《Legendary (Discontinued for now)》Chapter 2: A Fateful Encounter


“I guess today will be a good day, all I have to do is pretend and everything will be A-Ok”

But boy was he wrong.....

Firstly, the memory of everything that happened yesterday returned. Secondly, he woke up a little late so he had to skip breakfast. And thirdly, on his way to school he tripped over and fell on top of a girl, although that wasn’t too bad since the girl was also in a hurry...... and lastly, Bakugou.

Izuku had a suspicion how Bakugou would treat him now, and so he tried to be as prepared as he could.

“Ok, all I have to do is avoid drawing attention to myself and keep a low profile, more importantly I think I should tell Kacc-no, Bakugou that I don’t want to become a hero anymore, that should keep him away from me. Speaking of which, I should probably cancel the admission application to UA, I think going the business rout is a good choice"

“Haha, If only a ‘Yesterday morning’ version of me could see me right now, he would probably say that I am a fake, that the real Izuku would never give up on being a hero, but miracles do happen” And with that, a hungry and disheartened Izuku Yagi walked into the hell, where a demon named Bakugou was ready to fry him in hot oil.

He was about to get in the class, but stopped to listen to the commotion inside.

“Woah! , that’s a premium membership card to Star 1 Gym, the best gym in all of Japan"

“Holy shit man! Many high tier pro heros go there to work out."

“How the hell did he get that, even money cannot buy it”

“SEE, I fucking told you I am better than all of you, and guess what extras, I don’t have to give some stupid entrance exam to get into UA, I’m getting in through recommendations"

‘Well Bakugou is......... still Bakugou’

Just than, Izuku felt a tap on his shoulder

“Yagi, are you going to get in or just stand in front of the door. Class is about to start in 7 minutes ”


He opened the door to get in discreetly, but, the creeking of the door drew everyone’s attention to him. And as he suspected....


‘I’ve had enough of this shit’

“Come here you useless piece of trash” Bakugou called with a very harsh tone.

Izuku walked over to Bakugou, and said the one word that no one would have expected Izuku Yagi to say.

“What now, Bakugou” He said with a tone so disinterested that even made their teacher, who was about to walk into the class room freeze.





This was the second time the class room was silent because of Izuku, but this time for a whole different reason. Almost all of the students knew how much Izuku was bullied and beaten up by Bakugou, but not once did he address Bakugou by his name, let alone only his surname.

“If you don’t want to say anything, I’m gonna go back to my seat”

But before going, he said something that would have shocked the entire school if it was present there.

“Oh, and Bakugou, I will cancel my admission form for UA today. Why?

Because it turns out that you were right, I am just a quirkless wannabe.

I understand that now...... Hence why I’m declaring that I don’t want to become a hero anymore”

This time it was Bakugou’s turn to speak


Finally you understand that you are nothing but useless trash. Now with that trash out of the way, I am definitely going to become richest and most popular hero of all time”


‘Richest and most popular, can’t believe that I idolised him’

Slowly the class recovered from the shock and returned to normality

Then the teacher fully walked in after standing halfway through the door like a statue

“All right everyone, quiet down. Take out your books and turn to Chapter 7”

The rest of the school day went normally for everyone, leaving out Izuku.

The once muttering and hero enthusiastic boy was now quiet and didn’t read or write about heros anymore. Instead during the free period, he read some business books he took from the library.

He even stopped responding to and started ignoring Bakugou and his death threats. But this did not suit well with Bakugou.

‘Damn nerd, who the fuck does he think he is, I’ll teach him after school, I’ll fucking break him into tiny pieces’

Before the school was over, the principal announced a reminder that the school will remain closed for 2 weeks due to renovation.

Izuku was walking down the hallway alone after his lab duty. When he exited the school gates, he was immediately knocked down to the ground


Izuku tried to get up, but was kicked down by one of Bakugou’s goons


And then, 3 minutes of merciless beatdown began. Izuku kept taking punch after punch, kick after kick, after which he was on all fours, his school uniform was torn and tattered.

Just as Bakugou was about to turn around and go home, Izuku moved slowly, trying to get up. His whole body felt warm, like he was under the sun.

‘I may not want to become a hero anymore’

‘But that doesn’t mean that I will’


Then he did something he never thought he would do... Izuku got up and punched Bakugou in the face, and although it was a weak punch, it was enough to knock down Bakugou on to the ground.

“I can *pant* do this all day” Izuku said while taking a fighting stance he saw in a movie once

Bakugou soon got up..... shocked and filled with rage. What all the boys didn’t notice was that Izuku was glowing a very fade intensity of white.

“I’ll FUCKING MURDER YOU” Bakugou said as he prepared his quirk


At me”

Just as Bakugou was about to fire off an explosion.......


They all turned their heads to see a tall man, with dark black hair and black eyes, wearing a pollution mask and grey trench coat standing there

“I’LL GET YOU WHEN SCHOOL STARTS DEKU. FUCKING REMEMBER THAT” Bakugou and his goons ran away as fast as they could


The man tried to stop them from getting away abut the boys were much faster. He then walked to Izuku to see if he was severely injured

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Thank you for saving me”

“No problem, now get up, we have to go to the police station”

“That...... is not necessary, we were just........... playing”

“Bruised body and torn clothes doesn’t look like playing to me”

“Its fine, really. I should just go home”

“It seems like there is no arguing with you. But before you go take this” The man then proceeded to take of his coat and gave it to Izuku. “Wear this and go, wouldn’t look nice for you to be walking around with torn clothes” Izuku was about to protest “And before you say No and explain all the reasons why you can’t take it, let me tell you something...... I have a LOT of coats at home” The man put a large amount of Emphasis on the ‘LOT’ part”


“I............ Thank you, for this. And for saving me”

“Again, don’t mention it, now hurry on, your parents might be getting worried”

‘My parents, worried. Yeah right’

Izuku started running as it was getting late, but when he crossed two streets Izuku realised that his phone had fallen somewhere probably fell out of his pocket as it was torn

“Damn it, today has been the second worst day of my life.

I think it may have fallen when I was on the ground”

“What a peculiar kid” Schmidt was about go when he saw a phone lying on the ground, he picked it up to see that it was green and a little broken

‘Must be that kid’s phone, I should take it to the police station’

Schmidt took out his phone to call for a pickup, but he felt something cold touching his neck and him being a weapons designer knew exactly what it was.

“Adelbert Schmidt” The man spoke. Schmidt instantly recognised the voice

“Bill Johnson !?, how are you still alive!?” Bill Johnson was a fanatic. His only purpose in life was to kill quirkless people. He pulled Schmidt by the back of his collar and pinned him against the nearest wall, with Schmidt facing the wall, causing the pollution mask to fall off.

“That doesn’t matter, you-you ruined everything, my noble plan, my-my Holy Crusade, all gone thanks to you and your army” the crazed man said

“Kidnapping and brainwashing children with your quirk to kill innocent people is not noble”

“Innocent? What innocent? All the quirkless men, women and children are a plague to society, they dirty everything with their impure and inferior bodies”

“They may be inferior in your eyes, but they are still human beings, they deserve to live”






The maniac didn’t get to finish his sentence as he was smacked with a garbage bin so hard that he got TKO’ed instantly. Schmidt turned around to spot the green haired boy from earlier, holding a newly dented garbage bin.

“I guess we’re even, Mr. Schmidt”

“I guess we are”

“I think lady luck hates me” Izuku finally reached the spot of the earlier incident only to the man from earlier being pinned to the wall by another man who looked like he had a gun.

‘Shit what should I do!?

Should I run and call the police. Wait, I don’t have my phone with me, think Izuku,THINK!’

Izuku backed up to hide behind a few garbage bins, but all of that went down the drain once the man with the gun started shouting.

Izuku’s body started to move on its own.

He grabbed one of the garbage bins with both of his hands, and ran with it towards the confrontation.

He hit the hostile man with everything his battered body had and instantly knocked the maniac out cold.

The man from earlier turned his head to show a face which Izuku immediately recognised and so he said the only thing that came to his mind.

“I guess we’re even, Mr. Schmidt”

“I guess we are” The man replied.

“Now, Katsuki behave yourself, and no swearing or shouting in front of my friends. Inko and Toshinori are my friends first, then your uncle and aunt” A woman with sand hair said while holding her son’s ear, with her husband following behind.

“Let go of me you fucking hag!”

“Now.... show some manners, or you are going to beg to dear God that you never existed” She gave death glare so scary, that it would make even the most hardcore of heroes tremble. The glare made both the son’s and the father’s blood freeze.

“F-F-F-Fine, j-j-just l-l-let g-g-go o-o-f m-m-m-me”

“Now go ring the door bell, and be nice to Izuku”

‘yeah right, as if I would be nice to that waste of space, he should feel lucky to even stand in my presence’


Izuku opened the door to see the Bakugou’s

“Oh, good evening Aunt Mitsuki and you too Uncle Masaru, please come in” Izuku said in a monotone voice

“Thank you Izuku! You see this Katsuki, this is called manners. Why can’t you be more like Izuku”

Katsuki just scowled.

“Please, make yourself at home”

“So Izuku, what are you planning to with the 2 week vacation?”

“He’ll probably be sitting his quirkless ass in his chair and play video games for 14 days”

“Katsuki..... WHAT. DID. I. TELL. YOU”

“What, that’s what he’ll do, aren’t you DEKU” Katsuki said with a smirk

“Well actually, I do have plans” Izuku said with a hint of annoyance in his voice

“And what might that”

“I got a part time job”

“HAH as if someone will hire your quirkless as-



Mitsuki had pushed Katsuki’s head into the sofa arm rest to silence him. Both Izuku and Masaru sweat dropped.

“That’s wonderful, where did you get it?” Mitsuki said with a smile while still pushing Katsuki’s head into the arm rest.

“Its near the city centre, by the huge mall. Its more like an internship. If I can impress the person who hired me within the next 14 days, his company will take me in as soon as I graduate from high-school ”

“That’s great new!, your only 13 and already have a job, take notes Katsuki”


“Anyway, what’s the pay?”

“Oh its-”


Izuku didn’t get to finish the sentence as he was interrupted by the door bell.

“I’ll get it”

He opened the door to see his parents, “Inko ‘Titan’ Yagi and Toshinori ‘All Might’ Yagi

“Oh, its you people”

Izuku turned around leaving the door open

‘That was different, usually he would hug us’ Both the Yagi’s thought

“Don’t you want to tell us about anything interesting that might have happened while we were away” Inko asked hoping to get an answer

“No, nothing interesting, although I did get a part time job. Besides I’m old enough for the ‘Tell us what happened while we were away’ thing”

‘This is definitely different, he would tell us about the smallest thing with the greatest enthusiasm’ His parents thought.

‘And then there was the ‘I’m old enough’ part'

“If thats all, I’ll be going to bed, I have to wake up early”

“But, Izuku my boy, we’ve brought Katsudon” Toshinori said when he showed him the plastic bags

“I’m full” Izuku simply said as he turned around to go into his room.

‘Ok, something is definitely wrong, usually he would go hyper even talking about Katsudon’ everyone of them, leaving out Katsuki, thought

“Izuku, are you alright?” This time it was Masaru who spoke up

“Never better, thanks for the concern” He said with a small smile but in a disinterested tone.

“Wait, Izuku you didn’t tell us about your paycheck” Mitsuki asked hoping to get his attention

Izuku turned his back

“Its 700000 yen” He simply said before going to his room as he didn’t bother to answer any other questions....

As soon as he reached his room, he dropped on to his bed, the only thing going through his head was the encounter few hours ago, the encouter with the first person who said that he could become a hero without a quirk, although at this point, he had already come to terms the he wont be a hero. He still had some All Might and Titan merchandise which he will sell off after a few days.

“What you did there was pretty brave, kid. Most people, even older than you would’ve just turned a blind eye and gone in the other direction”

“Thank you, Mr. Schmidt. But even I don’t know what happened, my body kinda acted on its own. Before even I knew it, I was running with a trash can ha ha” Izuku told with a half-hearted laugh while blushing a little.

'This kid'

"Speaking of which, what were you doing on these streets alone without bodyguards, you do know that you have tens if not hundreds of enemies"

"I was.......... recollecting old memories"

"oh, like for nostalgia?"

"Something like that"







“So what’s your quirk? You have great potential of becoming a hero”

This question and praise instantly made Izuku sad

‘I could’ve gotten a quirk, but I don’t have what it takes to be a hero, according to my own father’

“For the God knows how long I wanted to help people. I-I wanted to do good, become a hero for the sake of being one, but I realise now that all I’ve been doing was holding onto a fantasy. Its not possible for me to become a Hero.”

“And why is that?”

“I....... I’m quirkless” This answer immediately changed the mood of the conversation.

Izuku thought he knew what Schmidt will say next

“That doesn’t matter”


“Real heros are not defined by their quirks, its their willpower , their courage and their untamed desire to help those in need. With the right amount of training you Can Become A Hero”

Izuku had waited for the longest time to hear those words, but it didn’t matter anymore, he had already lost his ambition.

“Thank You but,.......its not possible”

*Sigh* “There’s no use arguing with you right? Anyway...... for saving me I think that you deserve a treat. Then I shall give you a lift home, and I won’t take No for an answer”

Izuku, who hadn't eaten anything from morning had no other choice, because if he said no, he probably wouldn't be able to make it home.


“Say....... you said that you wanted to go for business, right?"


“Well how about, I hire you for the next 14 days and be your teacher, and if you can impress me within those days, my company will immediately hire you once you graduate high school, how does that sound? ”

“ I think only a fool would decline such an offer....... I’ll take it! “

“Thats what I like to hear” Schmidt then took out one of his special visiting cards and signed behind it and also wrote ‘Special Pass’ on it.

‘My time is running out, these 15 days are all I have left, and I hope you are The One, Izuku’

“Come to the given address tomorrow at 9 AM sharp”

“Ok, thank you very much Sir!

Wait! Stop the car, that’s my house”

Izuku got out of the limo but before going asked about his paycheck

“Umm, sir, I don’t want to be rude, but can I ask what my paycheck is? Its completely fine if you don’t want to tell me”

Adelbert thought for a second but smiled and answered his question

“Its seven hundred thousand yen per week”


“If you want to I can increase it”

“N-No s-seven hundred thousand i-is f-f-fine”

“Well then, its getting late and you should get some sleep...... goodnight Izuku”

“Goodnight to you too SENSEI AND THANKS FOR THE FOOD! ”

‘Many people would have increased the amount, I think that I have found The One.’

(A/n So how was it, from now , i will add new chapters whenever I can.

Anyway, the ba dum, was izuku’s heart beating and his body subconsciously trying to activate his quirk, only if he hadn’t been interrupted, first by his dad, secondly by Schmidt and lastly by his own heroics and yes his quirk un-dormanted (if thats even a word) during the sludge incident but has not yet been activated)

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