《Nothing to spare, a darken heart~ Naberius Kalego x Chubby! Reader》Chapter 4 (Developing Feeling)



"Honestly sweetie, you could've told either me or your father about this." Dad complained. He finishes wrapping my arm before putting in his remedy for my bruised arm. "I know Dad, it's just..... I didn't want anyone to worry about me."

"(Reader), your father and I will always worry if you don't tell us about these kind of things."

"Yea, yea.....Speaking of father, where's Pop anyways?" I asked. "Your father went to blow off some steam outside after hearing what just happened to you. You know him well enough how he acts in these kind of scenerios."


The front door slams open then closes. "Did you get everything out of your system dear.~" Dad spoke kindly to Pops. "*Sigh* Sure did Babe!" He walked over to Dad giving him a peck on the lips. I quickly turned away from that scene. "Eeww, gross! Get a room you two!"

"Don't think your getting out of this one my little devil doll!" Pop assured. Before I even made a break for it, Pop and Dad trapped me between them and start to kiss my head multiple times. "Alright, Alright! That's enough for today! Besides it's a school night and you need to sleep." Dad stated. "Yea, night Dad, Pop."

Getting into my pj's, I remembered what Sensei back in class. Did he really meant what he said?

"You are forgiven, I too want to apologize for my actions onto you. I just.....I was just worried."

I couldn't help but smile at that memory. This is the first time someone, aside from my parents, who was willing to check up on me or even worry about me, which was a sweet thing. My heart started to beat the same way when I saw Kalego-sensei at the morning assembly. Just the thought of him makes my heart skip a beat. I shook that image off and went to bed. I hope I feel much better tomorrow.


In the abnormal class, I was the only one inside for some strange reason. "I see your already here." Someone remarked. I turned to see Kalego-sensei. "Sensei? What am I doing here?" I asked with confusion. All he did was chuckled , then suddenly walked over to me. On pure instinct, I back away from him, but he continued to walk towards me until I felt the wall. Out of all demons I had to be cornered it had to be Kalego-sensei. Sensei places his right hand onto the wall, pining me. "Well would you look at that, your blushing." He smirks. "Sens-" He silence me with his left finger. "Ssshhh, call me Naberius, (Reader).~"


His face began to get closer to mine. I didn't know what to do. My body won't move or am I pushing him away.

I let out a small scream of embarrassment as I instantly got up from bed. What the heck was that about? I got off of bed and walked over to the bathroom, splashing some water on my face. After getting dress, I ate breakfast , and left home. Thankfully, I met up with Iruma and the others at school. I didn't really felt like seeing Sensei after what I just dreamt. Either way, my first class is with him, I'm just going to try to ignore him just for today.

"Silence! I will now call the roll. Reply as soon your name is called."

While waiting for my name to be called, my heart started to beat again. I tried my best not to look at Sensei. Why would I even dreamt of him out of all demons for devil's sake?!

"Armendarez (Reader)."

My heart beated even more faster just by Sensei calling my name. "H-Here!" I responded back. I didn't even bother looking up at all. "Get ready and head toward the class tower immediately." My mind is still a mess. Walking over to class I heard Iruma calling me. "(Reader)-san..."I turned to Iruma. "Yea."

"I noticed you were a little off back in class. Is everything alright?"

All I did was sigh with exhaustion. "I'll tell you during lunch." That all I said. I honestly didn't feel good about telling Iruma about this right now.


During Lunch, I notice Iruma wasn't around. Thank devil he isn't though. It's not like I want to tell him, I just don't want to let anyone else know about this. "Armendez-san!" I turned to see Asmodeus and Clara coming over to my direction. "Iruma-sama told us you weren't yourself today!" He stated. "You mind telling us what's troubling you?"

There's no turning back now. "Look I won't give much detail, but I just can't stop thinking about Kalego-sensei for some strange reason. Every time I look or hear him, my heart beats fast and my cheeks turn red. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm coming down with something" I explained. That's when Asmodeus began to chuckled. "I think I know what you got...The L word..." He remarked. "Ya! Leprosy!" Clara belted. "No, it's four letter's, starts with L, ends with E."


"Aha! Lice!" Clara said. "No! Valac! (Reader) is in love with Kalego-sensei." Asmodeus clarified. "Yea! Love!"

"You mean with Sensei? N-no!" I stuttered. "Eggie-sensei has got under your skin (Reader)-chan! Admit it! A demon like you!" Clara said. "A demon like Kalego-sensei!" Asmodeus adds in. "N-no! There's no way!" I denied flustered. I mean after what I just dreamt last night, I guess I really am. I blushed even more when Clara and Asmodeus laughed. "We're joking Armendez-san, it's not like your....." I looked at Asmodeus seriously, indicating that I'm not joking. "Wait! Your serious!"

"(Reader)-san likes Eg-" I quickly covered Clara's mouth preventing even saying Kalego-sensei's name. I just stood their quiet. "Yes I do, alright! But keep it down!" I told them. Maybe it's all in my head! Right? "Hey, it's okay though. We won't judge you Armendez-san." reassured Asmodeus. "R-really?" Clara nods her head. "Yea! If you like him! You like him!" I smiled. "We also promise we won't tell anyone about this." Asmodeus asssured. "Thanks guys!"

For the rest of the day, I was pretty calm, yet a bit more better after telling Asmodeus and Clara about. I'm pretty sure Iruma is going to ask me about my weird behavior today. I guess I'll tell him too.


A couple days go by. I managed to tell Iruma about it and at first his reaction was bit skeptical, but was still some what alright with it. Currently, I'm choosing an elective class and the only thing that kinda caught my interest was the Succubus class for girls only. "What did you choose for your electives, (Reader)?" Iruma asked. "It's for me to know and you to find out." I remarked. I noticed Clara is planning to join to for some weird reason.

When the Succubus class started, Raim-sensei began her lesson about seduction and..... Dear devil... Sexiness. "Today, we'll have a secret lesson without the boys... a girls-only class on... well, you know. First off.. Sexiness is something you nurture." She states. Clara blushed heavily just by the topic of sexiness. I for one kinda blushed a bit, but tried not to think of Kalego-sensei which will indeed cause me to blush heavily.

"Succubi change their appearance to fit the preferences of their prey, but the most important thing to remember is... Make your prey fall for you...with these techniques." I instantly blushed just by the three words, fall....for....you...

"Now, then...I'll be handing out your textbooks. Sexy Scope."

That's when Sensei obverses each student with her ability and indicating their percentage of "sexiness". Apparently my percentage is a 67% and a B. I kinda figured since I'm not that attractive to begin with. What I found really surprising was Clara got a 2%. I guess she really is that innocent. Through out the day, Clara tried so hard to seduce Iruma apparently.Well I wish the best of her is does succeed though.

Although, I low key want to try out some of those methods out. It doesn't hurt to try something new for a change.

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