《Deception (Book #1) ✅》~17: A Surprise ~
I'm pretty sure I failed my exam. After Taylor told me that someone was out to get me I couldn't focus on anything else.
I knew Caleb had warned me about having a rat in his pack but I didn't know that this rat would try and hire anyone to get me. Why did they want me anyways? I was a nobody human of no importance.
The constant stress that someone could be watching me at all times just waiting to pounce and take their shot at taking me was eating at my nerves. I had the urge to tell Caleb because there was this feeling I could trust him. Trust him to protect me but at the same time it just sounded unrealistic to tell him such a thing. I hardly knew him, yet wanted nothing more than to be around him too.
His presence was beginning to feel less intimidating and more allure the longer we were in the same room. It was both bothersome and breathtaking.
Once I handed in my exam answers I quickly left the room. Alex was sitting in the lobby scanning the occupants that came and left the building. Suddenly I didn't feel like he was a nuance anymore with the news. I happily accepted his overly protective nature to ensure my safety.
Seeing me exit the room, he was quick to stand up again and approach me.
"Caleb has been trying to get a hold of you." Alex said panic clearly in his voice. I had forgotten to reply to any of his texts after I talked to Taylor.
I pulled out my phone twenty-six new messages and ten missed called. My stomach dropped he was livid right now.
Eve what is going on?
Are you okay?
Please answer me.
Answer me right now I know you're with the rogue!
I won't kill her if that makes you happy. I just want to know you are alright.
Many of the following texts were similar banter of curse words and threats directed to Taylor. I was really going to have to tell him she wasn't someone they should worry about, before he plots to kill her.
The last message however was completely different. It wasn't angry but for some reason it made my heart speed up more than the other as I read it.
I'm on my way to your class. We need to talk.
Alex must have watched as my expression changed as I read the many messages.
"He's worried about you Lu- Evelyn." His voice made me tuck my phone away. There was no use in texting back he was probably already here. He sent that over a half hour ago and I was to busy taking my exam to look at my phone. All I could do was prepare myself for his arrival. Alex must have told him I was busy with my exam.
"I can tell," I muttered tucking my hands in my pocket and began to walk towards the exit. I was trying to keep my composure but the fact that Alex said something to Caleb was bothering me so much. I stopped and turned on my heels, Alex walked into me nearly making me fall over. He was much taller than me and I was honestly surprised I hadn't fallen. "Why did you have to say something?" The frustration in my voice was hard to hide and frankly I wasn't trying to hide it all that well.
As I saw it, I had nothing to really lose with a whole crowd of supernaturals now out looking for me. Why watch my tone? I was a measly human anyways.
Alex looked shocked from my sudden stop and my sudden frustration directed at him. We hardly talked other than when he got a bad feeling about someone or something. Even then it was mostly him that talked I would normally just nod my head and keep it moving.
"What do you mean? I-" I cut him off knowing exactly what he was going to say. He was going to tell me that he was only doing what he was ordered to do by Caleb. Why wasn't Caleb looking over me? Why did he have his friend do it instead? Was I really as important to him as he said I was?
"Yeah, I know you are only doing what you're told. But I've told you before that Taylor isn't someone you have to worry about." I reminded him, my patience and my nerves dwindling with every second. The news earlier was eating away at me. The fact I haven't crumbled to the floor in millions of pieces was a feat in itself.
"The Alpha doesn't like-" Alex wasn't able to finish his sentence as a new uninvited presence was felt.
I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. The many college girls that were once talking amongst themselves in the lobby grew quiet as they gawked at the man beside me. Their once eyeballing gaze turned to jealousy however as Caleb grabbed my hand.
The tingles that followed our hands touching were heavenly but it wasn't the tingles that made me furrow my eyebrows together. It was the sense of tranquility that washed over me and my once wrecked nerves and frustration were none existent. Only the knowledge of the bounty rested in my head, not the stress that followed as a consequence of knowing this news.
"You're dismissed, Alex." Caleb nodded towards the door and Alex was quick to leave. The tone that Caleb used would have made anyone hurry along, it held such authority.
We stood there a moment. I looked down at our hands wondering to myself why I hadn't pulled my hand away. I should have I told myself, but the sheer amount of comfort and security that I was getting by just this gesture had me reconsidering.
After what felt like hours but I was sure was only a few seconds Caleb turned to look at me. His sapphire blue eyes looked over my face searching for any scrape, cut, or bruise that Taylor may have left. She would never hurt me, so there were none of course.
When he couldn't find any he led me outside past the few people in the lobby that were watching us. The amount of lust-filled eyes that looked at him made me conscious of his appearance.
He was wearing dark faded slim-fit jeans that weren't too tight on his tighs, a light blue collared dress shirt, and brown dress ankle boots. His stubble of a beard was cleanly trimmed and cut. His dark hair was pushed to the side but in a messy yet perfect way.
I was so indulged in his appearance that I hadn't noticed that he brought me to his car in the nearby parking lot. This was my only class for the day, I had one six o'clock night class. Caleb knew this as he opened the door to the sedan for me to get in the car. I didn't refuse as I got in feeling much safer in the confines of the car than I did in the open campus.
Caleb was quick to get in and we took off. I wasn't sure where we were going but as crazy as it sounds I wasn't all that concerned about it. Again, like always I should have felt timid and stand-offish, but I didn't.
I bit my lip nervously as we stopped at a stop light a few minutes after we left campus.
"Eve," He started to say making my jump. "I'm only saying this because I care about your safety. I would really like you to reconsider your friendship with her." He brought Taylor up himself saving me the burden of having to try and bring that up in conversation myself.
"I'm not reconsidering." I flatly told him. "Is this why you picked me up?"
He had never picked me up before. The awkwardness between us both showed as Caleb was trying not to seem intimidating. His attempt was futile though being a six foot plus tall man, with bulging muscles, piercing eyes and a aura that screamed danger, it's pretty hard not to look intimidating.
"Yes and no." He replied. The way he brushes off my answer had me thinking he didn't mind my reply. If it weren't for his clinched hands on the steering wheel that made his knuckles white I would have believed my answer didn't bother him. "I have a surprise for you."
My heart sped up fearing the possible surprise he had in store.
"Relax, it's a good surprise, I hope you like it." He told me glancing over at me with a hurt expression. The grip on the steering wheel relaxed.
Whenever I felt panicked by him or scared he would often feel or look hurt by it. I tried to understand this mate bond thing and from the little that Caleb had told me it was something stronger than love itself. He explained it was like joining together at the hip more than less but with each other's mind and soul. He left out the part about being joined at the hip literally and the mark.
I gulped thinking about it again. Looking at his mouth I thought back to seeing him as a wolf and how sharp and long those canines were.
"What do you mean a surprise?" I questioned looking at him and all his perfection.
If this man really was mine and I was his I was one lucky ass girl. Caleb looked like a model straight out of a Calvin Klein magazine ad. I internally groaned as I just couldn't bring myself to be okay with liking him. It didn't help either that everyday I would see him and the feeling of liking him grew each time.
Caleb chuckled at my question. Geez that laugh was attractive I couldn't help the glimmer of a smile the crept on my face. He saw it out the corner of his eye and smiled wider.
"It wouldn't be a surprise now would it if I told you?" He told me. Before I could reply he slowly let his right arm rest on the center console and let his hand fall over on my side of the car. His large palm was stretched out asking for my hand.
I studied it not sure if I should accept the interaction or not. It isn't like he was going to hurt me, he couldn't. Caleb explained that too, that if one mate died the other would feel it and fall apart essentially, since they lose their other half.
Slowly I placed my hand in his. We didn't interlock fingers but Caleb's hand swallowed mine as he held it with such care. Tingles enveloped my palm and fingers sending that same sense of pleasure and comfort through out my body. I assumed this was part of being mates.
The ride wasn't very long. As I sat silently my mind a havoc mess with the information Taylor had given me. Throughout the car ride I contemplated telling Caleb but Taylor's warning not to, held me back. I trusted her. I need to trust her there wasn't many other options for me and this was my life.
I imagined the surprise to be anywhere but where we pulled up.
"My apartment?" Perplexed I withdrew my hand to open the door of the car. Caleb was quick to grab the door from me... being a gentleman I see. Blushing a little I stepped out and into the building.
"You'll see." Was all he said close behind.
Even though I only just started to talk more with him my heart thudded against my chest with anticipation.
I was antsy the whole elevator rid biting my lip unable to conceal just how much I was looking forward to seeing the surprise. The fact that I wasn't even trying to hid my excitement from Caleb was like a breath of fresh air for him. He looked thrilled and just as excited as I was though he only showed that with the slight upturned corners of his mouth.
One thing I picked up on about him was that he was great at hiding his emotions and expressions around everyone. That is, except from me... he was like an open book. I just had to be willing to flip through the pages to read his whole story.
Soon we were at my apartment door I went to pull my apartment key from my lanyard but was stopped. Caleb stopped me, putting his own key in the lock, turning the knob and pushing the door open.
What I saw inside took me by surprise, duh Evelyn that's the whole point.
Inside were lime green and purple balloons. In and amongst the regular balloons were two giant ones. One was shaped as a two and the other as a one. On the tiny two seating dining table was a small round red velvet cake with the words Happy Birthday Eve.
"I- I don't know what to-" The blush I was already wearing grew as I tried to find my voice and words to say.
"You don't have to say anything." Caleb said grinning wide when he saw how happy I was becoming. He grabbed my hand pulling my gently inside the apartment. I hadn't even noticed I was still standing outside until then, dumbstruck by his surprise. "I know your birthday was ruined, so I wanted to try and give you one... one that didn't involve a strip club and guns."
"Or being kidnapped." I added raising an eyes brow. "Don't forget that part."
Caleb rubbed the back of his neck nervously as I pointed out the part of my birthday ruined that was his doing. Didn't want him thinking I had just all forgot about that.
"Sorry... about that." He mumbled apologetically.
I was about to say more but there was a little lilac box on the table. A gift?
Seeing where my eyes were trained on Caleb pulled away from me and to the small rectangular box. The tingles subsided and a part of me ached to have them back. I wouldn't admit that to him though. I was risking a lot already as I kept noticing how more of me craved him.
"It's a gift... for you." I've never seen Caleb look so jittery. He didn't seem the type to act in such a way. He was always up tight and aggressive with dominance lathered on for good measure.
Was I making him like this? Little ole me was making six foot plus werewolf man nervous? The thought was amusing and I began to chuckle a little.
His eyes snapped to mine when he heard my chuckle like he had heard the most amazing thing. I instantly stopped, and coughed to keep from making a fool of myself. Tucking a loss strand of hair from my face I reached for the box.
Caleb didn't hand it to me though as he looked like he was stuck in some sort of trans. As he stood their momentarily I could see his eyes swirling with black and blue the intricate display breathtaking. I nudged his hand that held the present and he finally snapped out of it closing his eyes and reopening them once again. The once swirling pattern was gone.
"Here, open it. I hope you like it."
I took the box and took off my back pack putting it on the ground. The dead weight was killing my shoulders.
Slowly I pulling the white ribbon that was tied around the lilac box. Taking the lid of the rectangular gift it revealed a gold chained necklace with a glass circle pendent. Studying the pendant I noticed a purple flower, a yellow flower and a black and red tinted flower. The mixture of colors was... odd.
As if reading my mind Caleb spoke up.
"The flowers are plants that can help protect you." I looked up at him wondering how plants could possibly help me against a werewolf. "The yellow one," He came closer to me hovering over me as I held the pendant up to the light "-is witch hazel. It'll prevent most witches from being able to put a spell on you. The black is Tacca, it's to prevent Vampires from biting you and injecting their venom. If they do it'll poison them long enough for you to escape without giving them enough time to us their venom."
I brought the pendent down from the light, looking down as I slid my thumb over the smooth glass. It wasn't really a gift after all. It was a device to keep me safe. Just another reminder that I am on the most wanted listed in the supernatural world. I rolled my lips in my mouth trying not to think about the bounty. It would only bring me to tears. Or worse an anxiety attack.
"Hey," Caleb whispered noticing my mood change. He put a finger under my chin lifting my face to look up at him. "You don't have to worry about anyone hurting you. I have people stacked out wherever you go. No one will ever get close enough to touch you."
I should tell him the new Taylor told me, but I couldn't. I couldn't risk ruining whatever plan Taylor had in mind. Not just yet anyways. I was safe for now and Caleb was here.
I nodded my head in reply to him trying to suppress the itch to tell him everything I new. How a bounty was on my head to find me and to do god knows what to me. Now isn't the time Evelyn. But what if something happens. That's what the necklace is for now I reminded myself.
A big sigh brought me back to the real world.
"You don't have to wear it. I'm sorry I even brought it up. I just thought-"
I pulled my face away from his finger. Pulling my hair back and out of my face I handed him the necklace.
"Can you put it on for me?" I asked watching as a faint smile began to appear.
I felt the cool gold chain fall against the base of my neck. His long fingers attached the catch of the necklace with ease. Trailing his fingers shyly over the skin on my neck, a delicate array of tingles danced along his touch. A small hum emanated from my throat, catching me off guard.
I cleared my throat stepping back from him feeling the brief touch electrifying.
There was a long pause between us stunned at the noise I had made. Trying to break the suffocating silence I looked at the pendent.
"What's the purple flower for?" I asked hoping to change the topic and forget about the brief intimate moment we just shared.
"Uh-" His eyes were now charcoal black looking more animalistic then ever before. I had to buy my cheek to keep from whimpering in sheer panic. "-that one is wolfsbane. It's poisonous to us werewolves. If one were to bite you it'd be the same thing as if a vampire would bite you. It'll buy you time to escape."
I thought back to what Taylor shared with me about how werewolf mates bit each other to claim and mark who is theirs. Would this keep him from marking me? I wondered. If so I'll gladly wear it all the time.
"Enough about the necklace we should eat this cake. I didn't buy just to look at it." He joked taking the plastic lid of the case.
As Caleb searched for a knife to cut the cake I couldn't help but think over about everything that had happened today. I should have been shitting myself at the fact I was wanted and a rat in his pack wanted me dead or worse tortured. Yet, here I was enjoying a small cake and birthday celebration with none other than Caleb.
He was trying to make up for everything that came along with being his mate. Thinking about it more I realized he was honestly trying to win me over based on his actions and gift. He wouldn't have given my the necklace if he thought I wouldn't be hanging around.
Contemplating all this while stuffing my face with a slice of cake I forced myself to have an open mind about all this.
Maybe, just maybe I can actually accept all this.
That was a big maybe.
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