《SSRO2: Daddy's Home ✓》(5) Misunderstanding



"Jane! Jane!" I shouted from outside her apartment while continuously knocking on the door.

After a few minutes, the door finally opened, revealing my secretary and also one of my close friends at EXRay Media.

"Day?!" Jane shouted, shocked that she saw me at this hour.

"Jane, I don't have my phone and I don't have my wallet and I really don't want to go back home," I quickly tell her.

Then Hunter barks beside me, like he was explaining too.

Jane looked even more confused as she said, "W-Wait a second...what's going on here? I don't understand what you're saying."

I stared at Jane for a couple of seconds, then, like someone clicked a switch, I started crying, shocking Jane even more.

"Oh god, you poor thing. Come on, let's go inside," Jane calmly said as she held my shoulder and brought me inside, Hunter following behind me.

"Good thing my husband is on a business trip," Jane says as she made me sit on the sofa.

She goes to the kitchen and quickly goes back to me with a cup of coffee, "D-Does the dog...want anything?" she asked me confusingly.

Hunter looks at her and barks. Then he went to the side and lied down on the floor. He must have been tired since we've been walking around for at least an hour now.

"Water would be fine," I say as I wiped the tears off my cheeks.

Jane quickly goes back to the kitchen to give Hunter a bowl of water.

She gently places it in front of him, and then she goes to sit beside me.

"Alright, what happened?"

"Last week I told you my fiancé got back right?" I asked Jane.

Jane nods her head and said, "From Canada right?"

"Canada?" I confusingly asked, but then I remembered something. I couldn't possibly tell Jane the whole story so I just lied about Damien staying in Canada for five years because his job required him to stay there.

"Y-Yeah, Canada...well, I then told you yesterday that we'd be moving to his place right?" I asked again.

Then suddenly, Jane gasps and says, "Don't tell me...he lives in the slums."

I quickly took a sip of the coffee Jane served me and shouted, "No! He lives in a fucking penthouse!"

Jane's eyes widened and quickly stood up from the sofa "Put your fucking coffee down. I'll get the beer."


Jane runs to the kitchen and got back with 2 cold cans of beer.

She opens both of it and hands me the other one, "Tell me everything," Jane says, and that was the only thing that I needed to make me put out all of my frustrations.

I told her about Maxon, how insecure and jealous I became, and how Damien's going to be busy even though we haven't seen each other for five years.

"So you thought it was a good idea to call Todd? Your ex-boyfriend?" Jane asked.

I finished the can that I was holding and placed it on the table with the rest of the beers that Jane and I have already finished.

"It was wrong, I know, but I didn't know what else to do. It was unfair you know," I honestly tell her.

And come on, Damien fucked other men for a living before and I don't even open that up anymore. I wasn't even THAT mad, so why is he mad about me being friends with Todd again.

"But Todd did the right thing by telling that Damien guy how you really feel. Those were the things that you couldn't directly tell him, so someone else telling him about what you feel might just make your fiancé realize what he should really prioritize on," Jane explained.

She takes a sip of her beer too and continued, "And come on, he's been gone for years because of his work, and now that he's back, he's STILL going to focus on his work? Are you fucking kidding me?"



"Then what should I do?" I asked.

"Tell him what you really feel! You waited for him for five year, not everyone could do that. Heck if my husband left for five years I'd already have a new husband just on the first year that he's gone," Jane honestly tells me.

"That's true, not anyone could wait that long. But Jane, he could. He waited for me for years too you know, longer than I waited for him actually. He supported me when I was busy with work, and he never complained. Which is why it's hard for me to act selfish when Damien's been selfless his entire life," I told Jane.

Jane takes a deep breath and said, "Listen to me, okay Day? You might be in a relationship with each other but you're not one person. The things he does for you, does not automatically mean you have to do the same things for him. You're in a relationship because you love each other, not because you're expecting to get something from each other, do you understand me?"


I took a deep breath and nodded my head, "Thanks Jane. You really know what to say."

"Well, it happens to every couple I guess," Jane says as she gently touches my shoulder. Then, she stands up and continues, "My husband will be back next week so you can stay here as long as you like. But I suggest you come back to him and talk to him as soon as you can, okay?"

"Don't worry, I will. But I think he too needs his space," I say as I stood up.

"Alright. Then can you please throw away the cans while I fix up a mat for you?" Jane asked, but I quickly shook my head and said, "No, I'll sleep at the sofa."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. And I sleep at the sofa all of the time," I tell her with a smile.

"Well it's weird to let my boss sleep at the sofa but okay, if that's what you want."

"Thanks Jane."

Jane smiles back at me and pats my shoulder again, "No problem."



I quickly opened my eyes, the unfamiliar ceiling welcoming me.

"Oh yeah, I'm in Jane's apartment," I tell myself as I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and saw the time: AM.

Damn, I just had a fight with Damien ones and now I'm hearing his voice even in my sleep.

"Dane!" I suddenly heard again, my eyes widening from shock.

"Dane! If you're there please answer me!" I heard Damien shout from outside the apartment.

I quickly stood up from the sofa and ran towards the window to see if I was just hearing things or not. But to my surprise, that idiot was standing outside, shouting my name like a lunatic.

"Damien..." I softly called out.

"Dane! I'm so sorry! Please come back home!" Damien shouts again.

I quickly ran towards the door and went downstairs.

When I opened the door of the entrance of the apartment complex, Damien immediately looks at me, his eyes red again like he's been crying for hours.

"Dane..." he calls out.

"H-How did you...find me?" I asked him while catching my breath.

"I called Chairman Orlando and asked him if you had close friends in your office. He gave me seven addresses and I went to every one of them all night," Damien suddenly says.

"Y-you looked for me...all night?" I asked again as I slowly walked towards him.

"I was worried. I shouldn't have let you leave like that. I shouldn't have got mad and jealous like that. I shouldn't have made you feel-"

I didn't let Damien continue because I quickly grabbed him and kissed him, tears now falling out of my eyes too.

Damien hugged me tightly and kissed me back.

When we parted from the kiss, I quickly told him, "I want you all by myself. I want you to make me feel that waiting for you wasn't a mistake. I want you to shout it to the world that you're mine. And I want you to make me feel like you still want me like how you wanted me when we were still young."

Damien continuously nodded his head and wiped the tears off my cheeks, "I have always wanted you Dane Andrew McCartney."

"And I'm sorry for not telling you about Todd. That was a bad move and I should have-"

Damien quickly cuts me off and said, "Hey, it's okay. I should have told you about Maxon too."

I rested my head on his shoulder and continued crying as Damien hugged me tighter.

"I don't want us to fight ever again," I honestly told him.

Damien gently kisses my head and answered instead, "I halted my plans for the business."

I quickly lifted my head and looked back at him with shock, "What?"

"I called Max and told him to handle the rest of the plans while I'm away," Damien explained, confusing me even more.

"When you're away? You're going away?" I quickly asked him.

Damien shakes his head and answered, "WE'RE going away."


Damien smiles and gently touches my lips, "One week...let's go on a trip for one week. Just you and me, okay?"

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