《Legendary (Discontinued for now)》Powers, Abilities and Drawbacks


After much thought, I managed to come up with abilities and powers that make izuku strong but not OP

Izuku can use 120% SS from the start, but in a different way than how he could use 100% OFA . He has something i like to call "Variable Control Full cowl" which means that although he can use 120% Impacts (smashes), he can also use SS as 6x20=120% covering his entire body with 20% SS, it may seem like 20% OFA full cowl, but its different as niw the 'variable' part comes in. You see, VCFC allowes him to adapt to any situation. The 20x6 means he can use 20% in the 6 sections of his body, head, torso, left arm, right arm, left leg and right leg. He can adapt to situations by taking the power percentage from one section of his body to another. For example if he wants to move fast and do small hits, he can take the 20%SS from his head and torso and distribute it evenly to his legs, therefore his legs will have 40% (80% in total) SS each while his arms have still have 20% each (40% in total). Another example of this is if he wants to jump very high or run very fast, he could take all the SS from all the other sections of his body and direct it to his legs, giving them 60%+60%, he can do the same things to his arms or any other section. He can also direct 120% to a single section.

:He can heal any part of his body, be it bones, muscles, cartilage, etc. He can do so by channelling 120%SS to his Torso which can make his heart imbue blood with special healing solar particles.

Heightened reflexes and sixth sense : By always having 20% SS directed at his head section, he gets heightened reaction times and faster brain functionality along with giving him the ability to combine all of his senses into a type of sixth sense (aka. eagle vision........ sorry). He can also direct 120%SS to his Head to nearly stop time for himself() and give him room to make plans (1 seconds irl will be like 10 seconds to him).


Although VCFC is very versatile, he cannot immediately direct say 60% to both of his legs, first has to go 6x20% before he can direct it to other sections, which makes him slow considering it take 6 seconds to go 6x20%. Moreover, if he directs more than 40% to a single section, he risks damaging himself. The probability and severity of the damage increases with the increase in the directed percentage beyond 40% on the section of his body to the point that using 120% will break his bones and tear his muscles {120SS is 2% more powerful than Izuku's 100%OFA }. His healing ability severely drains him as the healing particles and only be produced when he uses 120%SS. During that time he can neither fight nor run because of the drained stamina, after healing he will either be not able to stand or pass out, depending on the severity of the damage. Also, he cannot use eagle vision while moving, Moreover, he cannot move his body when using Supertime as 120%SS is directed to his head. Also if he uses Supertime more than 4 seconds, he will immediately pass out. Using 2 120%Impacts will completely drain him and will make him unable to use Solarheal. The duration of Izuku being able to use SS depends on his stamina as SS converts solar energy to kinetic energy using stamina. Also he can absorb only dawnbreak solar energy Although he does not have to worry about how much his solar energy running out as one hour of absorption can last him for 1 weak.

Phew, i think its balanced enough......

Anyway, should Izuku's hero name be Atlas or Apollo.... pls let me know

only 4 days left before the fanfic starts

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