but he insists that it is. He only tells me about these stupid dreams of his because he says its top secret. Whenever I tell mom and dad about it, they laugh and say Hael wouldn't be able to think of something so extravagant and silly as that. Sometimes I see him sneaking out at night to go to clubs and interviewing people there for who knows what reasons. It's like he's making surveys or something.

I told mom and dad about it but they still wouldn't believe me.

Seriously, if I could just do so, I'm going to make eye cameras in the future so I'd have evidence on everything that Hael's been doing, and mom and dad would finally believe me.

A Frustrated 11-year-old boy,


PS: I locked the hidden door that connects my room with Hael. He keeps on barging inside my room at night, it's annoying.

I almost drop the notebook from shock.

So uncle Hael has already been having plans with the Companion's Association, even when they were young?

Could it be possible that uncle was able to read this? Which is how he got the idea of eye cameras?

And what did he mean by hidden-

"The key!" I suddenly shouted when I remembered the key that was beside the diary.

I quickly took the key and looked at the wall.

I held the wall and scanned for any hole that would fit the key.

"Jackpot," I say when I finally found a hole.

It was so old that it was already covered in dust. So I had to blow on the keyhole first before putting the key in.

I then turned the key and heard a click sound. Without hesitation, I pushed the wall to open it.

"Damien! You won't believe what I just-" I quickly stopped midsentence when I saw my boyfriend.

To my surprise, Damien was jerking off in bed while holding porn magazines.

We look at each other with shock.

My face quickly turned red from embarrassment.

Damien on the other hand doesn't let go of his dick as he casually says with a smirk, "Can I help you with something?"

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