《SSRO2: Daddy's Home ✓》(6) Private Interview



"And Hunter? Are you sure he'll be-"

Damien quickly cuts me off and squeezed my shoulder, "Hunter will be fine. Jane said she'll take care of him while we're away so you don't have to worry."

I looked at Damien, still unsure about leaving Hunter while we enjoyed ourselves.

"Our baby will be fine," Damien suddenly tells me, and for some stupid reason, my face started turning red.

"Our baby," I repeated inside my head like an idiot.

"But if you're that worried about him, then do you want to cancel this?" Damien suddenly asked me, quickly snapping me back to my senses.

I immediately shook my head and answered, "No, of course not."

"Are you sure?" he asked me again.

I turned off my phone and showed it to Damien, "See, I'm not going to text or call Jane anymore. I'm a hundred percent not worried about Hunter so we don't have a reason to cancel this."

Damien chuckles and pats my head, "Alright, I get it. Now let's go," he says as he takes my things and places it in the back of the car.

I sighed in relief.

Obviously Damien won't cancel our plans, but he's very unpredictable so I don't want to risk it.

"We're good to go," Damien says as he opens the door of the car for me.

When I got inside, Damien sat on the driver's seat and starts driving away.

I seriously don't know where Damien was taking me. I was asking him about the place but Damien made sure to keep his mouth shut to surprise me.

While we were driving, I looked out the window and just took a deep breath.

I didn't really intentionally want to make the atmosphere feel like this, but suddenly, the whole car felt so awkward with just the two of us in it.

"I'm sorry," we both said in unison.

I quickly looked back at him as Damien cleared his throat. He continued to look at the road as he said, "You go ahead first."

I cleared my throat too as I looked back at looking out the window.

Somehow looking at him made me feel nervous.

"I wanted to apologize for...you know...acting like a jerk. I didn't think about you, or how you felt and what you have gone through. And then there was Todd, oh god that was a shitty move. I should have told you about him and we should have talked properly too. I just...I just got selfish," I finally say. And when the words went out of my mouth, my heart automatically felt lighter.

I gathered the courage to look back at Damien. And to my surprise, he was gripping on the steering wheel, like he was thinking about something really hard.

"Damien?" I called out, suddenly making him blink.

"You just said what I wanted to say," he tells me.

"I too was selfish," he starts, "I planned so many things without thinking about what you'd feel. When I got mad I felt like it was unfair. I said to myself that I practically gave you my whole life and you can't even give me the freedom to do what I want now that I'm free."

"No, Damien I-"

Damien immediately cuts me off as he stops at a red light. He looks back at me with his blue eyes that melted me every time.

"But that wouldn't be love if I expected you to act differently because of the things I voluntarily did for you. You didn't ask me to protect you, but I did. It's true that Hael made me work for him, but when he died I could have easily left and ran away. But I didn't...because I was still very much in love with you," Damien explained, and now the tears were slowly forming in my eyes.


"Why do you always make me feel like I don't deserve you?" I asked him.

Damien reached out for my cheeks to wipe away the tears, "If you think you don't deserve me then why are you still with me?"

I looked deeply into his eyes and asked, "How am I supposed to answer that?"

Damien sweetly smiles and looks back at the road when the stoplight turned green.

He starts driving again as he answered, "When you find the answer to that question, tell me. I would gladly love to hear it."

I looked at Damien and nodded my head as an answer.

"I love you...do you know that?" I then asked him.

Without looking back at me, Damien answered, "I wouldn't have wasted all those years if I didn't."


The drive continued for a few hours.

Damien and I still didn't say a thing. And now I understand the reason why we're like this.

It's not because we were apart for so long, but because we weren't really together for so long.

Yeah Damien loved me for years, but I sadly didn't, because I didn't even know he existed. And when I fell in love with him, our relationship didn't continue on for years. It lasted for a few weeks, and then stopped just like that.

There are still a lot of things that I don't know about him. And there are also still a lot of things that he still doesn't know about me.

I hope our trip will help me see the Damien that I haven't really met before.

"I want to know more about you," I suddenly blurted out. Shocking Damien, and even myself.

Damien chuckled but still doesn't look at me, "What?" he asked.

I bit my lips and immediately looked out the window again, "W-Well...you know. I feel like I don't know enough about you."

Damien doesn't answer. So I glanced at him and saw him smirking like an idiot.

"Then go ahead and ask," he tells me.

I shifted from my seat so I could properly look at him, "Are you sure?" I asked, and Damien just nodded his head as an answer.

I don't know why but I felt nervous all of a sudden. I have interviewed actors, singers and even politicians, and I've been confident about it the whole time. But now, asking Damien, who is my lover, simple questions, just makes me feel nervous for some reason.

I took a deep breath and started thinking of questions that Damien can easily answer for me, "I'll keep it simple then. What's your favorite color?"

"Red", Damien surprisingly quickly answered.

"Alright then...What's the one thing you can't live without?" I asked next.

"Day," he answered with a serious expression, making me blush.

I was glad Damien wasn't looking at me, so I quickly asked him the next question before he could see me stupidly blushing, "What's the one thing you CAN live without?"

Damien glanced at me and smirked, "Night."

Okay, now he's just teasing me.

"If you were stranded in an island, what would you bring?" I asked, and without even thinking about it, Damien answered, "A Dane Andrew McCartney"

"What's your most favorite place in the world?"

"Beside Dane Andrew McCartney."

My face was now completely red as I shouted at him, "Why is it all about me?!"

"My life is all about you," he straight out answered, making me blush even more.

"But that can't be possible!" I shouted, making Damien laugh.


When he stopped laughing, he glances at me again and says, "Then ask me a question than you think would not be about you."

I took a deep breath to ease myself.

When I wasn't blushing anymore, I seriously looked at Damien and asked, "If I wasn't alive. I mean...if I didn't exist, and the accident didn't happen. What would you be right now then?"

Damien became silent.

The smirk that he had on his face immediately vanished when he heard the question.

If I'm right, he even look pained. Like imagining it alone made him feel hurt.

"I'd probably be the saddest man in the world," he answered with a sad tone in his voice.

My heart skipped a beat.

How was I able to be with a man like him? He is everything that I could have ever hoped for, but more.

"I'll stop there. I don't think forcing to know you more won't work right," I say as I was about to look back at the window.

But Damien suddenly cleared his throat and immediately said, " I like the color red, and I hate the rain. I like people who are serious about their work, but will know how to have fun when they need to. I like listening to music, but I HATE dancing. I want to travel the world because I've been locked up my whole life. I want kids, three of them if possible..."

Damien paused to grin, but before I could even comment about it, he quickly continued, "And I want to grow old with the same person who I have been in love with since I was young. Will that be enough Mr. McCartney?"

Damien suddenly stopped the car and slowly looked back at me.

I looked at Damien, biting my lower lip because I felt like crying again because of what he just said.

"Discovering things about you will never be enough," I say, somehow making Damien smile.

"Then should I interview you too?" he jokingly asked as he reached out to wipe the tears that were on my cheeks.

"What else could you possibly still not know about me?" I asked him, then Damien looked serious again as he answered, "Apparently I still don't know how to not make you cry."

Seriously you don't deserve this man – Inner Conscience.

"Damien..." I called out.

I don't know what kind of expression I was making anymore, but for some reason, Damien grabbed my hand and gently kissed it, "If you continue on looking like that, I'll end up wanting to fuck you."

My eyes widened. Quickly pulling my hand away from Damien because of what he just said.

Damien laughed and started driving again.

"Since you interviewed me, I think it's only right if I interview you too. Am I correct?" Damien suddenly asked me.

I bit my lower lip again and slowly nodded my head, "Sure. I guess that's okay."

I didn't expect Damien to ask me extreme questions, but when I saw the grin on his face, I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this private interview at all.

"Who's the better kisser? Todd Cooper or Damien Nicholas Collins?" Damien suddenly asked, almost making me laugh out loud.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked him. And Damien wasn't even smiling as he answered, "Yup."

I looked at him with disbelief. But when it looked like he wasn't going to take back the question, I finally answered, "You of course."

Others even pay millions just so you could touch them. So I'm pretty confident that your kissing ability is top notch.

"Good answer," Damien says with a grin, making me laugh.

"So next question...what position do you like better?" Damien suddenly asked, quickly making me hit him.

Damien whined as I shouted at him "Why are your questions like that?!"

"I meant position in the company. Do you like being a writer, an editor, a department head, or are you actually excited to be the chairman," Damien suddenly explained to me. But both of us clearly knew what he really meant with his question.

"You pervert," Damien added, a smirk imprinted in his face.

I seriously wanted to hit him again, but I took a deep breath instead and said, "Fine, then let me answer. I enjoy being an editor more than the position I have in the company now."

"Good, I was very curious about that," Damien tells me. Making me look at him amusingly.

Seriously, does this man have a split personality or something?

"Do you like calling me daddy, or do you like it when I call you that instead," Damien asked next, making me laugh again.

"You're the daddy of course," I answered, making Damien grin, "You know it."

Both of us laughed. Then Damien stopped and thought of another weird question.

"Next question is...who do you prefer, Hunter, Noah, or Damien?" Damien asked, making me laugh even more.

What is with these questions?

"I like Noah Price better," I joked, making Damien pout.

"Don't tell me you still have his picture," Damien asked, like Noah was a completely different person.

I smiled and nodded my head, "I do. I use it to masturbate too," I joked, expecting that Damien would play along.

But suddenly, Damien steps on the brakes, shocking me. Thankfully we were practically in the middle of nowhere so there were no minor accidents.

"What happened?!" I quickly asked him.

Damien turns off the engine of the car and looks at me, "You were planning to seduce me weren't you?" he asked, shocking me even more.

"W-What?! What the hell are you saying?!" I asked him.

But Damien wasn't listening to me anymore as he asked, "So you masturbate while staring at the picture?"

My face turned red again as I stared at Damien.

I thought we were playing around so I told him that. I wasn't expecting him to be so serious about it.

Seriously, being with Damien is like being with three different people.

"You're not even denying it so it must be true," Damien says, now smirking.

I gulped and bit my lower lip again before saying, "W-Well...I don't have any other picture of you. And what do you expect me to look at when I pleasure myself alone?" I answered, making Damien smirk even more.

He straightens himself and leans his back on the car door as he continued, "Is that so? Then to change things up, why not masturbate right now?"

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I angrily asked him.

But Damien didn't even look fazed as he continued to smirk.

"Masturbate. But this time...you'll be able to stare at the real thing."

My eyes widened as I stared at Damien with astonishment.

"You're serious aren't you?" I asked him.

Damien sexily licks his lips.

Then he growls and answers, "Dead serious."

Looks like this trip will be longer than I thought.

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