《Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)》Chapter Sixteen~ Ezra


The moon was high in the sky by the time they left the restaurant, and instead of glancing at it worriedly (as he did on school nights when he was worried about the time and getting enough sleep to be a genius the next morning) Adrian looked up at the sky in wonder, his face lighting up as he studied the stars with wide eyes, but as usual, Ezra found that he could only stare at him. God he was so gorgeous. Ezra couldn't get enough of him. As Adrian continued to peer up at the sky, Ezra raised their clasped hands to his mouth and began to slowly kiss over the boy's knuckles lovingly.

"Can we go look at the stars?" Adrian asked, and Ezra wondered what time it was. He wasn't opposed to staying up late, especially on a Friday, but he knew that Adrian (quite adorably) needed his sleep, and would sometimes pass out in random places if he was tired enough. It was very cute, and Ezra greatly enjoyed the couple of times it had happened over the past week after they studied and, as Ezra liked to call it now, made love. Both Wednesday night and Thursday night Adrian had fallen asleep on his bed, and Ezra, of course not wanting to disturb him, had let him stay the night, which was increasingly frustrating to Adrian in the morning when he had to borrow clothes that didn't fit him, and when Ezra had to sneak him out of the house on Thursday morning since his mother had decided not to go into work till later. But besides that minor issue, Ezra had adored sleeping, and especially, waking up next to the younger boy, since he always got the opportunity to watch him sleep for awhile.

He was so in love that it made his heart hurt.

Ezra ducked his head and pressed a kiss to Adrian's temple. "Whatever you would like, baby," he said, and the boy giggled happily, turning more into Ezra's side as they slowly walked to the car.

"I really like the sky," Adrian said, still looking up as they stopped in front of the car, and Ezra turned towards the boy, who after a second slowly adjusted his neck so he was looking at Ezra. Adrian was beautiful. His brown eyes were wide and sparkling with happiness, and his mouth was turned up a little at the corners, a shy smile from finding Ezra staring at him. "What are you looking at?"

"You," Ezra said softly, "you're so pretty Adri". The boys cheeks flushed but he grinned nevertheless, pushing himself up onto his toes and releasing Ezra's hand so he could slide both of his arms up and over the taller shoulders. Their lips were so close, and Ezra knew that the other was waiting for him to close the distance, but he didn't, not yet, anyway. Instead, he gently pushed the boy back so he was leaning against the hood of the car, and cupped his face, looking into his eyes. "You're so important to me".

Adrian looked shocked and he swallowed loudly. "Ezra".

"Shhh, baby," he whispered, finally connecting their lips and Adrian's clutched at the back of his neck. So badly, Ezra wanted to tell him how he felt. That he was unconditionally in love with him, but he was afraid. They hadn't been together for long, and he was worried that Adrian would think it was too soon for him to be in love. Would he ask him he was sure, and then doubt him when he said he was?


The way he felt about Adrian, this constant need to see the boy, talk to the boy, touch him as the most painfully amazing feeling he had ever experienced and there was nothing he could do about it. He loved Adrian Vang with all of his heart, but he couldn't tell the boy this, not yet.

But he kissed him like he loved him, pouring all of his emotions into the other, feeling the reaction of the smaller body as he tasted the truth with his tongue and reacted with equal passion.

Ezra gently ran his tongue against Adrian's, slowing the pace and the boy gasped against his lips, allowing Ezra to take control. They stayed like this for a long time, inhaling each other's exhale, as if this would keep them from needing to part for air.

When they separated, Ezra pressed his forehead against Adrian's, looking into his eyes and the sophomore smiled at him softly, tilting his head to press a dozen little kissed against his lips, each one as sweet as the last.

Then Adrian looked up at the stars, like they were the most beautiful and perfect and breathtaking thing in the world, but when Ezra looked up, he just had to look back down, because even the beauty of the sky couldn't compare to that of the boy in front of him.


They drove until they found an empty park, and then climbed out of Ezra's car. Adrian grasped his hand, pulling him down the cobblestone path to the man made lake there, where they sat on the end dock with their feet hanging in the water and their hands clasped between them.

Adrian leaned against Ezra's side, and he couldn't help but turn his head and kiss the youngers temple, causing him to hum and press further against him.

"Is the game next week?" Adrian whispered, as if he didn't want to disturb the night bugs and it was so very cute that Ezra couldn't help as his fingers tightened on the other's hand and he kissed him again.

"The week after".

"Can I come and watch?" he sounded nervous and Ezra smiled.

"I can't really stop you". The look Adrian gave him was a pointed look and Ezra chuckled, and kissed the tip of his nose, causing it to wrinkle.

"But do you want me there?" Adrian's voice was soft and unguarded, and Ezra wished that he would always talk to him that way. "I know after last year, when that kid tripped you and you broke your ankle, you were really mad". Ezra nodded, averting his eyes to the water below them, "I know you must really want to get back at them this year, and I thought you might not want me to go if I was a distraction-"

"I want you there, Adri," he said and the smaller boy relaxed. He was confident that he wanted Adrian at that game. He could already imagine himself getting angry and needing to look at the boy to calm him down. Adrian had that effect over him.

"Okay". Adrian's eyes dropped to his lips and he leaned forward, kissing him, and Ezra felt a soft shock go through his body. He knew that Adrian felt it to, because he paused with his mouth against Ezra's and then continued to kiss him.

Like all of their kisses lately, it was filled with passion and fire and desire, and Ezra gently pressed Adrian back so he was laying against the dock and then hovered over him. Adrian's mouth parted under his the second Ezra's tongue brushed against his closed lips, and he moaned, his small hands going to clutch at the back of Ezra's head, his fingers tangling in his brunette hair. God, Ezra wondered, has anything ever felt this good? Adrian tasted like chocolate and peaches and so many other delightful things that he couldn't place, and Ezra sucked on his tongue lightly, wanting more of the delicious flavor that he was slowly becoming addicted to.


They kissed until their lips hurt, and Ezra rolled off of him so they were lying side by side on the dock, their shoulders brushing and their hands still tangled together tightly. They breathed heavily, trying to catch their breath that had been taken by the other.

Ezra knew he was about to ruin the moment, but he wanted to know something. "Hey Adri?"

"Yeah babe?"

Ezra smiled at the nickname. "David," he said simply, trying not to sound as foul as the word made him feel, and Adrian tensed to the left of him.

"What about him?" He asked, and his voice shook a bit. Ezra squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Did you have feelings for him?" he asked, his voice just above a whisper and Adrian shifted uncomfortably next to him. They were both still staring up at the stars, but Ezra wasn't really looking, and he would have guessed that Adrian was doing the same.

"I did, to an extent," Adrian said, and this was only a little disappointing, since Ezra had suspected so.

"Strong feelings?" There was no pause between the question and the response.


Ezra turned his head, studying Adrian's delicat profile. "Hey Adrian?" The boy turned his head to look back again, and their faces were so close that Ezra once again wanted to kiss him.

"Yes Ezra?" Adrian asked and Ezra felt his lips twitch. He had fallen in love with the way Adrian said his name.

"Do you have strong feelings for me?" He asked softly, and suddenly, the other boy looked scared. Still, Adrian didn't look away from him, seeming determined to face his fear and Ezra could hear him swallow.

"Yes". Not responding, Ezra sat up and pulled his shirt over his head, and then began to shimmy out of his jeans. "What are you doing?"

"Going swimming," Ezra claimed, throwing his pants behind them on the dock. He turned to Adrian and unbuttoned the front of his magenta jeans, and Adrian just stared at him, seeming shocked for a minute.

"What?" Once Ezra pulled Adrian's jeans down his legs, the other seemed to realize what he was doing and slap his hands away when Ezra tried to remove his shirt. "Ezra, you can't just-" but Ezra was already diving into the water, making sure his body hit the water with enough force to splash Adrian from where he was up on the dock. "Ezra-" the boy said when he submerged, and then he was greeted with the sound of Adrian's beautiful laugh.

"Baby, come in. The water is amazing". It was at that perfect time of night where the temperature of the air had dropped but the temperature of the water had yet to, so the water actually felt warmer than the air. Adrian eyed him wearily, his laughter dying down but a large smile still remained on his face. "I'm serious, Dri. I will come out of here and pull you in with me". As Ezra was talking, Aiden had swiftly pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it back by Ezra's.

"You better not be lying to me, Drake," he muttered, just loud enough that Ezra could hear him and jumped off of the end of the dock.

He came up right along side of Ezra looking very pleased. "See," Ezra teased, "you should always listen to me". Adrian laughed quietly and then dunked under water, kicking his arms and legs as he swam away, popping up ten or so feet away and looking back at Ezra.

"You're supposed to try and catch me," he explained, and before Ezra could reply, he was under the water again, moving further away.


Ezra grasped Adrian's wrist as the boy tried to get away again and Adrian squeaked loudly, laughing as he was pulled back against Ezra's hard chest. "I win," Ezra said simply, turning Adrian so he was facing him. They were in a depth short enough that Ezra could stand flat on his feet, but Adrian couldn't touch. To make the boy's life easier, Ezra grabbed his kicking legs and wrapped them around his waist. Adrian hummed in content.

"You have," Adrian admitted, clinging onto Ezra as he moved through the water's until it was shallower, but he didn't drop his legs from around his waist. Instead, Adrian grinded his hips against him, drawing a startled from Ezra's mouth. "Would you like to claim your prize?"

It was whispered low and in his ear, but it had more effect of Ezra than if it had been shouted at him. Almost losing his mind, Ezra pressed Adrian back against one of the posts that held the dock up, pinning the boy's hips against it so he could take the lead and rolled his his hips slowly, rubbing against Adrian's hard member and the boy mewled, throwing his head back. "Can we get to my car?" Ezra asked, his voice deep and husky and Adrian's head shook as his small hand gripped the waistband of Ezra's boxers under water and pushed them down.

"No," he gasped as Ezra kissed the base of his throat, his teeth raking over his skin, "I need you here". Ezra couldn't protest, pushing Adrian's legs off of him so he could completely remove the boy's briefs before pulling his legs around his waist again. He kissed the corner of his boyfriend's mouth as his fingers gently pressed against Adrian's entrance, rubbing but not entering, and Adrian groaned loudly. "No".

"No?" Ezra asked, his hand freezing and Adrian, with what looked like a lot of force, forced his eyes open and looked down at Ezra. His brown eyes were dark from the night and dark from the lust and Ezra moaned at the sight of him.

"I don't want your fingers," Adrian claimed, his hand slipping below the water and nudging Ezra's hand away before grasping his erection and running his skilled fingers over his entire length. "This". Ezra grunted as Adrian's thumb teasingly rubbed over the slit of his cock, and he pushed the boy's hand away before aligning himself with the his hole.

"Are you sure?" He asked, but Adrian wasn't having any of it. Instead of responding, he shifted himself forward, bracing his hands on the wooden post behind him and then slowly allowing himself to sink down onto Ezra's erection. Ezra watched in awe as the boy's eyes dropped closed and his lips parted, his breathing harsh. "Are you okay?"

"Fuck me," Adrian demanded, though he looked in pain and Ezra wanted to give him time to adjust.

"Baby, the pain-"

"I like it," Adrian admitted, and that turned Ezra on far more than he felt it should. He snapped his hips up suddenly and Adrian let out a loud sound that sounded like a scream. For a second Ezra was concerned about him, but that worry immediately faded at the sound of Adrian's voice, "do that again". He did it again, getting the same reaction and then repeating it, over and over again, pressing Adrian's back against the wooden post and not caring if the boy got splinters. "Baby, harder," Adrian urged, and Ezra did just that, pushing Adrian's hips down as he thrust up and Adrian cried out, his fingernails raking down Ezra's back, most likely drawing blood. "Faster, Ezra. Oh god".

Ezra couldn't think, not with the boy moaning in his ear and begging for more. "God, you're such a slut," Ezra groaned, and to his surprise Adrian seemed to like that, moaning like a whore as he was called one. "Taking my cock so well like a whore".

"Oh fuck," Adrian groaned, rolling his hips so they were in a new position. "Oh god baby, right there," Adrian prompted as Ezra delivered a direct thrust to his prostate and Ezra was more than happy to obey, sliding his hands under the water and spreading Adrian's cheeks for better access. The boy was sobbing, his body overcome with pleasure and Ezra ducked his head, whispering in his ear and calling him all sorts of dirty things that drove Adrian insane. His hips were bucking against Ezra's, desperately searching for a release, but instead finding Ezra's for him.

Ezra couldn't control himself as he cried out, thrusting his hips once more, deep into the boy and releasing inside of him. His legs shook and he grabbed the post that he had Adrian pinned against to hold himself upright. Jesus.

When he had come down from his high, Adrian was full out sobbing, his hips still grinding down on Ezra's softening cock as he tried to catch his release and Ezra took a moment to study the wrecked boy before pulling himself out of him. Adrian whimpered loudly, letting out a "Baby, please," and Ezra nodded to him. Taking a deep breath, he ducked under the water, situating himself between Adrian's legs and enveloping his cock completely, trying to loosen his throat as the boy began to frantically buck into his mouth. He knew that he would have to come up for air, but he wasn't concerned about having to do it before Adrian came as he pressed two fingers into the boy, pressing up to where he knew his prostate was located and rubbing against it with his fingertips quickly.

Just as he thought he would, Adrian shot into his mouth, his hands grasping at Ezra's hair and even from beneath the surface of the water Ezra heard him scream out, "yes baby," into the night.

As soon as he swallowed he pushed himself up again, gasping for breath and placing his forehead against Adrian's. The boy kissed his lips and then relaxed back against the post.

They stayed like that, catching their breathing as Ezra held him up. Eventually, Adrian began to shiver in his arms, but still the boy remained silent, not wanting to break the moment between them.

After minutes of this though Ezra couldn't stand that the other was the least bit uncomfortable and began wading through the water towards the shore with him and Adrian mewled as more and more of him was exposed to the cold air. Ezra ran a soothing hand up his back. "I know baby". He carried Adrian all the way to his car like that, not as concerned as he should have been at the prospect of them getting caught walking through the public park naked.

Adrian gratefully climbed in the car and Ezra turned the keys, which he had quite stupidly left in the ignition all this time, blasting the heat as high as it could go. He turned to leave, but Adrian caught his wrist. "Stay," he pleaded and it almost broke Ezra's heart to say no to him.

"I need to go get our cloths quick, baby, and then I'll be right back". Adrian's hand reductantly loosened on his arm and Ezra pulled away, nearly sprinting across the park so he could get back to the boy as soon as possible.

Even so, when he got back to the car, less than a minute later, Adrian was fast asleep in the passenger seat.

Ezra eyed his form for a long time, a small smile on his face.

He was undeniably, truly and deeply, in love.

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