《Nothing to spare, a darken heart~ Naberius Kalego x Chubby! Reader》Chapter 6 (Stronger)


The moment of truth has arrived, the Execution Cannonball game starts today. Iruma has been working hard non-stop. Asmodeus, Clara, and I waited for Iruma to come outside so we can head over to school. We head downstairs to the gym room, the entire class couldn't wait for the game to start. That and also cause whoever wins will get a rank up.

"Silence. Let go over the rules." Kalego-sensei snaps his fingers, another one of these childish cutesy boards appears and it started to explain the rules for Execution Cannonball. Of course, Kalego-sensei gave a pretty irritated when it appeared. After the board explains, Sensei threw it to the ground as he usually does. He definitely doesn't like cute explanations, can't blame him though.

"Your promotions will be determined by which team wins and the ranks of the opponents you hit. I will now hand out armbands for teams A and B. Team A is yellow, and Team B is red." He stated. "Once you put them on, split up on the court."

Kalego-sensei hands out each student their own armband. I got the yellow band, meaning I'm in the yellow team with Iruma and Clara. I sorta felt bad for Asmodeus since he got to be in the red team."Hey! Why are we divided up like this?! Having Iruma-sama and I on separate teams when we're friends is inconceivable." Asmodeus complained to Sensei.

"You were split to even out the power balance. No objections. Line up."

We all lined up on our side of the court. Asmodeus was too happy about not being in the same team with Iruma. Although, this will be pretty interesting when I really think about it.

"Now.... Commence execution cannonball!"

The first to make the first throw was Sabnock, which caused one of the student's from the opposite side using her ability, which was ice, but resulted in getting hit by the ball. That's when another student from their side to catch it before it fell. He made the stupidest move into giving the ball to the girl from our side. So in a result, he and the other girl were officially out of the game.


Clara started to summon up multiple balls at once from her pockets. There were so many balls, none of us couldn't even find the real one. Sabnock thought he actually found the real one, it was actually a purple ball with teeth. One of the other students used their ability causing the balls to fly off.

"Wh-where's the ball?" questioned Iruma. I tried looking around I managed to find it. "There it is!" I pointed out. Iruma ran as quickly as he can and manages to catch it.

"Nice one, Iru-kun!"

"You're amazing, Iruma-chi! Woo, woo!"

Even though we had a little moment, one of our team members was out. Iruma was about to throw the ball, Sabnock intervened and threw it instead. "Sabnock no!" I quickly ran over to him, I knew what was going to happen if he threw it. "I shall whip you into shape!" He proudly says to Iruma and throws it towards Asmodeus. "You idiot!" I shouted.

Asmodeus caught it as if it were nothing, "Do not...." He glares at Sabnock, "interrupt my concentration!" He throws it back to Sabnock, which in result hitting him.

"Sabnock, you're out." Kalego-sensei said. "That blonde idiot..." I growled. Looks like this game will be even more intense than I thought. "Look, all we need is a pla-" "I'll shall avenge Sabnock!" Clara interrupts me, throwing the ball at Asmodeus and ends up getting hit. "You didn't even let me finish!" I facepalmed. "Valac, you're out." Kalego-sensei also facepalms.

"We are so screwed."


-Third Person-

One after another, the demons from both teams disappeared from the court. (Reader) breathes heavily with exhaustion, trying to catch her breath. "One.....*breaths heavily*.....More......*takes a deep breath* To go!" She takes her uniform jacket off, luckily she wore a simple black tank top under. She throws it to the side and then ties her hair in a high ponytail. The only ones that were standing on the court were (Reader), Asmodeus, and Iruma.


"You better not hold back just because your 'Iruma-sama' is here Asmodeus!" She taunted before throwing the ball at him. Asmodeus catches it then throws it at (Reader), but ends up throwing it at Iruma. "Look out!" She runs over and pushes him to the side; she ended up getting hit by the ball. "Armendez, you're out." Kalego-sensei said. From his perspective, he felt concerned for her. 'Why would she willing to take the hit for him if she could've let him get hit?' He thinks to himself. (Reader) goes over with the rest of the team, many as well questioned why she did it.

Deep down, she knew Iruma was going to get hit by a ball. Her ability is actually quite different from the rest of the other demons. It's foresight, she's able to see into the future, but she can only see five minutes into the future for now. That's the reason why she took the hit for Iruma in the first place. She knew how much Iruma needed this too.

The match between Iruma and Asmodeus was pretty intense, but in the end, Iruma won and he went up a rank. His friends were incredibly happy for his achievement. (Reader) was so happy for him, but was still upset for not winning. She figured if she won, Iruma wouldn't be able go to another rank. It was one of the many things her parents told her to do.

"If anything, always put demons before you."

"That's one of the many ways of being a good classmate (Reader)."


The next day, a new teacher, Robin-Sensei, arrived at Bablys and was currently teaching the abormal class about the subject of familiars. Today's first lesson was going to mostly be able to interact with their familiars. So they all went outside to the courtyard to get the class going.

Almost everyone had their familiars summoned up, except for me and Iruma. "Let's see, Armendez mind summoning your familiar now?" Robin-sensei asked. She scratches her head awkwardly as she felt a tad nervous summoning her familiar at first. (Reader) took a deep breath, chipping a bit of her finger causing her familiar now to be summoned. The nine tailed wolf howls in pure glee once summoned.

"Woah! Nine tailed Wolf! I haven't seen one of those in ages! So fascinating!" Robin-sensei remarked. "Thanks sensei." (Reader) smiled.

Now it was Iruma's turn which he felt terrified to start off. He did so either way and summoned his familiar. Within the next few seconds, his familiar or aka Kalego-sensei was summoned. He was furious, now glaring at Iruma before being held by Robin-sensei. Kalego-sensei was close to hitting him, but accidentally hits Iruma's ring, instantly causing him to be severely punished. To make things matters even worse is (Reader)'s familiar only takes one sniff and quickly runs over to Kalego-sensei. It picks it up with it's both and cuddles close to him, giving Kalego-sensei a few licks.

"W-w-w-w-what in the world is my familiar doing?!" (Reader) panicked, her face now turning into a bright shade of red. "Aw, it's seems like your familiar likes Iruma-kun's familiar. How adorable." Robin-sensei remarked with a smile. This was going to be a very long day.

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