《Legendary (Discontinued for now)》Chapter 6: The Heroes Versus The Villains


Izuku was absorbing Solar Radiation while trying to figure out what directing raw solar energy (which he discovered he could do during the 7th month of his training) to his arms or legs did, but aside from glowing, it did nothing, in fact, it created a severe disadvantage.

Izuku directed the raw radiation to his arms or legs and tried to punch, kick, walk and run using it, but all it did was throw him off balance.

"No practical use of directing raw energy, other than ruining my balance. The only thing that the ability or disability is useful is if ever I need to be a human torch. Or if I want to become a 'Here I am! Attack Me!' signal during stealth missions"

Izuku quickly realised what he said as he recorded the voice log.

"Correction...... this ability does has a good use. I can use the light produced to send out an SOS signal if I'm exhausted and/or severly wounded and unable to fight. I don't think it takes any stamina to make my body light up." Izuku turned off his audio log book. Keeping a log book was actually suggested by Verner. He said that it is always important to note down one's strengths and weaknesses and review them later to improve them.

Izuku looked at the time and decided that it would be better to start from home early as he had some things to take care of in the office. Izuku also notified his driver that he didn't have to pick him up after school and that he would walk back home.

After signing a few documents, Izuku looked at his watch (the same watch that Schmidt gifted him) and saw that he still had some time left and decided that he would go on foot. Izuku took a right turn towards UA when he recognised the sidewalk he was standing on.

Izuku let go of an audible sigh

'Its a miracle that nobody saw what happened...... I need to talk to her more to make it less awkward, wait what of it makes it even more awkward! No I need to at least try to talk to her more casually........ but will she take me casually? And why am I matching words.... '

Izuku entered his class room and took his seat. A few moments later Momo entered the class and took her seat next to Izuku.

'Now' s your chance Izuku........ Goddammit say something! '

"Good morning, Yaoyorozu" Izuku greeted

'Really, good morning?'

Izuku mentally slapped himself

"Huh? Oh

Good morning to you too, Yagi" Momo responded.

They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before Izuku broke it

"Yaoyorozu, I have something to ask"

"Go on"

"I just want to know if you see me as a pervert"

'Why did you ask her that, your making it worse'

"Why would I think that?" Momo gave a confused look

"Well.... because of the..... you know.... 11 months ago"

"Oh thaat" Momo said with a laugh.

How the two didn't stutter or blush was beyond them.

"Remember what I told you that day, accidents happen" Momo smiled

"Besides" She continued

"I think I can tell who is a pervert just by looking at them....." She said pointing at Mineta

"I guess."Izuku smiled in return




"What do you think we'll do today?" Izuku broke the silence.

"I think most of the day we'll have normal classes, considering that the books we received were English, History, etcetera, etcetera. We'll probably also have Heroics class."

"Heroics class eh"


"Yup.... other than that, I don't think that we'll have anything out of the ordinary"


Izuku and Momo turned to see Iida. The class was also full by now as all the students had arrived.

"Oh, good morning Iida" Responded

"Yes, good morning" Iida bowed

"Did you want ask me about anything?"

"Yes..... its about your quirk actually"

"What about it?"

"About 2 years ago, my brother was on a rescue mission with All Might. The mission was a success and when I asked how it felt fighting evil alongside the Symbol Of Peace. My brother said that All Might had this ability to inspire. Moreover he described the change in air pressure and shock waves All Might exerts when he fights, in great detail to me."

"And you're saying this because......"

Izuku realised what Iida was going to ask

'Shit he's onto me....... how can I deny his question and at the same time not tell a lie'

"There are similarities between both of you. Like your ability to inspire and the nature of your quirk......" This got the class interested.

"I just wanted to ask if you're his son or if you and All Might are related somehow"

"I..... um......" Izuku was desperately trying to find and excuse

"Now that you've mentioned it....... both of them also have the same hair colour" Momo said.

"Yesterday too. When All Might was observing our quirks, everyone one of us were excited with the exception of Yagi." Ashido added

"Its like Yagi knows him personally kero" The frog like girl named Asui...... correction, Tsuyu said.

"Yeah that too" Sero agreed

'Think Yagi...... THINK......'

Everyone was looking at him in anticipation

'AAHAA! That's it! they know All Might, but not Toshinori Yagi'

"Well...... first things first, whatever I said yesterday was my honest opinion..... I was surprised when Iida said that he was inspired. Secondly quirks can be similar without being hereditary, for example, telekinetic quirks are very common. Thirdly, me being calm and not excited was a part of my training. And lastly, my dad's name is Toshinori Yagi. He's a businessman who works in Tokyo. Wait I'll show you his picture."

Izuku took out his phone, opened Facebook and went to his father's account and showed them his pictures (SkeleMight).

"Oh maaaan, I thought we were on to something"

"I know, right"

"Of course Deku is not All Might's son, the heck were you all thinking" Bakugou called out, but the class simply ignored him

"Yagi, why does your father look so frail and sickly?" Iida asked with a hint of concern

"Oh that...... he was in a car accident a couple of years ago" Izuku informed with disinterest.

"He must be a great man to raise you like this..... I must meet him someday" Iida said with his right arm on his left chest.

'Oh, trust me you'll meet him very soon'

"Although something I must clarify, my dad or mom had no part in making me who I am now....."

The class was confused

"Then, who?" Momo asked with curiosity

"It was my Mentor" Izuku's face lifted up

"Adelbert Schmidt" He said proudly






"WHAAAAAAAAT" The class screamed, even Bakugou. But Todoroki just looked surprised.

"You can't be serious!" Iida questioned

"I am. Wait I'll show you some photos" Izuku proceeded to show many photos of him and Schmidt.

"Nooo waaay!" The class said in unison, leaving out Todoroki as he was interested but didn't want to show it and Bakugou. He looked like was about to murder a rabbit.


"Yes way. He gave me more motivation and inspiration in the 2 weeks that I knew him than my parents could in 10 years. He was a great teacher that anyone would be lucky to have."


"That 'useless piece of trash' beat you in every activity from yesterday's test. Now get back to your seats, all of you and take out your books" Aizawa said as he walked into the class room. Aizawa had learnt why Izuku left his parents from the principal and felt sorry for what the boy went through for 10 years.

'He didn't answer the question' Thought a certain dual hair coloured student.....

The rest of the morning periods went as usual. Then they had lunch and it was finally time...

Hero Basic Training.

Every one was sitting in their places talking to each other when the door opened...


Everyone gasped, their faces lifted up, leaving out 3 student's. One because of his father, the other because he knew about it and last one because of indifference.


"I can't believe he's our Hero basics teacher!"

"This year is going to be awesome!"

"Hey look isn't that his Silver Age Costume!?"

"I'm getting goosebumps, its so retro!"



All Might presented a card with BATTLE written on it

"FIGHT TRAINING" Bakugou said with a sinister glee


All Might enthusiastically pointed to the wall, from which shelves with numbered cases came out.


The class was in an immediate uproar




"YES SIR!" Most of the class said in unison

Then All Might left the class and everyone took their costumes and headed for the changing rooms, excluding Izuku

"Yagi, where's your costume?" Kirishima asked

"Its on the way......I'll wait for it in front of the gate"

"OK man, don't be late!"

"I won't" Izuku replied, walking towards the exit.

All might was standing outside of the entrance and was waiting for the students to come out.

A few moments later, they started exiting the dark tunnel like entrance.

Then after entering they started to compliment or talk about their hero costumes.


"No sir, Izuku is still in the changing room" Iida informed All Might


"He was waiting for his costume to arrive. Apparently it was made elsewhere"

(Start playing


John Dreamer - Becoming a Legend)

Then they heard footsteps coming from the entrance, but were unable to see who it was.

"I think its Yagi" Momo commented

The footsteps were nearing the entrance when it stopped. The students were a little confused, untill they saw an light up, with two orbs in either side.

Then Izuku walked out, revealing himself to everyone. All the students and even All Might could only be awed at how majestic Izuku looked in his hero costume with its White and Gold colour scheme and the cape flowing due to the breeze, what intrigued them even more was the glowing and what it meant. For a second, the students thought they were looking at a younger All Might. While All Might felt he was looking at the new Symbol of Peace. They also felt the air shift with his every movement as he had activated 6x20 SS. The costume also showed off his well toned body and abs, making the girls blush a little, but none of them blushed harder than Momo.

(The picture above but Izuku in it)

{btw I didn't make the art, I just changed the colour scheme. also, dont forget that Izuku is now 6'00}

"That's a costume and a half!" Kaminari exclaimed

"That costume's so MANLY" Kirishima half shouted

"It looks so cooooool" Ashido said

(Stop playing music, or keep playing it if you want :P)

As Izuku was being complimented by his classmates, he noticed Momo and her outfit and immediately turned into a tomato. If the 'Accident' didn't happen then they wouldn't have this affected.

'W-Why is she wearing that, I thought I could talk to her casually, but now I think I wont be abl-oh great we made eye contact....... and she blushing....... wait I'm blushing too.'

"Yagi, why are you red all of a sudden?"

"Oh its.... nothing"

'shit I need to talk to her to end the awkwardness , maybe about her quirk or something '

He walked towards Yaoyorozu, who was talking to Jirou and Uraraka to distract herself.

"Y-Yaoyorozu" She turned her head to face Izuku.


"I never got to ask you what your quirk is"

"Oh, its called Creation. I can make anything from my body as long as its inorganic and I know its molecular structure"

"That is an amazing quirk! Its extremely versatile. You can save thousands of people using your quirk"


"Yeah, for instance you can make bandages and ointments for injured people. Or make things like grenades when you have to fight.

You must study a lot if you have to remember the molecular structure of the things"

"Yes I do..... a lot. I have been ever since I was 7" Momo said, her blush almost gone.

"Since you were 7!? Thats amazing" Izuku complemented.

"Yeah, it's also the reason why my hero outfit is skimpy..... When I make things, they come out of my body and tend rip my clothes off."

"I think you look very pretty in it"Izuku unconsciously said

'So much for making it less awkward'


"I-I mean not that you look bad when you wear n-normal clothing, in fact you look even p-prettier when wearing your usual dresses. What I mean to say is you're very beautiful and would look good in anything you wear." Momo was looking down, her bangs covering her eyes.

"No, I don't mean that...... No wait I absolutely meant whatever I said, I didn't want to say it out loud...... Please forget that I opened my mouth"

"Thank you" Momo said as she lifted her face up and looked directly into Izuku's eyes and gave him a Million watt smile.

That smile made Izuku's heart skip a beat.

"Y-Your welcome"

'THE HELL WAS THAT!! why did my heart do that'

All Might called out.

"Sir" The student in white armour lifted his hand

'So that's Iida, he looks so cool. How did I not recognised him earlier, considering his armour is like Engenium's.'

"This is the fake city from the entrance exam, does it mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?"

"Isn't this a little bit advanced?" Tsuyu asked

"Sir, will you be the one decide who wins?" Momo enquired

"How much will we be able to hurt the other team?"

"Do we need to worry about the losers getting any punishment?"

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?"

"Isn't this cape dazzling"

'Sounds like a classic action movie setup' Everyone thought

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida questioned

"Think about it" Izuku stopped Iida

"Pros sometimes have to team up with heroes from other agencies...... so this loto method of choosing teams is not bad after all"

"Yes I see..... life is a random series of events....

Excuse my rudeness" Iida did a 90 degree bow.

The students proceeded to form into 10 teams.

Team A

Izuku and Momo

Team B

Mezo and Shoto

Team C

Uraraka and Mineta

Team D

Bakugou and Tenya

Team E

Mina and Yuga

Team F

Koji and Rikido

Team G

Kaminari and Jirou

Team H

Tokoyami and Tsuyu

Team I

Ojiro and Toru

Team J

Hanta and Eijiro.

'Wow, the chances of being on the same team' Izuku thought to himself

All Might pulled out 2 balls from the boxes

"Yes sir" The rest of the students said in unison.

As Izuku was going to Momo, he felt a glare on his back. He didn't even have to turn to know who's it was.

"Save your glaring for when I defeat you" He said nonchalantly.

'All this time......Deku's been hiding his quirk from me and to think he got the nerves to say that he can beat me...... I'll show him. He's just a pebble that I can kick out of the way and nothing more' Bakugou glared at Izuku before entering the building.

"So Yagi, do you have any plans, considering its your 'childhood friend' were talking about"

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