《Deception (Book #1) ✅》~27: Deal ~


The moment the door shut and the vampires had left a sense of calmness set in. Everyone in the room seemed to release the tension they had in their awaiting muscles.

I hadn't even gotten a chance to let the calmness set in before Alex broke the silence.

"Alpha I don't think that was a good decision." He said uncertainty heard in his voice. His disposition showing just how wary he was with the demand Caleb had just made.

"This isn't the time nor the place to object to me, Alex." Caleb warned his reply cold and sharp.

He turned to me, Naní and Alex both scanning the few towering men behind them. I was so indulged with the pale woman in front of me I failed to realize the ten or so werewolves that stood around us.

"But this-"

Caleb suddenly snapped moving so abruptly that my eyes couldn't even keep up with him. He had Alex's throat in his hand and was gripping it hard enough to draw blood with his claws. My eyes grew wide in shock.

"I said right now isn't the time. If you want to object to my decisions later you can. Right now I need you to go back to the estate. Tell Nora what I discussed with you earlier. Am I understood?"

With a weak nod Alex agreed, keeping his eyes far from his Alpha's.

Letting him go Alex rubbed his neck that was coated in blood. The shallow puncture holes healing already. My rapid breathing was making me light-headed the more I watched the scene unfold in front of me.

Caleb let out a thunderous growl that made everyone but myself lower their heads and eyes. They averted any indication that they were challenging him being sure to show who was in control. I was both unsettled by the display and dumbstruck.

"You all have orders now go." He growled out.

They all gathered themselves scurrying about the room for an exit. None of them wanted to linger in the room any longer with Caleb's roaring anger. That just left poor ole me left behind. To be left with him. With his rage.

Caleb's back was tight with tense muscles. He looked primal as he breathed heavy puffs of air. If it weren't for how feral he looked I would have thought he remained me of the big bad wolf. It felt like an eternity as I watched him try to calm himself down to no avail.

For some odd reason, I found myself steadily standing up making my way behind him. Standing just inches behind his imposing stature I reached out to his clenching fists.

Being closer to him not I can see his body shaking with uncontrolled anger, but it made no difference to me. I had this undying urge to calm him down, to bring him down from the raging storm inside his head.

Gently I let my hand clasp around his clenched fists completely embracing the tingles that travel up my arms and to my chest. It slowly ignited a fire that felt like a million simultaneous waves of flames billowing through my vines. I wasn't thinking about the feeling, I wasn't questioning if I really felt it, I wasn't fighting it either. I allowed myself to let the sensation consume me and I felt as if I were in ecstasy.


Pressing my cheek lightly in the middle of Caleb's black I felt a low rumble come from his body. It wasn't a growl or a snarl, it felt peaceful almost soothing if that were possible.

Falling deeper into the intoxicating aura of tranquility I was unexpectedly picked up. It happened so fast I hadn't even noticed that it was Caleb that had changed positions so quickly.

Before I could say a word I was pressed against one of the walls of the lounge. My legs instinctually wrapped around his waist and my hands curled around the back of his neck. I was practically panting with arousal at our sudden position. The pendant of my necklace rose and fell with every inhale I took, Caleb's eyes roamed to where it lay.

Raking my eyes over his perfect features while he was focused on my pendant, I trailed my fingers up the back of his head and into his hair. I tugged gently at his hair drawing his attention to my face. His mouth was parted ever so slightly and my eyes locked onto his full lips.

His hand rested on my waist while the other cupped my bottom for support. His fingers found their way under my shirt setting my skin on fire. The touch captivated me even further causing me to pull his face closer to my own as I pressed his lips with mine.

At first, Caleb seemed in a trans between shock and hunger but it didn't take him long before he started to kiss me back with a hunger I had never felt before. He deepened the kiss with aggression trying to forget about his built up anger.

He let his fingers trail further up my shirt to rest just beneath the band of my bra. An involuntary moan came from me when his dazzling fingers slid across my midriff to the plain of my back sending a pleasurable shiver up my spine.

The shiver caused me to arch my back against the wall, doing so however made me aware of his hard member as I rocked against it. I purposely pulled him harder to my core bringing another shudder of pure bliss. He groaned against my lips driving me crazier for more.

Our touch was like a drug I couldn't get enough of and it was scary how far I was letting this go all of a sudden.

Caleb licked my lower lip asking for entrance which I gladly allowed. Our tongues fought for dominance that he easily won. It didn't matter to me I was so caught up in the heated moment I moved one of my hands down his chest. I irresistibly let my fingers trace the strong and pronounced muscles of his pecs, he flexed each muscle as I trailed my fingers over them.

My hands roamed further down his abs than I normally would let them wander. As if reading my thoughts Caleb grabbed my wrist stopping me as he pulled away from our kiss to look at me. My lips were hot and plump from the aggressive kissing.

Looking down at me his eyes looked hazy with lust. Taking much restraint to pull himself away from our kiss showed just how much he wanted it to continue on. So why stop?


"Did I do something wrong?" I asked my voice guilty from my lack of control. I hadn't meant for it to go this far but it felt so right and I wanted more.

"N-no you did nothing wrong." He assured me brushing back a few strands of my hair behind my ear. "I shouldn't have done that." He dropped me back on my feet. His hands still rested on my waist but this time they rested on the outside of my shirt just begging me to want them under it again.

"Honestly, I didn't mind. I knew you were trying to get the mind of your anger. I'd rather you do what you did than throw punches at a wall or hurt someone else." There was a small tug in the corner of his mouth that almost turned into a smile but he fought off the urge.

"I want you to move into the estate with me." The random comment snapped me out of the blanket of bliss that was draped over me. His comment threw me off guard. I never thought he'd ask me that, not after he let me come back to my loft.

"I can't do that Caleb. I have finals next week." I explained hoping he wouldn't press on the subject.

"After finals."

Looking over his face he appeared to be professing what he wanted most. He wanted me to go back with him. I couldn't though, I had Bastet and Taylor and my sister.

"I can't."

"Why not? Is it your cat? You can bring her with you." He blurted out sounding desperate.

"I have Taylor and my sister here too."

"You don't need Taylor not when you'll have a whole pack to make friends with, and ones that won't put you endanger. You'll have more guards that can ensure your safety." He pulled my flush against his body making it harder to resist his demands. "I'll take you to visit your sister whenever you want. Just please, come with me. It's safer."

His compulsion was difficult to repel as I tried to find other reasons why I couldn't leave with him. Then my own brain threw a curveball at me, making me realize that I have no other valid reasons. His arguments were true. With more people watching over me I would be safer and away from the city where it seemed supernaturals congregated.


He cut me placing a finger gently beneath my chin. "Please."

His crystal blue eyes stared down at me with a need for my agreement. He was desperate for me to say yes and the longer I looked at him the less I thought I would be able to have the strength to say no.

"If I say yes I have two conditions and you have to agree to them if you want me to go with you." His eye lit up with excitement. "One, I want Nani and Alex to be my guards. I feel the most comfortable with them."

"Done." He said growing more eager as we inched closer to a yes. But I knew the next condition would certainly be more difficult.

"My last condition," I paused preparing myself so his reaction. "I get to bring Taylor-"

"Absolutely not!"

"Then I guess I'm staying." I retorted stepping away from him. I didn't make it far as he pulled me back to him with an irritated scowl. He growled lowly in aggravation. I pursed my lips waiting for more of his fit to be over.

Caleb lowered his face to the side of my face, his lips just millimeters from my ear. "How about we make a deal?"

His voice was hoarse and his intentions were unclear having me guessing what this deal could possibly be. "What kind of deal?"

I would regret my reply. I should have said no deals and that my conditions were final but here I was trying to make a deal with a werewolf.

"I let the she-wolf come along, but you and I will be staying in the same room." I pulled away furrowing my eyebrows half confused. A part of me assumed what he meant but another part of me badly wanted to be wrong. He chuckled. "No touching until you make that call. This will just help me, more like help my wolf."

I bit my lip. If I was standing here a month ago and Caleb was telling me all this about his wolf I would have thought he had lost his damn mind. Do I agree with this? I thought to myself. "What could I really lose? I would be safer. I could bring Bastet and Taylor, and see Aurora when I wanted. It seemed like the perfect choice, but what about the deal. Could I trust to lay next to him?

I wasn't even scared about him doing anything to me or shifting and accidentally tearing me apart. The fact was that I was more scared about what I would do. What I would be tempted do. Thinking about just how easily I had let things go just moments ago had my mind contemplating the whole thing.

"Hello," Caleb's voice brought me out of my thoughts. He was facing me now waiting for my reply. "You okay love?"


"Deal." I blurted out before I could regret my answer.

He smiled wider this time hugging me in joy. My feet were only on their tippy-toes as I slowly hugged him back.

"The rogue sleeps in the guest house. No, ifs and or buts." He told me still holding me on my toes. I rolled my eyes knowing that he would add something else to the deal.

Regardless, I was still able to bring Taylor along and I was thankful for that.

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