《Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)》Chapter Eight~ Adrian


Adrian couldn't believe all that had happened today. It was quite possibly the best birthday ever. Not only had he gotten to actually see Ezra for who he was, to understand him a bit better, he had also gotten a second chance being physical with him.

And Adri had loved every single second. Every. agonizing. second.

Adrian had no idea how many times he and David had sex before (it was a lot) but never once, after any of those times, did Adrian feel as he did now. Now he just felt happy. Completely satisfied. Adrian felt... he didn't know what the other feeling was, but it was a good one.

And kissing was fun. It always bothered David that Adrian would never let him kiss him. Kissing was to show people that you cared about them, Adrian believed, and while he cared about David, he never had in that way. No matter how many times the older man had if he wanted to be exclusive, Adrian just couldn't. If he couldn't even kiss him, how could he date him. The feeling sjist weren't there.

But Ezra? There was just something different about him. Something wonderful that made Adrian want to kiss him. All the time. Even when he was supposed to be teaching him, which could possibly give him the title of a bad tutor, but somehow, it seemed like kissing would be worth it.

With a loud sigh, Adrian sat up in his bed, which he had been lying in for the past five minutes. As he stated at the ceiling, he smiled stupidly, thinking about the kiss him and Ezra had shared only minutes before. How tender it was when they weren't desperate to fuck each other right then and there. He pulled his shirt over his head and gazed down at his body, at the marks Ezra had taken time leaving on him, starting from his neck and trailing down all the way to his navel, disappearing under the waistband of his jeans.

God he had a great night. He wanted to call El and talk to her about it, but he still didn't know where him and Ezra stood, and wanted to respect Ezra's wishes, even if that meant he couldn't tell his best friend how he was feeling.

But, he realized, he could tell her that he had met someone.

Helen picked up on the second ring. "Hey babe, how's your birthday going?" Adrian giggled. "I know that sound. What happened?"

"I had the best sex of my life".

"With Ezra?"

Adrian had no idea how she would have known this since he had yet to give any names. "Uh... what?"

"I said Ezra. You know, Ezra Drake? The guy who drove you to his house after school so you could help him study?" Her voice was taunting and he closed his eyes. Fuck. He forgot that she had known they were supposed to study. Luckily, Adrian excelled at lying (he had done it to is parents for years), and they were talking over the phone. It was easier to lie to his best friend when she couldn't see his face.

"Not Ez-" If he had said his name, as he normally did now, she would know he was lying. "Not him".

"Then who?" El sounded unsuspicious and Adrian relaxed, allowing his happiness to take over once more.

"Just a guy I met afterwards".

"Alright," She said, and he heard her bed creak all the way across town over the phone. "So tell me about this amazing sex. I'm assuming you were receiving. Right, uke?"


"Of course". Adrian had always prefered to be fucked rather than fuck someone else, though he had yet to try the second. The feeling of sex for him was being full and having his prostate hit, or rather in this case, abused, until he came. He was fine going through the pain as long as this was the result. "Amazing sex. It was just..."

"Amazing?" She guessed. He didn't know a better way to describe it.

"I've never been fucked that hard or thoroughly in my life. You know how with David I'm usually in charge? I set the pace and I tell him not to kiss me and I'm always on top-"

"You do all the work".

"Yeah. But this was different, Helen. I let someone else take control". The other end of the phone was quiet. "I let someone else kiss me, El".

"So this is serious, yeah? When do I get to meet him?"

Of course this would be something that Helen wanted. To meet him. Adrian thought about how she already knew him, and desperately wanted to tell his friend the truth. "We're not really a thing. Well, we could be. I don't really know. It's confusing. Well, he's confusing". El sighed loudly in his ear and Adrian knew what was coming next.

"Don't get your hopes up, hun".

"I can't help it". It was true. Adrian had always had an issue with getting his hopes up when very rarely things should turn out his way. Every time Helen would encourage him to not do this to himself, because he only ended up disappointed, but he couldn't help it. One of these times, something needed to work out his way. Maybe, just maybe, that something was Ezra.

Damn he hoped it was.


"Adrian". He looked up as his mother entered his bedroom. This was a rarity, so Adrian didn't know what exactly to do.

"Um, El, can I call you back later?"

"Wha-" he hung up up on her and dropped his phone onto his mattress.

"Is everything okay mom?" She purses her lips as he reminded her that she was his mother.

"There's someone here to see you," she said dryly, and then smiled fondly, but it wasn't really directed towards him. It was as if she was remembering something. "Charming boy".

Boy. The only boy who knew where Adrian lived, despite himself, was the one who had dropped him off not even twenty minutes ago. This couldn't be good.

He scrambled out of bed, pushing his mother out of the way, despite her protests, so he could get to the living rooms. Ezra sat on the couch, looking at total ease as he spoke to Adrian's father. One of his hands was pressing down on ten familiar hard case that he had on his lap, and the other was slowly scratching the head of Adrian's cat Mellow (short for Marshmallow of course). The two men looked up when he entered the one and Ezra's hand froze on the cat's head, annoying the animal. One smile was directed his way as the other man scowled. Adrian ignored both. "You're inside of my house".

"It would seem so," Ezra said, his eyes roaming quickly up and down Adrian's bare torso and the younger suddenly remembered that he had yet to put on a new shirt. His mother entered the room and scowled at his half naked form and then smiled at Ezra, who returned it without a pause. Adian was very annoyed by this. Annoyed that his parents had fooled even Ezra into believing they were good people. "I was just going to drop this off," he held up the saxophone case, "which you left in the back of my car by the way, but your mom answered the door and told me to come inside and-"


"And here you are," Adrian glanced out of the corner of his eye at his mother, who was smiling at Ezra, probably wishing he was her son.

"Yeah. Here I am". Ezra was just looking at Adrian now, his eyes resting on his face, and Adrian looked between his two parents to see if they noticed this. If either of them discovered that Ezra had fucked their son, more than twice, he would be removed from the premises immediately and told not to return. Adrian considered for a second that telling his parents may actually be a good idea, but his father interrupted his thoughts.

"So Ezra says that you've been tutoring him for language arts," he said, and Ezra grinned at the man that despised his son just when he wanted him to love him. "How's that? We're really sorry if he's difficult for you".

This was horribly embarrassing, and Ezra seemed very confused. "Difficult?" His green eyes quickly flicked to Adrian and he knew he was studying the red spots scattered up and down his form. "Of course not. He's very well behaved". Adrian couldn't help thinking back to their night together, how easily he had fallen into submissiveness toward the other and his face heated. "Besides, he's a genius. I don't know what I'd do without him".

Fuck your hand.

Both of Adrian's parents looked surprised. They were unaware of their sons success in school, due to the fact that they usually chose to focus on his homosexuality rather than anything that really mattered. "A genius?" His mother said slowly and Ezra laughed.

"Well yeah. You must know. There was talk about making him valedictorian for my class since he's taking all senior level classes and above, and has the highest GPA out of the entire school". Adrian's parents were staring at Ezra with their mouths open, as if they couldn't believe his words, and Ezra looked very confused.

"Alright then. I'll walk you out," Adrian said, stepping forward towards Ezra, who looked up at him over the back of the couch, his eyebrows furrowed. He looked so fucking cute in that second that Adrian wanted to kiss him right there in front of his parents and then beg the other to fuck him again. Begging wasn't something that Adrian liked to do either.

He guessed it said something both about his desperation, and how good Ezra was in bed.

"Adrian," his mother said, sounding horribly embarrassed and he wondered why she was embarrassed when she was the embarrassing one. "Don't be rude".

"Oh no, Ms. Vang," Ezra began and Adrian cringed. "I should really be getting home soon anyways".

This was a relief to Adrain, and he ushered the older out of his living room, pausing as he took his time setting the saxophone down carefully and reaching over once more to pat Mellow on the head. Adrian stopped in front of the front door, his hand on the know as he looked back behind him to Ezra in the dim light. The others mouth opened to speak, but Adrian pulled the door open, stepping outside onto his porch and crossing his arms over his bare chest at the surprisingly cold air. "I thought we were in Florida," he grumbled, and Ezra chuckled, pulling the door closed behind him and then looking down at Adrian, smiling sweetly before removing his sweatshirt and draping it over the smaller boy's shoulders. Adrian swooned. He wanted to tell Ezra that this was the best birthday present he had ever gotten, but instead said, "Thank you".

Ezra's fingers fiddled with the zipper for a moment before pulling it up, and Adrian shivered as the cool metal rested against his skin. "Your parents seem-"

"Crazy?" Adrian offered and Ezra laughed.

"I was going to say uninvolved".

"Both work," he admitted, and Ezra simply nodded his head. It was silent for a very long time as they looked at each other, faces illuminated by the porch light and silvery moon light.

"Adrian". Ezra seemed to be searching for words, and Adrian let him look a while longer. "I... Can I kiss you?"

"You may". He wanted to tell Ezra that he didn't need to ask, but didn't have the chance to as the other ducked down and egarly pressed their lips together.

It was a soft kiss, sweet and caring, but eventually shifted into something quite different.

Adrian's arms went to wrap around the tallers neck as Ezra swiftly parted his lips with his tongue. Unable to help himself, Adrian moaned at the contact, and the taste, of Ezra's tongue against his own, and the senior chuckled, pulling away far too soon and looking down at him, smiling happily. "You taste like my cum," Adrian said, kissing him again, and Ezra full out laughed this time, his arms sliding around his smaller waist and pulling their bodies together.

A loud honk interrupted them, and they hastily pulled apart for fear it was someone they knew from school. A loan car was parked in front of the house, it's headlights on, and Adrian knew upon first glance who was in the driver's seat. He swallowed.

"Do you know who that is?" Ezra asked, sounding nervous and Adrian wanted to go and punch David for ruining such a perfect moment.

"I... no," Adrian lied, looking back up at Ezra, both of them now serious. "You should probably get going". Ezra cleared his throat and nodded, avoiding Adrian's eyes and the sophomore wondered if this moment had just set them back to a day before. He hoped not.

"You're right". Ezra started down the steps of the porch, and then, because he just wanted to give Adrian a heart attack, he glanced over at him and grinned lazily at him. And despite the circumstances, and the nerves jumping in his stomach, he couldn't help but to grin back.

He waited to approach David's car until Ezra's had disappeared down the street, though this was just an excuse to calm himself.

David had the passenger side window rolled down, but didn't look at him as he stuck his head through. "I told you I couldn't tonight".

"I can see why". David's voice was cold and Adrian swallowed, feeling guilty though he had no reason to. He hadn't done anything wrong. There was no rule in his agreement with David that said they couldn't have sex with other people, and lord knows that David did. It had been made clear every single time David asked him if he wanted more when Adrian said no.


"You let him kiss you?" Now he just sounded hurt, and Adrian didn't know how to respond.

"I-" Adrian cut off and then tried again after clearing his throat. "I-" this time David rolled up the window between the two of them. He only had a second to step back before David was speeding off down the street, and Adrian sighed, pushing a hand through his hair, his fingers brushing the barrette.

He then went inside, stuffing his fists into the pockets of Ezra's hoodie and trying not to worry about the man in the car, speeding across the city.

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