《The Beauty Of Rose》A F T E R


MATTHEW RODE AS FAST AS he could toward Whitfield mansion.

He couldn't contain his excitement to get rid of her. When he finally entered the door, Victoria was waiting for him.

"Are you going to be staying out of the house every night?" Victoria asked.

"No, I'm going to stay by my wife side."

Victoria smiled lightly. "You've had a sudden change of heart? I thought you were upset with me."

"Upset doesn't even begin to cover it. I've never despised someone more in my life."

Victoria's smile fell. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I hate you, Victoria. I hate you."

"You cannot stay married to her. I thought I made myself very clear."

Matthew smiled coldly. "Four months."

"I'm sorry?"

"You're four months along. Four months ago, I was gone for two for fortnights to arrange a business deal. And yet, somehow, you fell pregnant."

"I'm three months pregnant, Matthew. Whoever fed you this lie is wrong!"

"Really?" Matthew asked. Interestingly enough, he read no alarm in Victoria's eyes. He wondered how much longer she would hold onto the lie.

"Really. Who told you this? Was it your mother or Axel?"


There it was, Matthew observed. The slightest trace of fear. "I know it must be every convenient to believe the woman you no longer love does not carry your child. But I can assure you, that is not the case."

"Even when it comes from your doctor's own lips?"

Victoria shrugged, but the fear was growing. "Your mother probably paid him to say that."

"She did, actually. She paid him to talk to me."

"See?" Victoria gestured desperately. "It's all a ruse to get you to abandon me."

"Apparently, the father might be Hector Axel."

Nervous laughter bubbled from Victoria's lips. "That's ridiculous."

"Is it?"

"Yes, Matthew, this whole thing is bloody ridiculous."

"There's only one person who could truly confirm if you had guests in the house during my absence."

Victoria immediately understood. "That butler was always too comfortable with your wife."

"But he's a butler. Their main role is to be discrete and loyal. He would never lie," Matthew pointed out. He rang the bell, and Bert soon materialized. "I have a question about Victoria."

Bert's face remained expressionless. "Yes, Sir?"

"About four months ago when I was away on business, she apparently fell pregnant. Were there any male visitors in my home during that time?"

Bert nodded.

"Do you know how many?"

"He's lying," Victoria hissed.

"It's hard to say, Sir. Miss Sill did her best to be discreet so I cannot give an approximate count. But I directly observed the passing of two gentlemen in the hallway or staircase."

"Thank you," Matthew said. He turned to Victoria. "See?"

"He's lying, Matthew! Rose probably fed him exactly—"

"Enough!" Matthew thundered. "I'm not going to play this game with you any longer. Whether or not you want to admit to your folly is your concern. But I'm done."

"What are you going to do?" Victoria challenged. "Try and beat the baby out of me?"

The suggestion made Matthew feel physically sick. "You're going to leave this very minute."

"I don't get at least a day to arrange my things?"

"When I met you, you wore three cheap dresses that you threw out the minute I bought you more. I gave you the world Victoria, and you squandered it for God-knows-what. If you'd just kept your legs closed, you actually would've succeeded in becoming my wife." He couldn't resist the urge to laugh. "Thank God you didn't."


"So, I leave with nothing?"

"You can leave with the clothes on your back. And even that is courteous. I have never met a more vindictive, evil person my entire life."

Victoria's face did not react to the insult. "And if I refuse to leave?"

"I'll drag you out myself."

"She ruined everything," Victoria whispered.

"You're the only person you have to blame for your predicament."

"If she hadn't stuck out her neck and opposed a divorce that should've ended years ago...if you hadn't burned down her lovers house....if she didn't exist..." Victoria looked as if she were fighting back angry tears. "None of this would've happened." Matthew laughed coldly. "What's so funny?" she bit out.

"You," he said. "You're a complete jest if you think that my wife is the mistake here. It's you. You may seem appealing on the outside, but within, you're ugly, Victoria. Absolutely hideous. The only reason I haven't bothered to call the constable about your murder attempt is because they'd never convict a pregnant woman, anyway. They'd blame it on nerves, or the petty jealousies of mistress and wife."

Matthew walked so close to her he could smell her rotten perfume. "I'd never hurt a woman. So, no, to answer your question earlier, I could never raise a hand to you." He put his mouth to her ear. "But if I could you see you hung for all the heartache you caused my wife, I would gladly pull the trap door." He heard Victoria take a sharp exhale. He drew back so his blue eyes directly connected with her green ones. "That is how much hatred you've inspired in me. Do you understand?"

Tears were trailing down Victoria's cheeks. Matthew couldn't tell if they were real or fake, but he didn't care either way. "I understand." Without further persuasion, Victoria lifted her chin, and walked out the front door. Matthew shifted his attention to Bert.

"I'll give you till the end of the day to pack your things," Matthew said.


"You're my butler. If my mistress was cavorting with strange men in my absence, you're supposed to tell me. Why did you only tell my wife about such a thing?"

Bert, ever polite and impassive like a good butler should be, was turning a slight shade of pink. "I didn't want to offend you, Sir. I was afraid that if I reported it..."

"I would not believe you?" Matthew finished. "Why are the people in my life intent on keeping truths from me to spare their own feelings?"

"My deepest apologies, Sir. I should've told you."

"Yes, you should've. You have till the end of today, and then I want you gone."


Leticia came two hours after Matthew had left Ludlow. I sat on the foot of my bed in a nightgown, staring ahead. I knew if I moved a muscle I would break into an unstoppable torrent of tears. So, I just sat still. Leticia entered my rooms without the introduction of a servant. She kissed me on the cheek in greeting. "Do you want to see the residence where you will be staying?"

"There's no need," I whispered.

"No need?" Leticia squeezed my wrist assuredly. "Don't tell me you changed your mind. I told you, if the King must command you to do this in the flesh, he will."


"We're not divorcing."

Leticia's mouth opened in shock before she smiled. "I gather that he visited you last night?"

My throat burned with tears. "He did."

"I knew it!" Her eyes shone in delight. "What was said?"

My mind flashed to our kisses the night before. His lips trailing down the length of my jaw. Marking territory on my stomach...beneath my breast.... I can't even look at you. The memory of the sting of those words dragged me out of my reverie. "Not much was said last night, actually."

"But I can bet that much was done," Leticia said with a wink. "Is he finally getting rid of her?" I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Leticia must've noticed my trembling lip because she frowned. "What's wrong? You should be happy."

"We fought before he left," I whispered.

"About what?"

I explained the sordid business of Victoria's affairs and her lies about the child the best I could without crying. When I was done, Leticia simply shook her head. "Rose...." she whispered softly. "Why didn't you just tell him yourself?"

The judgement in her tone made me feel even worse. "He wouldn't have believed me, Leticia. He would've called me a vindictive, beastly liar. He never would've touched or kissed me again." I ripped my eyes away from her's as tears fell. "He never would've told me he loved me."

"But he believed the truth in the end," Leticia pointed out.

"Only because it didn't come from me or his mother. Only because he discovered Victoria's true nature on his own," I rebutted.

"It just amazes me to think that the true paternity would've stayed in the dark if your mother-in-law hadn't pushed you. He was so close to living a life with a woman he didn't love for a child that wasn't his."

"You think I don't feel horrible?" I cried. "The man I love told me cannot even look upon me." The tears were pouring furiously down, and I knew they wouldn't stop. "I know I should've told him, Leticia. I don't need you to make me feel worse."

Leticia wrapped me in an embrace which I pitifully soaked in. "It's going to be alright," she whispered.

"What if I ruined everything. Leticia? What if he never forgives me?"

"He will," she promised. "He just needs time."

There was a knock on the door. "There's a man here to see you," a servant announced. "He looks like a commoner, ma'am. He says his name is Bert Woothrow."

"Who's that?" Leticia asked.

"That's our butler at Whitfield mansion," I answered. "I wonder what he's doing here."

"Shall I send him up?" the servant asked.

"You may."

Bert entered my rooms in a few short minutes. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Your husband has just discharged me of from Whitfield," Bert answered.

I gave a small gasp of shock. Bert's service at the mansion predated my arrival by several years. "Why?"

"He's upset that I neglected to inform him of Victoria's various visitors," he answered.

"I would've done the same thing," Leticia chimed in. "It's your job to report everything to your master."

Bert regarded her with a bowed head. "It was a grave mistake."

"So, I surmise that you came here to serve at Ludlow now that you've been discharged for the main house?" Leticia asked sharply.

"You've guessed correctly, madame."

"You're welcome here Bert," I said. "I'll give you sometime to confer with the staff."

Bert gave a steep bow. "Thank you so much, ma'am." With that, he left the room. Leticia turned to me.

"Was that wise?"

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Bert. He was a great comfort during a difficult period."

"Mmm," Leticia murmured disapprovingly.

"If you say so."

"I do."


I took Leticia's advice about giving him time. I was sure a week would heal the chasm between us. A week passed. And then another. I even penned him a short letter.

Dear Matthew,

I am sorry for everything. The morning after the wedding it occurred to me to tell you about my doubts of your paternity regarding Victoria's child. But the immediate thought afterwards was that it would ruin the night we'd spent together. I wasn't secure enough in your affection for me to tell you the truth, and for that, I am sorry. My feelings mean nothing in comparison to allowing you to live a life you didn't want when I was capable of preventing it. I beg you to let me close the distance between us. I no longer want to live in separate houses. Let me come to Whitfield, let me comfort you. I love you Matthew. Let me come home.

Forever yours,


He did not respond to my letter. My patience began to wane into panic. I'd only tasted a true marriage for a few short minutes. I didn't want another a lifetime of a marriage in name-only. On the third week, I decided to take action. On a cloudless Monday afternoon, I took a carriage to Whitfield mansion. The perfume of my beloved flowers greeted me as I exited the carriage door. I'd actually missed this place. An elderly butler with a cold expression met me at the door. "I'm Mrs. Whitfield," I said primly. "I'd like to see my husband."

"He's indisposed, ma'am."

"He's indisposed? You haven't gone to check."

"Mr. Whitfield is indisposed," the butler repeated.

I pushed past him. I wouldn't be dictated to in my own home. "Tell my husband I'm in the library when he's ready to see me." I ascended the grand staircase and made my way to my favorite place. I spent a great many minutes fingering through several novels until I finally found the one I wanted. Temptations of Love. I traced my finger down the spine of the book, thinking back to the last time I held it. Matthew and I had had an argument about soul mates and true love. I laughed at the memory. He hadn't been sure if Victoria was his soulmate. Now, we both knew she wasn't.

"Rose." I turned around at the sound of the voice that turned my entire world. Matthew was dressed shabbily in night robes. His usual well groomed beard was a disorderly crop of scruff and his curls were scattered about his head. "Why are you here?"

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