《Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)》Chapter Thirteen~ Ezra


Ezra was really nervous, and Spencer wasn't helping at all. "What if he's just not that into you?" This was the end of Spencer's long list of questions for Ezra that all held the sole purpose of creeping him out. They worked.

"Would you stop that, please?" He asked, running a hand through his brown hair and then messing it up again. Did Adrian even like his appearance? Would it matter what he wore? What his hair looked like? Great. Now he just sounded like Spencer. "You need to go home".

"Hey man, it's not everyday that you straight best friend goes on his first date with a boy. I want to be there for you. I want to-"

"Scare me," Ezra finished and Spence snorted.

"No, but if that's what it takes to make me entertained, then it shall be so". God he was such an idiot. "Ez, man, what are your plans for tonight. Dinner and a movie? I have one of those movie popcorn bowls with a hole in the bottom of it if you need," he offered and Ezra tried to grimace, but couldn't fight the smile that took over his face instead.

"You've been single your entire life, you virgin. Why do you have that if you have no use for it?" Spencer, who was lying across his bed with his head lying over the edge, looked offended and rolled over so he was no longer upside down.

"I am not a virgin," he claimed, but to Ezra's knowledge, he was, and Spencer couldn't help but tell him everything.

"Oh really?" Ezra laughed and Spencer huffed loudly. "Who then? Who, on earth, was willing to have sex with you and risk the chance of getting pregnant and bringing a little Spencer into this world?" This would be harsh, coming from anyone but him, of course, and Spencer rolled back over and laughed loudly.

"I'd say the same about you but you take it up the ass so," he joked, and Ezra stepped away from his wall length mirror and dropped down onto his bed next to Spencer.

"I'm a pitcher," he said simply.

"Really?" Spencer asked, faking, or at least he better be faking, surprise. "This whole time I thought it was Adrian on top, fucking you. Out of the two of you, he does seem more masculine". None of this really bothered Ezra, but he thought he should be difficult right back, so he said:

"You know, I haven't washed these sheets since Adri and I had sex on them, so you're probably lying on out dried cum". Spencer calmly rolled off of the bed onto the floor and Ezra snickered.

"The second you drop me off at home, I'm going to put my television in my shower so I don't get bored when I'm in there to the next twenty years".

"I think you're in for a surprise," Ezra said simply, glancing at the clock to check the time again. He was supposed to pick Adri up at six, so he'd have to leave early to drop Spencer off. It was 5:20, so he stood from the bed and went to check his hair one last time.

"Now are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Ezra turned to Spencer and gestured for him to get up, but the other only rolled over onto his back and looked at the ceiling.

"What your plans are". Ezra furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Didn't I just?"

"No," Spencer sounded annoyed and Ezra walked over and kicked him.


"We need to go". Spencer grasped onto Ezra's offered hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.

"No," he repeated, "you didn't tell me what you were going to do. You instead decided to make fun of my non existent virginity".

"Non-existent my ass," Ezra muttered, but Spencer gave him a pointed look. "Fine! I'm taking him to a musical because he mentioned once that he loved them but had never gone to one before, and then we're going out to eat a late dinner". It was a well thought through plan, but Ezra doubted himself the second he saw Spencer's face. "What?"

"That is," Spencer began, looking as if he wanted to laugh, but was fighting to keep his face straight, "the gayest idea you have ever had". Then he laughed in Ezra's face, "and in ninth grade you wanted to play spin the bottle at an all boy's party".

"That was you, dumb ass," Ezra spat, and Spence quickly fell silent and his feet stopped. Ezra left his bedroom without him, and almost a full minute later, he heard Spencer hurry down the hall after him.

"You're right, I forgot about that". Spencer's laugh was easy, but Ezra was still a bit annoyed. "Hey man, really don't worry. I'm sure he'll love it. And he's crazy about you, if you can't already tell". Ezra couldn't, so he added. "Well, anyone who's willing to fuck you more after the first horrendous time," Ezra quickly glanced around since his parents were home and they both still thought he was a virgin, "then they must be crazy about you".

"Shut up, ass hole". Ezra was lucky that that was what his mother heard, rather than Spencer's rude comment.

"Language, Ezra!" His mother snapped, and Spencer burst out laughing before going over and giving Ezra's small mother a hug and greeting her. "Hello dear".

"We need to go mom". Ezra was getting impatient, and didn't want to be late picking up Adrian. They had about a twenty minute free period, in which they would have to spend sitting in theater seats, so the time was flexible, but if Ezra had told Adrian he would be there at six, then he was going to.

"Are you going on a date?" His mother asked, looking him up and down. Ezra had actually attempted to look niceer than normal, wearing a button down instead of a t-shirt, and of course his mother would pick up on this.

"No. We just need to go". Ezra grasped Spencer's wrist tightly and began pulling him towards the living room, desperate to go and see the small boy who made his heart flutter in his chest.

"Damn you. I was just about to let your mom take my virginity," Spencer mumbled in his ear and Ezra released his arm to swat at his head.

It was unsurprising to find his father sitting on the couch in the living room, watching the sports channel, and he looked up when they entered.

"Spencer! How's soccer going?" On average, this conversation usually lasted twenty or so minutes, and Ezra just didn't have that time.

"Good, dad. Spencer loves the spot and can't wait to play in college with me as his captain for yet another year". Spencer always said the same things when he talked to Ezra's Father since it clearly pleased him, though Ezra had added in the part about him being a captain. It deeply annoyed Spencer that Ezra was always chosen as a captain while he was not. It had caused many arguments before.


"Prick," Spencer grumbled as he was pulled from the house and Ezra merely shot him a quick look of annoyance before pushing him towards the car. "You know, if you hadn't spent all of that time doing your already perfectly fine hair, we could have left early".

This was true, but Ezra didn't see the point in acknowledging it. "Just shut up and get in the car".


Adrian was grinning widely as he climbed into the passenger's seat, and Ezra didn't hesitate to lean over and connect their lips quickly. "Hi," he said, happy that all of his nervousness was suddenly gone at the sight of the smaller, and Adrian looked delighted.

"Hello to you too". Ezra looked him up and down, appreciating the fashion sense that he had once hated. Adrian was wearing a pair of tight white jeans and a thin lime green shirt and:

"Are your shoes pink?" It was a stupid question, because it was obvious that the converse were hot pink (not the typical converse soft pink he usually saw), but he felt the need to ask.

Adrian blushed, dropping his eyes and biting his lip in a way that made Ezra want to forget about their plans and fuck him senseless, but no. They could do that after had the best date of his life. "Um, they are. Is that okay?"

"It's cute," he said, and Adrian grinned, showing all of his white teeth.

"You're making me feel better," he said, and Ezra began to back out of the driveway.

"You weren't feeling good in the first place?" Ezra asked, suddenly feeling nervous and Adrian giggled, reaching over to place his small hand on Ezra's thigh, causing Ezra to clench his jaw as he tried not to focus on the soft touch.

"I was nervous. I've never been on a date before". Adrian sounded embarrassed by this, but it made Ezra very happy.

"I'm your first?"

"Um, yeah. Should I have mentioned that earlier? Did you change your mind? We're not far from my house, you can just drop me back off- why are you smiling?" Ezra couldn't help it. The other was so cute that his face just moved on it's own.

"We're still going out". Adrian looked relieved and Ezra reached down and placed his hand on top of the smaller one on his thigh. "I like the fact that I'm your first. It just makes me nervous that you won't enjoy it".

Adrian hummed. "What are we doing, any way?" He asked, and Ezra bit his lip.

"Umm," He said softly, glancing at Adrian out of the corner of his eye and finding the boy looking at him intensely. "We're going to see a..."

"Movie?" Adrian asked, and Ezra shook his head and cleared his throat.

"No. A musical". It sounded like hell to Ezra but he could handle it if it was something Adrian would love. Adrian was being very quiet, and it was making Ezra nervous, so when he stopped at a red light he turned his head to look at him. "Are you okay?"

"Um," the boy's voice cracked and he cleared it, "yeah. I am". Suddenly, he looked like he was about to cry, and Ezra's eyes widened.

"What'd I do? We don't have to go. We can go somewhere else. Anywhere".

"No, no," Adrian said quickly, tightening his hand in Ezra's thigh as the light turned green and he pulled the car forward through the intersection, forcing his eyes off of the younger. "It's perfect. Absolutely perfect, I just never thought.... you really don't have to do this".

"I want to," he insisted, and when he looked over again Adrian was grinning.

"You're so amazing. I can't believe it. I'm freaking out. I've never actually gotten to see one before. Oh my god, Ezra. You have no idea how much this means to me".

A laugh left Ezra's lips and Adrian looked at him with very bright and alive eyes. "You don't even know what we're going to see yet".

"It doesn't matter. I don't even care". It was silent and then Adrian couldn't help himself. "What is it?" Ezra told him and the small boy squealed, clapping his hands together quite adorably.

"That's my favorite. Oh my god, the story is so good and sad and-"

"It's sad?" Ezra asked, and Adrian sighed loudly.

"It's tragic". He then hummed happily. "The music is so good and the characters- oh god. I can't wait. I can't believe that I'm finally getting to see it". Adrian paused. "I can't believe that you're doing this for me".

Ezra wasn't really sure what was going through the boy's mind, but the small hand on his thigh suddenly tightened, and then Adrian was quickly unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his dick through the slit in his boxers. "What are you- fuck". The boy bent forward, developing half of his dick, and Ezra couldn't help but to become hard immediately in the boy's warm mouth. His eyes rolled back, but he quickly reminded himself that he had to pay attention and jerked the wheel before he ran into a parked car on the street.

"Adrian," he gasped, and the small boy, who was literally on his dick, hummed in response, sending a jolt through Ezra's entire body, causing the car to lurch forward as he pressed on the gas suddenly. Adrian pulled back a bit so his lips were wrapped around just the head, and Ezra slowly regained control of the vehicle. They were lucky that the street was empty besides the two of them, since Ezra was sure that they would have gotten in some sort of accident if the circumstances were different. "Adri, I don't think you should-" this time he slammed on the break as Adrian suddenly deep throated him, taking every single inch and hollowing his cheeks. In the middle of the road, Ezra slid the car into park and threaded his fingers into Adrian's brown hair, his body jerking when the smaller gagged on his length, his throat tightening. The boy then hummed loudly around him, probably remembering the reaction it had on him previously.

Ezra was so close to cumming down the boys throat that he saw white, but Adrian quickly pulled back then, once again holding only the head in his mouth. The feeling slowly faded until all that was left was pleasure, but not nearly enough to make him cum.

Which he desperately wanted to, so he urged, "Baby, were going to be late". Instead of finishing him off, as Ezra had hoped, Adrian pulled back and tucked his still fully hard erection into his jeans and zipped them again.

"You're right".

Ezra was dazed. "What?" Adrian blinked at him with innocent brown eyes, as if he hadn't just been giving him a blow job.

"You're right. I'd rather be on time than have you cum all over my face and hands like the whore I am for you". Ezra jerked as he came right then and Adrian looked pleased. "I wasn't sure if that was going to work or not". The wetness in Ezra's boxers was a disturbing feeling to him, but with one glance at the clock, he realized he didn't have time to take care of it. "Alright then, let's get going," Adrian said, noticing the same thing, and Ezra could only nod at the amazing boy next to him, still rendered speechless.


Adrian sang the entire way to the restaurant, attempting to change his voice where there were supposed to be character shifts, pausing only to make stupid jokes and laugh . Ezra laughed along with him, sneaking in kisses at every red light and stop sign. Despite what he had initially believed, he had enjoyed the musical, and that seemed to make Adrian even more happy about the whole thing.

"Ez, I can't believe how good it was," he said, once he had finished singing the entire first half of the musical, and Ezra was a bit upset that he was stopping since the boy had a lovely voice. Also, it was a really good story. "They were all so amazing".

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was worried that you'd think it was a stupid idea," he admitted as he pulled into the parking lot of the italian place that he absolutely loved. Adrian looked thoughtful.

"It was a great idea," he said, leaning over and kissing Ezra's cheek. "But if it hadn't of been, I still would have loved it because I'd be spending time with you". It seemed like a very serious confession, and Ezra couldn't help but to grin.

"Me too". The nearest open parking spot to the door was quite a ways away, but it was warm, and it felt nice to walk after sitting for the past two hours. Halfway there, Ezra reached down and threaded his fingers through the smaller boys and Adrian flushed red, ducking his head but not in time to hide his smile from Ezra. They weren't far from home, and there was a chance that they would possibly know some people inside of the restaurant, but Ezra really didn't care at this point. He was happy.

Adrian was very good at making conversation, he realized, as the boy fired question after question at him about soccer. "How long have you been playing?" was the current question, and Ezra tried to remember.

"Um... A long time, I guess. Longer than I've been doing anything else". Ezra watched with a small smile as Adrian twirled his fork in his spaghetti, and then pouted as it all slipped off before it could reach his mouth. He wanted to get the conversation off of himself for once, and quickly asked, "what about you?"

Adrian's eyebrows furrowed, whether it was at the question, or at his inability to get a fair amount of noodles on his fork, Ezra couldn't tell, but he asked in a confused voice, "What about me?"

It was then that Ezra realized he hadn't actually asked a real question. "Um... Saxophone. How long have you been playing?" He remembered overhearing the boy practicing that first day he had gone to the band room, and now that he recalled it, he had sounded quite good.

"Eight years," Adrian said, as if he had been expecting this. "What do you want to do next year?" Damn. Ezra hadn't even had enough time to think of another question, much less ask one.

"Spence and I are going to the state univesity here. We both got scholarships for soccer". Adrian looked impressed, and he nodded.

"Tell me about your parents?" Fuck this kid was good. He had clearly been wondering about all of this for much longer than the span of their dinner.

"My parents," Ezra said, and then laughed when Adrian nodded. To occupy his mouth, a tactic of delaying talking about his parents, he took a bit out of a breadstick and chewed slowly. Adrian waited patiently. "I'm adopted, actually". This had nothing to do with his parents, but it got Adrian's attention.

"Really?" Ezra was quite pleased with this question, since people usually immediately asked, do you know who your real parents are?

"Yeah. By absolutly wonderful people, too". Adrian took a sip of his water, his eyes never leaving Ezra's over the rim of the glass. "What about you? What is it with your parents?" It felt like they had only briefly skimmed the surface of that topic the day Ezra had met them, and he couldn't help but to be curious.

"They hate me". It was such a simple answer, and he had said it like one would state the weather. It's sunny outside. It was simply a fact to him. "I know, most people make that face when I tell them that," Ezra hadn't realized he was making a face, "but it's true. Ever since I came out to them, it's like they don't care about me anymore. They avoid me and pretend like I'm not there. Every night my mom makes dinner for my dad and her, and they eat it at the table and just ignore me when I come in the room. She always tells me that I can't have the leftovers, so I don't even eat some nights. They're horrible". Ezra eyed Adrian. He was awfully skinny. Suddenly, he wanted to buy the boy a second round of food, but knew Adrian would refuse. "For my birthday, they didn't forget about it, they just didn't care".

"Your birthday?" Ezra asked, "as in when you turned fifteen?" Adrian smiled for some unknown reason.

"When I turned sixteen," he said, and Ezra's lips parted. He had been unaware that the boy had turned sixteen yet.

"You're sixteen?" Ezra was sure he hadn't been when Adrian began tutoring him.

"I am". Adrian's fork scraped against his plate as he gathered the remaining sauce and brought it to his lips.

"Since when?"

Adrian got this mysterious smile on his face and leaned forwards across the table, hovering in front of Ezra's face. He smelt like italian food and peaches and mint and Ezra couldn't help but stare at his lips. "That day". Even though no more information was given, Ezra knew exactly what he was talking about. That day. The day that was probably the best of his life. The day they had literally spent hours in bed. And suddenly, even though he felt disgusting with his own dried cum caked onto his body, he found it in himself to grow hard beneath the table, and Adrian's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Wanna get the check?" Adri asked quietly, and Ezra just looked down.

"I may be too hard to stand," he admitted, causing the other boy to laugh beautifully.

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